Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Pinna Park

Red Coins of the Pirate Ships

By Super Mario

Mario: Hey, Luigi, why don't we go see if Pinna Park is open yet? After all, that stupid Monty Mole is gone already.

Luigi: Yeah.

Mario walks up to the cannon and blasts out. Luigi tries to follow but the cannon breaks down.

Luigi: Noo!

Pianta: Hey, I'm a professional, maybe I could fix it! But it'll cost you 20 coins.

Luigi: Hmm, what should I lose...? Brother or money? Brother or money? Brother or...

Mario crash lands into the entrance of Pinna Park.

Mario: Ow! Wait a minute. WHERE'S LUIGI?

Buckie: Don't you mean Where's Waldo?

Mario: Would you just leave me alone? Hey! Three questions in a row, none of them answered!

The park director walks up to Mario.

Park Director: Hello, Mario, have you tried the Pirate Ships? It's our most popular ride!

Mario: Really? Wow! Hey... that glitter... I know that glitter! Red coins! Gotta get the red coins!

Mario runs right past the man in charge of the Pirate Ships and starts collecting red coins.

Mario: Whee!

Noki: Wait, every three rocks, the Pirate Ships make full rotations! You'll fall in the water!


Noki: They never listen.

Mario: Okay, there's that last one up there on the ship. If I can get back on to it before it rotates fully again, I can get it.

Mario hovers back onto the Pirate Ships and gets another red coin.

Mario: 4, 5, 6... Huh? I only have 6! There's two missing!

Mario spots three Electro-Koopas with unremovable shells on the top Roller Coaster gate near the ships guarding the seventh red coin.

Mario: Maybe water will distract them.

Mario walks up to the top gate, spraying water at the improved Electro-Koopas, and gets the seventh red coin.

Mario: Now where's that last one?

Mario suddenly sees two of the new Electro-Koopas upside down on the lowest gate guarding the final red coin, both on one side of it.

Mario: Oh no! Hopefully, the water will distract them!

But Mario can't spray while holding onto a gate. He can't reach the handle to make FLUDD squirt. So when Mario tries to walk past, they wake up and electrocute Mario, causing him to fall into the Pirate Ships' water.

Mario: Now how will I get that coin?

Luigi suddenly blasts over the gate and crashes into the red coin.

Luigi: What'd I miss?

Mario: Luigi!

With the collecting of the final coin, a Shine Sprite appears, and Luigi grabs it, doing the Shine Dance.

Luigi: I don't know why we got this, but at least it's ours now! Hug me, brother!

Luigi squeezes Mario so tight, that he makes him look like he's been on a diet for 15 months.

Mario: Luigi... I... can't... breathe...

Luigi doesn't hear Mario, who ends up suffocating.

Luigi: Mario?

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