Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Gelato Beach

Mirror Madness! Tilt, Slam, Bam!

By DaKingKoopa

Mario: I'm getting tired of collecting Shines. Let's go to Gelato Beach again!

Luigi: For once, Mario, that's a great idea!

Mario and Luigi enter the M on the lighthouse and arrive at Gelato Beach.


Mario and Luigi: What is it now?

Pianta: It's terrible! That big caterpillar thing just made its way up to the top of the Sand Bird Temple and took a nap! If it continues to stay up there, the Sand Bird will perish!

Mario and Luigi look up and see that its Wiggler.

Mario: Ok, we'll get that caterpillar off of there!

Pianta: There may be something with those Cataquacks up there on the mirrors. See if you can defeat them!

Mario and Luigi look up to see the three mirrors with one, two, and three Cataquacks on each mirror.

Luigi: Ok, we'll get on it!

Pianta: Oh, thank you! Now go help the Sand Bird egg!

Mario and Luigi go across the beach and see a dead end with a weed sticking out of the ground in front of them.

FLUDD2: Try squirting that weed with your Squirt Nozzle.

Mario and Luigi both switch to their Squirt modes and spray water at the weed, thus making a staircase to the ampitheatre appear.

Mario: I think this is the best way to get to those mirrors! Let's go!

Mario and Luigi climb up and go to the right to see a Cataquack atop of the mirror.

FLUDD2: Try using the Hover Nozzle to get to that mirror.

Mario and Luigi both switch to their hover modes and hover to the mirror.

FLUDD2: If you spray them to one side of the mirror and Ground Pound the other side, maybe you can defeat them!

Mario and Luigi do as told and switch to their squirt modes and spray the Cataquack to one side of the mirror.

FLUDD2: It has lost balance! Now's your chance! Hurry, though!

Mario and Luigi run to the other side of the mirror, then Ground Pound it so that the Cataquack is flung off. Then Mario and Luigi quickly switch to their hover modes and hover to where they came from as the mirror points to the sphere atop the temple.

FLUDD2: Good job! Only two more to go!

Mario: But how are we going to get back up there?

FLUDD2: Just use the staircase again, Mario.

Mario: Oh, ok!

Mario and Luigi climb up the staircase again and go to the middle mirror, which has two Cataquacks on it.

FLUDD2: Just do what you did last time!

Mario: I think we should team up to defeat both of them at the same time.

Mario and Luigi spray the Cataquacks to the far and right sides of the mirror, then they both do a Ground Pound on the remaining sides of the mirror. Both Cataquacks go flying at the same time as Mario and Luigi jump off the mirror and the reflection comes in contact with the sphere like the last one.

FLUDD2: Excellent! Only one more mirror to go!

Mario looks up at the last mirror.

Mario: Three Cataquacks?! I think we can handle this like last time!

Mario and Luigi climb up the staircase yet again and go on the last mirror, which is to the right.

Mario: Now, let's spray all these Cataquacks to the same side!

Mario and Luigi spray the Cataquacks to the left side of the mirror and then they Ground Pound the opposite side as the mirror's reflection comes in contact with the sphere. The Wiggler breaks apart and falls off the temple and Mario and Luigi jump off the mirror to where the Pianta is.

Pianta: Good job, both of you! Here's a Shine Sprite to commemorate your victory!

The Pianta throws a Shine up into the air as Mario and Luigi jump to get the Shine. Mario grabs it and does the Shine Dance.

Luigi: Darn! And I was so close, too!

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