Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Pianta Village

Il Piantissimo's Crazy Climb

By Mario64

Mario and Luigi jump back into the pipe after doing Episode 1.

Mario: Where to now?

Luigi: Yes! It's daytime at last!

Mario and Luigi walk across the bridge.

Luigi: It's II Plantissimo!

Mario: Good thing I brought my Super Fast Running sneakers of victory!

II Plantissimo: I'll race ya to that flag!

Luigi: Go for it!

Mario: I think I'll start from back here!

II Plantissimo: I guess you wanna lose!

Announcer: On your mark...

II Plantissimo: My record is 30 seconds!

Announcer: Get set...

Mario: (I will win!)

Announcer: GO!

Mario suddenly zooms off at 100 miles an hour because of his shoes.

II Plantissimo: I guess I lose by default.

Mario touches the flag, and 30 seconds later so does II Plantissimo and Luigi.

II Plantissimo: I am never racing you guys again!!!

II Plantissimo gives Mario a Shine Sprite. He and gets it.

Mario: Wahha!

FLUDD: This is the last time you race him!

FLUDD2: You said it!

Mario: You know, Luigi, if Wario were here, there'd be a FLUDD, FLUDD2, and a FLUDD3!

Luigi: And if Waluigi were here too, there'd also be a FLUDD4!

Mario: More characters mean a FLUDD5, FLUDD6, FLUDD7, FLUDD8, and...


Mario: On to the next Shine!

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