Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Sirena Beach

Mysterious Hotel Delfino

By Mario

Mario and Luigi land on the beach, hoping to find another Shine Sprite, and walk up to the hotel doors.

Manager: Mario! Luigi! I'm glad you're here! Come in! I found something you might like.

Mario and Luigi follow the manager into the hotel and go up the stairs behind him. At the pool window, Mario and Luigi gasp.

Manager: I see you saw the Shine Sprite in the pool. I found it while cleaning up some goop. The Shine Sprite is yours for the taking. The problem is that my new guard is a little confused with my instructions and won't let anyone in the pool. You need to find a way to get in there through the attic.

Mario: How do we get to the attic?

Manager: That's you're problem, not mine. The reason I'm saying the attic is that there are loose tiles in the third floor rooms' ceilings leading to the attic. However, there is a squad of Boos in the attic. Be careful!

Mario and Luigi run into a nearby bedroom and jump on the bed into the attic. They navigate through the maze, defeating Boos along the way. Unfortunately, a giant Sleeping Boo blocks a tunnel. Mario and Luigi try to spray and jump on it, but to no avail.

FLUDD2: The only thing that can defeat a Sleeping Boo is a Yoshi. Find a Yoshi and have it eat the Sleeping Boo.

Mario and Luigi leave the attic, run downstairs, and notice a giant egg.

Mario: YOSHI! He wants a pineapple?

Luigi: Too bad! There's no pineapples on the fruit bar.

Mario and Luigi run into a bathroom and notice some weird blue gunk on the ceiling. Both Brothers jump into it and appear in the bathtub upstairs.

Pianta: EEEEEKKK!!!

Mario and Luigi trip over their feet while running out of the bathroom. After a minute to calm down, they find a dead end.

FLUDD: Mario, Luigi, spray the painting. It is painted with a ghost-like paint that makes it possible to jump through the wall it hangs on when wet.

Mario and Luigi spray the painting and a Boo appears on it like a signal. Mario and Luigi jump through the wall and encounter a Noki couple.

Female Noki: EEKK! A ghost! Make it go away!

Knowing what to do, the Mario Bros. spray around the room until three Boos appear. The duo jump on the ghosts one-by-one until they're all gone.

Female Noki: Ohh... Thanks for getting rid of those ghosts.

Male Noki: Here, I'll tell you a hint on how to continue through. Spray the closet until it opens a secret passage to the next room.

Mario and Luigi do so and enter the next room. The next room is full of Pink Boos.

Luigi: When will it end? I'm still shaking off the mansion experience.

Mario: You're still scared?

Luigi: No, I'm enjoying this.

Mario: Oh.


The duo spray the Pink Boos until the Boos become platforms, and together, jump up the platforms and through a loose tile in the next floor. In there, they decide to take a rest since there is no one else in this room.

Mario: Man, Luigi, I'm beat!

FLUDD: Me too!

FLUDD2: Me three!

Luigi: Me fou- WAAAHH!!!

Mario, FLUDD, and FLUDD2 (Luigi dismounted him): LUIGI!

Mario pushes on the bookshelf Luigi was leaning on and it turns out Luigi accidentally found the next room.

Luigi: Well... that was fun.

Mario, FLUDD, and FLUDD2: *sigh*

Mario and Luigi start searching the room for an exit. Five minutes later, they've found nothing.

Luigi: I don't think there is an exit, Mari-OOOOOOOOOOO!

Mario: Luigi! You did it again!

Mario jumps down through the loose tile and looks at all the crates.

Mario: I wonder what's in these crates?

Luigi: Break one open.

Mario Ground Pounds the crate closest to him to reveal a pineapple.

Mario: PINEAPPLES! Yoshi wanted one!

Mario and Luigi grab the biggest one they can find and carry it into the hall, down the stairs, and to Yoshi. Yoshi lets Mario on his back, and the trio go to the attic and have Yoshi eat the Sleeping Boo. After getting past the Boo, they drop through a loose tile into the pool.

Luigi: WWAAHH! I can't swim!

Mario: Luigi, just stand up! The water's only knee-deep.

Luigi: ... Oh.

Luigi turns red. Mario, Luigi, FLUDD, FLUDD2, and Yoshi decide to relax in the pool before grabbing the Shine Sprite. When they feel fully fatigue-free, Mario grabs the Shine Sprite and does the Shine Dance.

Mario: Woohoo!

Luigi: (putting down his Mushroom smoothie) On to the next Shine!

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