Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Gelato Beach

The Sand Bird is Born

By Crazy Bowser

Mario and Luigi have entered the portal to Gelato Beach and look around to see a Pianta dancing.

Mario: What’s up with you?

Pianta: Absolutely nothing my good man! The Sand Bird has woken up and hatched out of the egg!

Mario and Luigi look around.

Luigi: I don’t see the Sand Bird!

Pianta: Well, you’re bright; the Sand Bird took off high into the sky, who knows where it will go next?

Mario: Hmm… I wonder, maybe the Sand Bird can help us find the Shine Sprites?

Luigi: Yeah, how do we get to it though?

Both brothers sit thinking for a moment…

Mario: Perhaps we should have a drink while thinking over this.

At the bar at the other end of the beach, staring at a Shine Sprite that is stuck in a blender, they ponder the problem.

Pianta at the Bar: Wanna know a secret?

Mario: If it helps us get to the Sand Bird then yeah!

Pianta: They say that to merely touch the Sand Bird egg is to be nearer to the Sand Bird itself! Maybe you should try getting up there! I wonder what is actually up there?

Luigi gets scared and dives under a table.

Pianta: Oh, don’t worry; I doubt there are ghosts up there. You should go up and check it out, but there’s a slight problem…

Mario: I know, we can’t get up.

Pianta: Exactly, and none of the Piantas around here are Chucksters, so you’ll have to figure out a way to get up there.

Mario thinks for a while… suddenly a lightbulb appears over his head!

Mario: Luigi! I have an idea, come on!

Later on, Mario and Luigi are looking around.

Luigi: What exactly are looking for?

Mario: Something with a powerful arm.

Luigi: Hang on, we want to get up high, and there are no Piantas strong enough to do it… Hey Mario, what about if we got a Cataquack?

Mario: Are you absolutely in… wait, that could work…

A moment later, a Cataquack is standing next to Mario and Luigi. They explain what’s going on and the blue Cataquack agrees.

Mario: Ok, test throw! Is the test subject in place?

Luigi: Who is the test subject?

The Cataquack runs towards Luigi and flips him up into where the Sand Bird egg is. Luigi accidentally goes flying into the open Sand Bird egg and disappears.

FLUDD: Excellent work, now we must go too!

Mario runs at the Cataquack, who flips him to the Sand Bird egg, Mario vanishes and reappears on a cloud.

Mario: Where are we?

FLUDD: Sensors indicate that our current position is directly above Gelato Beach, just below the O-Zone Layer – And I am getting a very large life-reading!

Mario and Luigi look around and spot the Sand Bird!

Luigi: Look at the size of that thing!

Mario: Get on its back!

Mario and Luigi jump onto the Sand Bird’s back as it passes. The Sand Bird flies on, ignoring them.

FLUDD2: There are some red coins on here; I think we should grab them.

Mario runs towards a red coin, grabs it, and runs back.

Mario: Just like that!

Luigi: That Mario thinks he’s so great, just wait…

Luigi runs to another red coin and back.

Mario: Erm… Luigi?

Luigi: Yeah?

Mario: You’re supposed to grab the red coins!

Luigi: Oh yeah, I forgot!

The Mario Bros. run around grabbing coins until…

Mario: Wait a second, there’s something wrong here…

Luigi: Huh?

Mario: There’s only six red coins here, there’s supposed to be eight!

Luigi: Huh?

FLUDD: My Sensors have shown that a metallic, red object is on top of the tower in the center of the room.

Luigi: Huh?

FLUDD2: I have also scanned a similar object on a cloud that we will pass in approximately 30 seconds.

Luigi: Huh?

Mario: Luigi, I’ll get the coin that’s coming around the corner, you ride the Sand Bird to the top of the tower!

Luigi: Oh boy…

Mario leaps onto the cloud and grabs the red coin. A red number 7 appears above his head.

Luigi: Mario!

Mario: Get to that final coin!

Luigi sits on the Sand Bird’s neck and rides it all the way to the top of the tower, absolutely terrified, and can’t seem to let go of the Sand Bird.

Mysterious Voice: Luigi, you can do anything if you put your mind to it!

Luigi: Huh?

Luigi jumps off the Sand Bird onto the tower and grabs the red coin. A number 8 and a Shine appear above his head!

Luigi: Huh? Oh yeah! I get to do the Shine Sprite Dance!

Luigi does the Shine Dance, grabbing the Shine, causing Mario and Luigi to warp out.

Sand Bird: My plan is working perfectly! Now, I laugh hysterically! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The Sand Bird flies into the distance, laughing hysterically.

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