Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Pinna Park

100 Coins

By Ludwig 222

Mario: Want to get that 100-coin Shine in Pinna Park over with?

Luigi: I guess so. Let's do Episode 2. We'll just repeatedly spray Bullet Bills until we get 100 coins!

Mario: Good idea! Let's jump into the cannon!

Mario and Luigi jump in the cannon one after another. They land face-first in the concrete.

Mario and Luigi: Ow!

Mario starts squirting Bullet Bills, getting coins. Luigi is squirting the sand for more coins. After half an hour, they finally reach 100 coins. The Shine appears over at the start point. Mario, being closer to it, grabs it and does the Shine Sprite Dance.

Mario: On to the next Shine, as always!

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