Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Gelato Beach

Red Coins in the Coral Reef

By Super Mario

Mario: I'm reeeeeeally tired.

Luigi: Yeah. Defeating Petey Piranha for the second time, throwing Gooper Blooper in polluted water twice, beating up a giant manta, all in one day...

Mario: I need a break. Let's go to Gelato Beach for a smoothie.

The Mario Bros. head to the lighthouse and jump into the M.

Mario: Hey, pal, how's it goin'?

Pianta: Hey, guys. Somebody found something sparkling in the Coral Reef.

Mario: Sparkle? Eh, what color was the sparkle exactly?

Pianta: Red.

Brothers: RED COINS!

The Marios head to their two good Noki friends who, as always, are sitting on the beach.

Noki Boy: Hey, Mario, hey, Luigi.

Noki Girl: We're looking at the Coral Reef.

Mario and Luigi: WHERE IS THE CORAL REEF?!

Noki: Near the smoothie shop.

Mario: Smoothies are what we came here for in the first place!

Luigi: What? Do I see what I think I see? A Yoshi egg! I'll go get it.

Noki Boy: Wait, two problems: One, there's a Cheep cheep out there that will pull you to the bottom of the surface. Two, Yoshis dematerialize in water.

Mario and Luigi: Oh, yeah!

Luigi: Those Yoshis need to learn how to swim.

Noki Boy: Um...

Noki Girl: Bye bye.

Mario: We gots some red coins ta collect!

Luigi: Yeah!

Mario and Luigi swim over to the Coral Reef.

Mario: Hey, look at the red fish!

Luigi: One of them is a red coin!

Mario: Swim after it!

Luigi swims toward the red fish but they get scared and all of them including the red coin split up. Luigi goes after it.

Luigi: Gotcha! Your turn, Mario!

Mario sees another pack of red fish with a coin and they spread out. Mario goes after the coin and gets it.

Mario: Yes! But... those are the only red fish.

Luigi: Mario, look! There's some in here!

Luigi spots red coins near the bottom of the Coral Reef. They spread out and both get two.

Mario: Now, where are those last two?

They then see some red coins hidden in some spots. They collect the coins and a Shine Sprite appears.

Mario: I'll get it!

Mario climbs up, gets the Shine Sprite, and does the Shine Dance.

Mario: Woohoo!

Luigi: On to the next Shine! And we didn't get dragged underwater by the Cheep Cheep!

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