Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Sirena Beach

The Hotel Lobby's Secret

By Brandon

Mario and Luigi hve just arrived back in Delfino Plaza.

Luigi: Whew! *wipes sweat from his brow* This is hard work!

FLUDD: I'll say!

FLUDD2: Let's take a break.

Mario: We still need some Shines. Let's go back on Sirena Beach!

Luigi: Okay. As long as if there are no more Mantas and no electric goop.

Mario and Luigi jump into the pipe to Sirena Beach and appear on the beach. Mario walks up to a Noki.

Mario: Huh? Why are you still here?

Noki: The hotel is not ready for opening! Or that's what the manager said...

FLUDD2: Luigi! Speak to the Hotel Manager!

Luigi: Let's enter the hotel!

They walk up to the Manager.

Manager: Hey Mario and Luweegi! It's Mario and Luweegi, right?


FLUDD2: Um...

FLUDD: *anime sweatdrop*

Luigi gets so mad he blows up for no reason and loses a life.

Mario x 6, 8 Health
Luigi x 5, 8 Health
0 Coins

Mario: Well, um... What were you saying?

Manager: Well... The hotel is full of... full of ghosts! And I'm not lieing.


Mario: Um... Let's go inside.

Mario and Luigi enter the hotel. Suddenly, the Piano Metal Cap music starts. Mario and Luigi see pink Boos and white Boos.

Luigi: Dang my fear of ghosts!

Mario squirts a pink Boo and it turns into a platform. Luigi does the same thing with another. They continue until Luigi sees a totem pole that features a Boo opening its mouth with a blue portal.

Luigi: Huh?

Luigi jumps into it. Mario follows.

The No FLUDD Zone music starts as Mario and Luigi get their FLUDDs stolen by Shadow Mario.

FLUDD: I hateeeeee old school stageeeeesssssssss.

FLUDD2: &$%^$#%#!!!

Luigi and Mario fall into a Super Mario Brothers Old School Stage.

Luigi: Hmm...

Luigi jumps on the Stus and jumps high enough to reach the platform above them. Mario side-somersaults onto the platform. Luigi and Mario jump on the flying enemies to reach a platform with some blocks and watermelon blocks.

Mario: How do we get up?

Luigi jumps, wall kicks, and spin jumps under the blocks until they are all gone. Mario and Luigi wall kick up the blocks. Both of them fall onto the sand blocks below the high sand blocks and take 2 hit points of damage.

Mario Health: 6/8
Luigi Health: 6/8

They run and jump across the Sand Cubes and past the watermelon blocks, over the rotating gear and onto the sand cubes. They do all sorts of combos like side somersaults, triple jumps, and jumps until Mario runs into the Shine. Mario does the Shine Dance.

Mario: Wahoo!

Luigi: Onto the next Shine!

Mario and Luigi are transported back to Delfino Plaza with the FLUDDs.

FLUDD: Wahoo!

FLUDD2: I wonder why we can't enter Old School Stages the first time...

Mario: I wanna know too...

Luigi: That would be too easy.

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