Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Gelato Beach

100 Coins

By Ludwig 222

Mario and Luigi are laying on Delfino Plaza's beach, taking a break.

Mario: Hey, Luigi, what Shine should we get next?

Luigi: How about the 100-coin Shine in Gelato Beach?

Mario: Sure!

Mario and Luigi walk over to the lighthouse.

Mario: What Episode should we go to to get 100 coins?

Luigi: Episode 8. I believe there are a lot of coins in that one.

Mario: Let's go then!

The Mario Bros. enter the M on the lighthouse and appear in Gelato Beach.

Mario: Okay, Luigi, here's our plan. I will go up into the cliffside to find coins, while you stay down here on the beach looking for coins. Is that okay?

Luigi: Yep.

Mario runs across the beach and heads to the cliffside. Meanwhile, Luigi has stepped on the beach itself.

Luigi: Hmm.... maybe these Red Cataquacks give off coins.

Luigi squirts the first Red Cataquack he sees, then jumps on it, getting a coin. He does this to every Red Cataquack on the beach.

Luigi: I wonder if I can get rid of these Cataquacks for good...

Luigi spots a Dune Bud.

Luigi: That's it! I'm a genius!

Luigi lures a Red Cataquack over to a Dune Bud. The Cataquack trips over it and falls. Luigi squirts the Dune Bud and a giand sand pyramid comes out, flinging Luigi and the Cataquack into the air.

Luigi: Whhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Luigi lands face-first in the sand.

Luigi: Ouch...

Luigi gets up and starts to defeat all the other Red Cataquacks this way. Eventually, there are no more Red Cataquacks on the beach.

Luigi: Finally, no more Cataquacks...

Luigi spots another Cataquack on a grassy ledge. He goes over to it, lures it down the small grassy slope, and leads it to a Dune Bud. He squirts the Dune Bud, destroying the Cataquack. He is able to get away from the Dune Bud before the sand pyramid pops up, so he is unharmed by it.

Luigi: I wonder what Mario's doing...

Meanwhile, Mario is squirting Cataquacks on the plateau. He eventually gets all the coins from them. He then tries to lure one off of the plateau, but it turns around when it reaches the edge.

Mario: Hmm... These Cataquacks are too smart to do something like that. I might as well leave them alone.

Luigi: Hey, Mario!

Mario: What?

Luigi: How many coins do you have?

Mario: 11. What about you?

Luigi: 15. That's 26 coins. Only 74 more to go!

Mario: Let's refill our FLUDDs!

Luigi: Okay.

Mario and Luigi jump into the water near the smoothie bar and refill their FLUDDs. Luigi decides to swim under the smoothie bar and finds seven more coins.

Luigi: I found seven more coins!

Mario: Okay. Let's find more coins! I'll go back to the plateau to find more. You find some down here.

Luigi: Okay. Hey, maybe this watermelon gives off coins...

Luigi slides into the watermelon, it pops and a coin appears. Luigi does this nine more times, collecting each coin. The 11th time, the watermelon pops but no coins appear.

Luigi: I'll just roll this to the smoothie bar for some more coins!

Luigi rolls the watermelon on the bridge to the smoothie bar, but it gets too close to the edge and falls off.)

Luigi: I'll try again.

Luigi goes back to the watermelon, rolling it successfully to the smoothie bar.

Pianta: Oh, no, no, NO! That's too small. Tiny, really. I'll guess I'll have to choose one of those three over there...

Ten coins appear, and Luigi collects all of them.

Luigi: I remember another watermelon on the other side of the beach...

Luigi goes over to that watermelon, collect ten coins by sliding into it, then rolls it over the the smoothie bar.

Pianta: Hmm... Well, that's not bad. But not great, either. It's not bigger than any of those three over there...

Ten more coins appear, and Luigi collects them all.

Luigi: Okay. I've got 40 coins now, plus the 33 coins Mario and I had earlier... that equals 73 coins! Twenty-seven more to go!

Luigi triple-jumps up the slope near the smoothie bar and finds two more coins behind a piece of ground sticking out.

Luigi: 75 coins!

Luigi Wall Kicks between the wall and the piece of ground sticking out. He follows a brick path, hovers over pits, and finds Mario in a stadium-like area.)

Luigi: Hey, Mario, we have 75 coins altogether!

Mario: Plus the 14 coins I've found over here, for a total of 89 coins! 11 more to go!

Mario and Luigi drop down to the plateau with Red Cataquacks. Mario Side Somersaults and hovers onto a ledge with six coins and a Rocket Nozzle. He decides to skip the Rocket Nozzle.

Mario: Five more to go!

Luigi enters the beach house, and looks at the ceiling to find four more coins. He Side Somersaults to them.

Luigi: 99 coins!

Mario: One more to go!

Luigi: There's coins above the umbrella up there!

Mario: Let's go there then!

Mario and Luigi go onto the plateau. They both then Side Somersault, Wall Kick off the Sand Bird's Tower, and hover into a tree with a sleeping Cataquack.

Mario: (whispering to Luigi) Now, Luigi, you be very quiet now, you hear?

Luigi: Okay.

Mario Side Somersaults from the tree and hovers into the 100th coin. The Shine appears back on the beach.

Luigi: My Shine!

Luigi trips out of the tree he was on and falls off. Mario jumps from tree to tree, then jumps down onto the beach. He runs toward the Shine and jumps into it. He then does the Shine Dance.

Luigi: (getting up) Onto the next Shine!

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