Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Main Objectives

Shadow Mario and the Rocket Nozzle

By Mario

Mario and Luigi are walking along the beach to the market to buy some fruit.

Mario: 30 Shine Sprites! Can you believe it? We're a fourth of the way there!

Luigi: You know, this calls for a fruit break.

Mario and Luigi show up at the market and find Shadow Mario holding a nozzle.

FLUDD2: It's the Rocket Nozzle! With it, you can blast into the air like, well, a rocket.

Shadow Mario notices the heroes and makes a break for the lighthouse. Mario runs after him but falls down a nearby manhole.

Mario: Mama-miAAAAA!!!

Luigi continues to chase Shadow Mario in Mario's place. Shadow Mario Wall Kicks off the lighthouse and jumps onto one of the nearby platforms. Luigi jumps on the platform next to him and sprays Shadow Mario from a distance. Eventually, Shadow Mario falls and drops the Rocket Nozzle. Shadow Mario runs off, disappearing around the corner. Luigi grabs the Rocket Nozzle and equips it. Luigi runs back to Mario, who has been lifted out of the manhole.

Mario: La madre, i miei ansiti sembrano bruciare. Voglio della pasta.

Luigi: Aw great! He's rambling in Italian.

Mario: Come lei non avrebbe patuto vendere il piangendo fatto di e riccio?! Non era peccato finché il pavimento ha iniziata a mangiare loro! Se non erano per gli insetti di bacca sareimorto!

Luigi: Oh no... He's getting worse.

Pianta: Why do you say that?

FLUUD2: What did he say?

Luigi: You don't want to know.

Pianta: Come on! It can't be that bad.

Luigi: Well, he roughy said this: "How could you have not seen the crying midgets made of paste and curly hair?! It wasn't too bad until the floor began to eat them! If it weren't for the berry bugs I would have died!"

Everyone besides Luigi and Mario: ...

Luigi: We need to get him to a hospital!

Mario: Nessuno bisongo, Luigi. Penso che esco da esso!

Luigi: What was that?

Mario: *shakes head* I say, no need, Luigi. I think I'm getting out of this.

Luigi: It's good you're back!

Mario: Hey! You got the Rocket Nozzle!

Luigi: Yeah! He didn't stand a chance! I wonder how high this will take me-EEEEE!!!

Luigi suddenly rockets to the top of a building.

Luigi: Wow! That's something!

FLUDD2: Let's find its nozzle boxes around the island so we know where they are in case we need them.

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