Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Noki Bay

The Golden Bird of the Cliff Top

By Ludwig 222

Mario: Shall we go to Noki Bay?

Luigi: Yeah, that's ok.

Mario and Luigi go to the Shine Sprite symbol near the canal and look up into the sun and end up in Noki Bay.


Mario: Let's go to the cliff top over there!

Luigi: No!

Mario: Why? A Shine Sprite's up there, as I've heard.

Luigi: Then let's go!

Mario and Luigi swim over to an area near the boat hut.

Mario: I think we must Wall Kick to get to that hole!

Mario and Luigi Wall Kick towards the hole, but Luigi bumps into Mario, causing them to fall.

Mario: Ok, we do this again but one at a time, ok?

Luigi: Okay.

Mario Wall Kicks into the hole. Luigi follows him. They both end up in a dark, underground tunnel filled with coins.

Mario: I'm in the money!

Luigi: Hey, Mario, where are you? It's dark in here! *bump* Ouch! I hit a wall! *bump* Ouch! I hit another one! *bump* Another one! I hope I don't hit another one! *bump* Ok, I'll just try to run straight forward *bump* Whoops, sorry Mario.

The Mario Bros. end up outside. They climb up some stairs to another hole and drop down it, land on a spring, and bounce up through a long shaft, ending up on the top of the cliff.

Luigi: Whoa! That was fun!

Mario: Look! A Golden Bird! Squirt it!

The Mario Bros. squirt the Golden Bird.

Golden Bird: Ouch! HEY, watch it!

The Mario Bros. keep squirting.

Golden Bird: Owowowowowow! Stop it, NOW!

The Mario Bros. ignore him and squirt him more.

Golden Bird: Ok, I give up! Here's your Shine!

A Shine appears and the Golden Bird flies away. Luigi quickly grabs it and does the Shine Sprite dance.

Luigi: Yes! Another Shine!

Mario: Yeah, yeah, yeah, onto the next Shine!

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