Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Noki Bay

Uncork the Waterfall

By Mario

Mario and Luigi walk beside the Pianta statue, looking for a new opportunity to find a Shine Sprite.

Luigi: Mario! Look!

Mario looks toward the port to see a giant ray of light pointing up toward the sky.

Mario: Let's check it out!

Mario and Luigi run to where the light is shining from. The light falls on the Shine Sprite tile on the ground near the fountain.

Luigi: Want to see where the light's going to?

Mario: Sure!

The duo look around the sky until they are both looking at the sun.

Mario and Luigi: AAAHHH! MY EYES!

Mario and Luigi rub their eyes and notice they have warped. As soon as they can see, they realize they're in Noki Bay, a place known for its crystal clear waters. But for some reason, the bay is polluted with a strange purple fluid.

Luigi: What happened?

Mario jumps into the water and jumps back out instantly.

Mario: This stuff is poisonous! Looks like we can't swim.

Mario and Luigi hover to a floating platform where a young Noki and an old Noki are standing.

Old Noki: Oh, Mario, Luigi, we've heard so much about you, and we're glad you're here.

Young Noki: The waters in the bay are greatly polluted, and it is hard for us to live in this environment.

Old Noki: Our guess is that the pollution seeped in when some idiot plugged up the waterfall.

Mario and Luigi look up to the giant plug in the side of the cliff. On the plug, the Brothers can see a red cannon.

Mario: In this case, we can help.

Old Noki: Great! To get there, you have to scale the cliff's right side. I'm sure you can unplug the waterfall and purify the bay again.

Mario and Luigi hover to a pile of rocks making a staircase up to the first platform. They hop up the stone and land on the platform, only it doesn't rise.

Mario: What the?

Luigi: Maybe we should spray water in that urn.

Mario: The hole's too big. The water would leak right out!

Luigi: True, but if we do it at the same time...

Mario: -we would be putting in more water than the urn is leaking!

Mario and Luigi fill the urn with water simultaneously, and as the urn lowers, the platform rises. Eventually, the Brothers can jump to the first cliff ledge. The Brothers spray the path ahead until they come to a place where the gap is to wide to jump.

Mario: Now what?

Luigi spots a graffiti picture of an octopus on the cliffside and sprays it clean. A cliff ledge suddenly appears out from where the octopus was.

Mario: How did you know?

Luigi: It was a lucky guess, I guess.

The duo continues up the cliff ledges, spraying graffiti animals, using teamwork on another urn elevator, and dodging little balls of graffiti. Eventually they reach the same elevation as the plugged-up waterfall, and all that is between them and the last cliff ledge is another giant gap.

Mario: Look, Luigi! A spring!

Mario and Luigi jump on the spring and cross the gap. They jump up the stair-like ledge and face Monty Mole.

Mario: We meet again, Monty Mole. Shall we dance?

Monty Mole throws out four Bob-ombs at the duo. Each of them spray a Bob-omb to deactivate it, pick it up, and throw it at Monty Mole. After the third hit by Luigi, Monty Mole retreats into his cannon. A loud rumbling  sound can be heard as the cork pops out with Monty Mole's cannon and lands in the sea under a wall of water.

Mario: We did it!

Luigi: Smoothie break!

Mario and Luigi are so excited that they don't notice the falling Shine Sprite that pops out of the waterfall. It lands on Luigi's head, which results in him doing the Shine Dance.

Luigi: Woohoo!

Mario: On to the next Shine!

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