The Good, the Bad, and the Torte 2
The Four Bringers of Fire

By Chef Torte

Chapter 48: The Czar Dragon Reborn...

The billowing, white smoke rose out of the large volcano's mouth. A small pirate ship could be seen anchoring on the northern side of the moutain of magma. The four amazingly large eggs that held four ancient beasts slumbering peacefully still floated on either side of the ship. Cap'n Torte stood in the center of the deck yelling out orders to all of his minions. The Team of Terror scattered about the ship to various destinations, preparing for their iminent journey inside the volano. Embert T. Podoboo was looking nervously at the ominous beastly formation of rock. He had wished to never return here...

"Team of Terror, ASSEMBLE!!!" Cap'n Torte shouted. "HO!!!"

Instantly, the several creatons making up the weak force of evil lined up in front of their commanding officer and his clone. Cap'n Torte walked along each of them, his hands together behind his caped shell. He paused sporadically to look over a certain cohort on occasion, but muttered something inaudible and continued on. After twice going up and down the captain was ready. Torte stood menacingly in front of them, PAN OF PERIL drawn. Mini Moi stood with his arms folded across his chest, silent as ever. A strange green parrot had appeared on his small shoulder. It squawked and let out a "Mon dieu!" Cap'n Torte shifted his vision to the parrot for a brief second before quickly restoring his gaze to his motley crew.

"Veiry vell, veiry vell. Let's discuss how ve are going to do zis, no?" the Captain began. "Mini Moi and I shall lead an expedition into ze volcano, occumpanying us vill be Soshi, ze Grand Glum Reapeir, Vhomp, Changling, Apprentice, and Embeirt."

 A small groan that no one seemed to notice was given off by Embert.

"Genius Guy and Crystal shall remain here and vatch oveir ze ship and ze precious cargo. Not to mention our prisoneir." Torte smiled viciously. "He'll be fun lateir on..."

A loud bubbling voice called sounding distant. "What should I do?"

"Huh? Who said zat?!" Torte asked.

"It was me, Dingpot. You know, the large cauldron in the cargo bay!" Dingpot called.

"Zhere's at least five cauldrons down zhere, vhich vone vere you?" Cap'n Torte asked.

"I was the one who could talk," Dingpot answered.

"Ah yes... " the Cap'n hissed, making a face like he just recalled a bad rash from a month ago. "You can continue to double and bubble, just don't cause toil or trouble!"

"You got it, cappy thing!" Dingpot confirmed.

Cap'n Torte continued with the plan only after being certain Dingpot was silenced.

"Anyvay, ve vill strap zat large barrel of gun powdeir to Vhomp's back. Zen ve vill trek into ze fiery mountain and search for a veak spot in ze exterior vall. Zat's vhere ve'll use ze powdeir keg to damage ze vall, letting ze heated air of ze volcano and maybe some of ze lava seep out into ze veiry vateir ve are floating on. Ze heat should cause ze eggs to hatch, as I recall learning eggs hatch ven heated. Zen our primary veapon, ze Anglor, shall be released and yadda yadda yadda, I'll rule Plit." Cap'n Torte stopped here so his cronies could interpret his ingenious plan to their standard of thinking. After a few confused expressions vanished he continued. "Good. But meanvhile, afteir ze keg has exploded, zhere vill no doubt be an emergency varning all ze critteirs native to ze Barrel Volcano. Genius Guy, Crystal listen up. I vill shoot off a rocket out of ze volcano's mouz, zil ist ze signal to start preparations for our escape. Hoist ze anchor, set sails, etcetera. Ve only haf zhirty minutes to pull zis mission off, and ve only get vone try. So don't fail moi!"

Crystal and Genius Guy nodded intentively. "Good, strap Mr. Vhomp up, and grab any veapons you'd like to take along. Ve leave in five minutes!"

After Soshi and Changling attached the explosive to the giant cement head, they rushed inward of the ship. After the time had expired Torte stood before the expedition team again. Changling was wand-ready, the Reaper carried his scythe, Whomp with a dull face and a big barrel of boom on his back, and Apprentice had a spatula in grasp. Soshi as always carried no weapon, but looked vigorous and ready for a brawl. Embert looked down at the floor, hoping Torte wouldn't question him or even acknowledge his existence, for once. Fortunately for the flame, he didn't.  A simple and silent nod told the others now was the time to move on. Cap'n Torte and Mini Moi ascended into the air via jetpacks. The Apprentice nervously hopped on an agitated Soshi, and yelped as the blue beast took off. Changling transfigured into a large, fearsome-looking bird called a Roc, which Embert hopped on and caught a ride with. Lastly, the Grand Glum Reaper angrily slammed the end of his scythe into Whomp's thick head. The gruesome ghost floated after the others, carrying the clumsy oaf behind him. Genius Guy and Crystal watched after them, the Shy Guy waving a blue handkerchief.

"Don't forget to write!" Genius Guy called.

"What's your deal anyway?" Crystal asked the weeping Shyster.

Genius Guy lifted his face from the blue napkin. His face looked malicious. "Get off my back..."

Cap'n Torte and the others arrived on the lip of the volcano's mouth. The foreign Koopa licked his own chapped lips and smiled, showing his sharp teeth.

"Where's the stairs?" Apprentice asked earnestly, answered by a flying metal object.

Torte stood up after retrieving his PAN OF PERIL. "Okay, eveiryvone slowly descend into ze volcano by your means of flying up here in ze first place. Make sure to stay togezheir, and inform moi if you see any inhabitants looking at us funny. Oh, and I vouldn't reccommend playing around vhile descending, I've taken vone lava baz in my life, I'm not looking forvard to anozeir vone." Torte hopped down and lowered into it with his jetpack, Mini Moi repeating the action. Apprentice clutched onto Soshi, grinding his teeth as they flew inward. Changling transformed into a parachute that Embert was attached to, and they slowly fell in. The Grand Glum Reaper dragged Whomp into the volcano, being the last ones again.

Inside, the Team of Terror grouped together defensively, Cap'n Torte and Mini Moi at the lead, of course, with Changling waddling behind. The Apprentice silently acted like a tourist and took several mental pictures of the surrounding areas. Whomp, holding the key item in the plan, was placed in the middle for safety. Embert followed reluctantly after the large brick, hoping he was too small to be seen behind him. Soshi was in the back, looking over his shoulder constantly.

The heat experienced in the volcano didn't affect them, as they lived in a volcano lair already. Even Soshi with his unprotected feet were tough enough to handle the heated soil. They came upon their first obstacle when entering a short but tall cavern. Several dome-shaped rocks scurried around the room's floor extremely slowly. Cap'n Torte didn't stop and tripped over one. When the villain collided with the ground, several of the rock creatures edged over to surround him. Torte fired the PAN OF PERIL's lasers while jumping out of the circle of rocks. The creatures fell back and steadily shifted to either side of the cave, trying to seem like real rocks.

"Vat are zey?" the Cap'n asked.

"Magmites," Embert replied mechanically.

The Team of Terror hastily left the cave and stomped down a new path.  For a long time they had walked, avoiding more creatures such as Magmites, Spikies native to the volcano, a large tree-like creature, and one floating monster made entirely out of stone. Soon they were deep into the mountain of fire, when they came upon a structural-looking cave. They entered through the door and found a tall Mushroomer with fire markings on his fungus head.

"Hello customers! My name is Hinopio! What may I provide you with? Armor? Items? A place to sleep?" the cheery fungi greeted.

Torte was surpirsed to see a Mushroomer living in the volcano; he bit his lip trying to come up with a good lie. "Um... Ve are a team of paleontologists looking for ancient bones of lost creatures. Vhere ist ze veakest val in ze volcano?"

"Wouldn't you want to know where a strong, thick wall is? I thought bones were buried deep in the rocks..." Hinopio questioned.

Torte searched his mind for a second. "Uh, yes, you're right. Ve just vould like to know vhere ze veak vall ist so ve can stay avay from it." Torte smiled, satisfied with his fib. "Yeah, no point in looking zhere, right?"

Hinopio chewed his gum loudly as he took in the last words. "I understand what you mean. Well to answer your question, the weakest walls are beyond this area over a large river of lava. But be careful, a mean group of Podoboos likes to gather 'round there."

"Zank you, come team, let's go!" Cap'n Torte ordered.

As the Team of Terror began exiting through the adjacent doorway, Hinopio stopped them. "Hey, wait a second..."

Torte turned around slowly, a bit anxious but more annoyed. "Vat?"

"Weren't you on a television program a while ago where you lost terribly? That was so funny!"

Torte glared at the laughing Mushroomer. "Amused are you?" Torte lifted his PAN OF PERIL. "Let's see if ZIS vill ammuse you..."

Genius Guy had left the deck and plundered down into his quarters, where he had set up a small lab. Dingpot had been moved into the room and was watching the Shy Guy silently. Lucy, his sinister feline pet, slept on a pile of old notes on the PAN OF PERIL. The Shyster walked over to his desk and pushed away a few papers, and took out a piece of parchment and a quill. He dipped the quill in ink and began writing. The finished product read:

Help! I'm trapped inside a fanfiction!!!

The winged snow Birdo, Crystal, sat lazily on the side of the ship, again kicking her feet off the side. She was expecting this evil organization bit to be exciting, but apparently Torte didn't trust her as of yet so she'd been stuck with this annoying job. Of course, she didn't particularily want to go into a volcano, so she didn't plan on saying anything.

"Crystal!" an old, bitter voice snapped.

The pale blue creature stood up, looking around herself. The transparent figure of the white Magikoopa had once again appeared. The same, trance-like state consumed Crystal.

"It is now time. I fear that the Four Bringers of Fire near their destination, we mustn't let their flames shed blood, for only then can HE be released," the Magikoopa spoke, prophetically.

Crystal nodded silently, her pupils faded slightly.

"It is time you come to knowledge of your power. You are the Snow Angel, and only you can release the Anglor. Search through your mind and the encantation will come to you. You and you alone must revive, the Four Keepers of Ice!"

Cap'n Torte and the other Team of Terror members tagging along had reached a large clearing, a pile of frail bones stood in front of them. The closest one was a skull, a dragon's skull. One of them looking onward knew this was a terrible place to be.

"So this is where Mario fought the Czar Dragon?" Changling asked aloud.

"Looks to be it," Apprentice responded, examining the tall walls of the room.

Embert nervously batted his eyes every other way, as if expecting someone to appear.

Cap'n Torte stepped forward. "Alright, zat's enough doddling! No pile of bones ist gonna scare moi, lest it be Gruntilda..." Torte shuddered. "C'mon, hurry up."

The Team of Terror cautiously tiptoed by the remains of the Czar Dragon, and entered the next room. Mini Moi had fallen back and stayed in the room, intrigued by the skeleton. He stood face to face with the skull and turned his head at it. Suddenly a burning light glowed from the eye sockets. Mini Moi's mouth dropped open and his tiny arms fell limp. He stared upward as the pile of bones levitated into the air and began swirling around, frantically recomposing the skeleton of the dragon thought long dead. Flames of orange and red circled the now reformed beast, a hideous roar bellowed from the rickety corpse and the fireballs shot into the Zombone. A roaring fire erupted, the Czar Dragon was Reborn...

Chapter 49: Meetings of War

A meeting was being held in the Gagantuan. This time, Bowser, Kammy, Kamek, Jade, and the six spawn of the Koopa King had attended along with a few other faces. Clever Guy sat at the table resting his large head in one of his hands, obviously bored and not trying to hide it. At the doorway, a large Hammer Brother stood, his large weapon grasped tightly. It was Mallet, and he had been given a badge now placed on the right side of his shelled chest. It was less shiny and large as Jade’s or Jagger’s, however. Slash was also in the conference room, taking a seat near his king. He was wearing a similar medal. Kamek and Kammy had been addressing the occupants of the room.

“So the real Jagger is missing. He might not even be on the fleet, unfortunately. Kammy began noticing these changes in the phony Jagger when we left Proarctica. I assume Vermik had knocked out Jagger and hid his unconcious body somewhere before joining us,” Kamek explained.

“And now Vermik could be anywhere on any of the ships, probably looking for a way to carry out his plans. The problem is, we have no idea what they are as of yet. But we do have a pair of Koopatrols searching his quarters as we speak,” Kammy said.

Bowser breathed in, his eyes shut for a brief moment of silence. “I understand. Even so, I will not have that insubordinate Magikoopa mess up my plans. We shall continue to the Mushroom Kingdom and prepare for invasion.” Bowser paused. Around the room, his children were seen grinning. The duo of sorcerers and Slash listened intentively. Jade and Mallet seemed to have other things on their mind. Lastly, Clever Guy continued to tap his fingers annoyingly on the table top, still obviously bored with the entire arrangement. Bowser continued.

“With General Jagger missing, we have no commanding force for the assembled squadrons of shelled warriors. Jagger’s duties will be split, being handled by both Slash and Mallet.” The two fresh figures smiled at this. “My children will remain on the Devastator, awaiting word to come ashore once we have seized the capital city. Clever Guy,” The Shy Guy stopped tapping his fingers and looked up to the massive Koopa, seeming slightly more interested, “we don’t have a lot of troops to send in to die. This is where you and the Reznor come in. You will be controlling them with the remote control device you’ve been building here on the fleet. Has it been completed?”

Clever Guy closed his eyes and sat back lazily in his chair as if very overworked. “Yes, it’s nearly perfected. Just a few minor modifications left is all. I also have constructed a second obediance device for you to use on them, in case any...” Clever Guy opened his eyes and stared with a suspicious smile toward the saulton of shells. “... complications should arise with the first.”

The Shy Guy garbed in green reached into his large labcoat pokcet and lifted out a large metallic case, too big for the pocket. He seemed oblivious to the others’ puzzled looks. With a quick snap, it opened up, bearing a second device for enforcing pain upon the Four Bringers of Fire, cushioned in a grooved indent of red fabric. The brilliant lackey snapped it shut abruptly and slid the case across the table toward Bowser. The King of Koopas eyed it for moment, then grinned trustingly toward his associate.

“Continuing with the plan of attack,” Bowser said, returning to the topic. “Admiral Jade, you will accompany me upon the Koopa Jet in our air assault on the capital. Finally, my children.”

Roy, Iggy, Wendy, Morton, Larry, and Junior leaned in expectingly. “Yes?”

“You will remain on the Devastator. I wish no harm to come to you during this battle. You were roughed up enough in the Mecha Mario fiasco,” Bowser replied.

Bursts of outrage shot out from the six youthful Koopas. Lasting around five or six minutes, they soon died out and the offspring of Bowser accepted the terms.

“Now the plan is set, any questions?” Bowser asked.

“Excuse me, King Koopa,” Kammy chimed, “but what task are you giving me and Kamek to complete in the assault?”

“Oh yes, my Magikoopa duo! How could I forget?” Bowser said cheerfully. “You’re going to stay with the fleet.”

“WHAT?!” Kamek shouted.

“Someone has to keep an eye on my deceptive children... they are, after all, related to me,” Bowser said, grinning. “And besides, Vermik is still on the loose. We don’t want him to pull anything during our moment of triumph!”

Kamek mumbled something. Bowser turned to him and looked suspiciously at the old wizard. “What was that?”

“Huh? I didn’t say anything...” Kamek replied.

Bowser looked at him for a moment. “I heard something...”

Desperate for the awkward silence to resolve, Slash shouted out, “JENGA!” The others ignored him but finally the meeting was continued.

“Alright, everyone understand the plan of attack? Blue forty two, set HIKE!” Bowser looked around the table after jumping up from his chair, holding a football phone in the air with his right claw. “I mean... meeting adjourned. Dismissed.”

The room began to pile out. As the Koopalings began departing, Clever Guy stopped Kamek. “Hold on, Kamek.”

The Magikoopa stopped halfway to the door, and twirled around on his feet. “What is it, Clever Guy?” A tone of mistrust was in his voice.

“I wish to have an exchange of sentences in my laboratory. Please drop by in the next hour or so, I have to speak with you about something important,” Clever Guy clarified.

Kamek took a minute to absorb his words, but then nodded slowly. “Yeah, alright. I’ll meet with you in a short while, then.”

Clever Guy dealt his signature smirk. “Excellent.”


Kamek stood in his quarters, inside the Devastator. He placed on his brown boots underneath his flowing blue cloak and retrieved his magic wand, concealing the weapon in the folds of his robes. The Magikoopa emerged from the room and started traveling down a steamy hallway, the metal floor clanging with each step he took. He stopped when his ears discovered a second pair of poundings coming from the rear. Kamek swiftly turned about, unaware of his follower’s motive. He was relieved to find his cousin Kammy.

“You’re heading to Clever Guy’s, I presume?” Kammy said.

“That is correct.” Kamek looked about the hall, expecting Kammy’s reason for meeting with him.

“You have sensed his aura of defiance?” Kammy prodded.

“Yes, I know that he seems not-to-be trusted, but as of now we really don’t have proof of any disloyalty to the Koopa Troop. I suppose it best to speak with him,” Kamek answered.

Kammy lowered her head in understanding. “Just be wise. I forsee something dangerous in the future from this one.”

“As have I,” Kamek said. “Well, I must be off...”

“Kamek, wait a moment,” Kammy said, the elder Magikoopa turning to her. “This was found in Vermik’s room.”

The purple-dressed witch pulled out a familiar-looking watering can.

“He was... he was the Shy Away?” Kamek asked.

“All evidence does support it,” Kammy replied.

Kamek looked nervous. “This means he could have been following us for a long time before the Proarctica arrival...”

“Yes, however... this was also found.” Kammy pulled out a tiny gem sparkling in her palm. The sapphire was shaped like a snowflake.

“The white Magikoopa?” Kamek said.

“Obviously this item would suggest some relation to Proarctica, and the white Magikoopa. But I still haven’t figured out the puzzle...”

The sorcerer in blue looked beyond Kammy’s shoulder, a lowly guard was approaching. He looked at Kammy again and began whispering.

“Anyone could be Vermik now, we will need to speak in private about this later. I have to go speak with Clever Guy anyhow.”

“Yes, I agree,” Kammy said.

The two Magikoopas separated, heading off in opposing directions. Kammy walked by the Terrapin silently, showing no regard of his existence. The guard continued patrolling down the hall until reaching the place where Kammy and Kamek had conversed. The Koopatrol gave a repulsed noise when finding a rather large black spider crawling on the wall. He pulled out a small mallet from his shell and smashed it into the wall. The Terrapin opened his eyes and found an odd orange smoke cloud dissipating where his hammer had impacted. He looked at the other side and found no squished spider. He turned his view upward when a frightening hiss startled him. The shelled warrior looked down to his feet. He slammed against the opposite wall across the narrow hallway. A menacing King Cobra hissed up at him, foam gathering in it’s jaws. The Terrapin didn’t move a muscle, and prayed for the snake to slither away. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see the terrifying creature, but then the hissing noise stopped. He braved a peek, the serpent was nearly out of sight, slithering down the way the Troopa had come from. A large, unusual marking was on the back of its flapped out head, a bright orange snowflake...


Clever Guy was distracting himself with what looked to be a Gameboy Advance SP. Below him was the pit of prehistoric beasts, though the Reznor were showing a more humble side of themselves, sleeping. Their deep breaths were heard throughout the large room, the noises echoed off the walls creating a perpetual racket of snoring. The Boorilium used to entrap them allowed sound and air to pass its semi-permeable walls. To Clever Guy’s right, a door opened, Kamek was standing in the entrance way. The Shyster pressed a button and closed the LCD lid, placing the device into an enormous pocket.

“Alright Clever Guy, what is it that you wanted to discuss?” Kamek asked, still not leaving the doorway.

“Come in, come in,” Clever Guy said invitingly. “Have a seat and listen to the soothing snores of those great animals.”

Kamek cautiously shut the door and entered the room. Both of them were on the catwalk, which was rather large and had a railing to keep one inside. Clever Guy had even designed the main section into a large area where one could lounge taking research of the Reznor. Kamek reached this area but did not sit. Clever Guy didn’t seem to notice or care.

“What is this important issue you must discuss with me?” Kamek asked, getting to the point.

“Oh right, one mustn’t doddle on such boring small talk. I like your direct appraoch Kamek.” Clever Guy flashed a smirk and fetched two cups of coffee, offering one to his Magikoopa guest, but Kamek waved it away.

“No thank you, I wish to get to bed after this meeting, and I’m getting tired. Now please, Clever Guy, what is it that you want?” Kamek asked with an obvious tone of annoyance.

Clever Guy took a sip of his coffee, looking Kamek in the eyes. “Yes, yes. No longer will I waste our time.”

Kamek watched as the Shy Guy, half his size, strolled along the catwalk and retrieved a long sheet of computer paper, various data scattered over the page. When he had locked eyes with the mysterious Shyper, despite his size, Kamek felt slightly intimidated. Clever Guy shoved the roll of data into Kamek’s arms. The Magikoopa began reading it over.

“Yes, it’s a bunch of data on the Reznor, what’s so urgent about it?” Kamek asked.

“Look at their body temperature records,” Clever Guy answered.

Kamek peered onto the piece of paper and read the weak blue inking from the printer. The temperatures for the first day were 88 degrees celcius, then the next day it was 95 degrees, then steadily their body temperature increased with each passing day up to the most recent recorded: 128 degrees. Kamek’s look of concern was answered by Clever Guy.

“Yes, they’re becoming increasingly heated. I’m not sure what this means, as these are the only creatures of their species. But their surface temperature will slowly rise too, and could cause problems. The Boorilium would take a lot of heat to melt, but the floor they are sleeping on is crafted of the ship’s titanium. This creates a problem...” Clever Guy explained.

Kamek nodded. “I’ll inform Bowser of it and see what he thinks of the situation. Clever Guy, if anything else on this matter or related ones comes up, inform me immediately.”

Kamek didn’t wish to spend another moment in there. He placed the paper on the nearest desk and left at once. Clever Guy watched the door close. He smirked and placed down his coffee mug, pulling out the Gameboy-like device. He flipped the LCD screen open and began pushing buttons. A shaky image of a hallway was on the screen.

“Excellent... now there shan’t be any conversations I’m left out of.”

Clever Guy placed the device back into his pocket and pressed a button. The large double doors opened, leading into the dark workshop he had crafted. Clever Guy disappeared into the shadows of the room, making final preparations to his ultimate weapon...

Chapter 50: Bon Voyage, Flora Isle!

The pre-evening sun glowed bright orange in the air. Below, to the rich and colorful tropical haven of Flora Isle, the last of the flickering ashes and billowing smoke was being put to rest, as the day was coming to a peace. The horrible creatures that had appeared were but simple memories, and all seemed as it was. Yoshi, Mallow, Splooshi, and Orchil gathered in the sacred soil of Mosolunar’s holy nest. Nuba and Naya stood on either side of the guardian spirit, the great Wiggler now looking more peaceful than any of the three travelers had seen her. Then, Mosolunar spoke with her great bellowing hums. Yoshi expected a translation from the twins again, but was surprised to see Mallow step forward.

“You are very welcome, Mosolunar,” Mallow said. “But if it wasn’t for you healing me, I never would have been able to help!”

“Wait a second...” Splooshi chirped. “You understand her?”

“Prince Mallow,” Nuba said. “Perhaps it is time you told the others what happened last night?”

Mallow turned his back to the others and looked up at Mosolunar, a smile on his face. “Yes, I suppose an explanation is in order.”

“To say the least...” Yoshi added.

“When Mosolunar was restoring my health that night, we formed a strong, spiritual bond. Information, memories, and the like were transmitted between us. Thus, I learned how to speak the ancient language of Plitish. Almost coincidentally, I had taken the treasure map with me before we went to battle the Pirate Poltergeists. I took it out and instantly recognized some mistakes in Cumulo’s original translation,” Mallow explained.

Yoshi, Splooshi, and the rest were now deeply focused on Mallow’s words. The Nimbian then continued.

“Most of the beginning is true, but the ending was a little rough by Cumulo’s doing. It actually says there are two areas where the treasure is. Inside of Mother, AND in the cave of Eternal Winter.” Mallow pulled out the map and unraveled it, showing the hyrogliphics to his audience. He pointed his white, plushy finger to a large symbol of a Moon and Sun conjoined. “This is the symbol for Mother. Now as I’m sure you’ve noticed, Mosolunar bears the same symbol on her forehead. I took a minute to think about it, but then realized that Mosolunar was the Mother the map told of...”

Yoshi and Splooshi’s jaws dropped.

“Though I’ll never have the tongue to speak a word of ancient Plitish, I was certain Mosolunar could understand me when I spoke to her about the map. It was a bit complicated at first, as such a thing would be. Eventually though, I managed to be swallowed by Mosolunar and traveled to her first stomach. There I found nothing, and I continued into her, finding nothing until coming upon the largest stomach yet. The sides of the insides were red and sore, and the liquid inside was a murky puce. But a strange, golden light was visible from beneath the shallow juice. I took a chance and fished my hand in after it. That’s when I found, this!” Mallow pulled something out of his pocket and held it in the air above his head. A golden light sparkled around the item, until the glow faded, revealing a large medallion of a gold sun. “The Sacred Sun!”

Yoshi studied the magical object intensly, he even sniffed the air a bit to see if it let out a smell. Splooshi just stood there with his mouth open and a fixed gaze on the powerful item. Orchil closed her eyes and felt the warm light soothe her soul. Even Nuba and Naya were amazed at this spectacle, and humbly bowed their heads in prayer. Mallow lowered the floating treasure to his chest and held it with one hand now.

“This Sacred Sun, is one half of a magical treasure able to give one the might to vanquish the most terrible of evils,” Mallow spoke.

“Wow,” Splooshi said. “I gotta remember to thank Norpshi...”

“So Mallow,” Yoshi began, “the Sacred Sun gave you an increase in power and that’s how you defeated those Dark Warriors so easily?”

“Exactly!” Mallow said, raising his hands to either side of him. “With this treasure, I’m positive we could finally put an end to Bowser!”

“You really think so, Mallow? That’d be great! No more Bowser to worry about...” Splooshi smiled at the thought.

“Wait a second, you guys,” Orchil said, climbing into the conversation. “Didn’t you say it was one half of the treasure?”

Yoshi and Splooshi’s beaming faces turned to a more concerned look. Mallow placed the Sacred Sun in his pocket and scratched the back of his head while putting together his next words. “Well, yes. I did say that.”

“So if it’s only half, how can you be sure it’ll defeat this Bowser guy?” Orchil asked.

“She’s got a point,” Yoshi commented. “What’s the other half of the treasure anyway?”

“Well as you may or may not know, my Grandpa Frogfucius knows many things that most will never know when it comes to Plit. When I was growing up at Tadpole Pond he shared many stories with me. One was of the power to strike down evil by using a weapon called, the Ancient Light,” Mallow exclaimed.

The others calmed down again and listened intuitively to Mallow’s second story.

“The Ancient Light exists only in two forms that reach Plit. One is during a solar eclipse, the other occurs only when the legendary Sacred Sun and Mystic Moon become one, forming this Ancient Light.”

“So that means the Mystic Moon would have to be the other half of the treasure, right?” Splooshi asked.

“Yes, Splooshi,” Mallow answered. “And as the map says, it’s hidden in the cave of Eternal Winter...”

“But where could that be?” Yoshi asked.

“My sister and I know of this cave, young travelers,” Naya interrupted. “It exists just south of here on a very small island, but unfortunately you will not find anything there.”

“Why’s that?” Mallow asked.

“Because someone has already taken it,” Nuba responded. “The lizard creature that appeared during the attack, he showed up demanding the treasure from our Guardian Spirit. We were forced to tell him where half of the treasure was, and the fell creature discovered the Mystic Moon.”

“If the wrong hands are to fall upon these items, the Ancient Light used to protect Plit from evil will be used to destroy our beloved home,” Naya warned.

“Then that means we must find the Mystic Moon before it’s too late!” Orchil exclaimed.

“We?” Yoshi asked.

“Oh...” Orchil said, her blue cheeks now purple. “Well I was thinking I might... might be able to go with you...”

“Really? You’d come?!” Splooshi said happily.

“Wait a second... Didn’t we just rescue you from the Pirate Poltergeists?” Mallow pointed out. “I’m not trying to be mean, but I’m not sure it’s safe for you to tag along...”

A great rumbling came from the massive larvae. “What?!” Mallow replied.

“Mosolunar wishes that Orchil occampanies you three on your journey, as we have told you, Yoshi,” Naya briefed.

“She is much stronger than she seems, and now that she wields the Flora Bow, she’ll definitely be an advantage,” Nuba concluded.

Orchil reached her hand back and felt the weapon and a quiver strapped to her back. She then remembered about the bow she had been given during the fight. It had all happened so fast, she had forgotten all about it.

“Yeah, she’s really good with it, Yoshi!” Splooshi said. “That lizard guy was about to get me but Orchil showed up and saved me!”

Yoshi had closed his eyes when hearing these recent pleas. “Well, I suppose I can’t deny a great adventure to anyone. But only if you promise to listen to me in case thing become too dangerous...”

Orchil jumped into the air and shouted joyfully. “Thank you so much, Yoshi! I promise I’ll listen and do whatever I can to help!”

As the party of three became four, the sun shined its brightest of golden rays, and Mosolunar gave out another large bellow. Concerned faces fell on Nuba, Naya, and Mallow, and even the others seemed to understand.

“What’s happening?!” Yoshi said worriedly.

“Mosolunar says...” Nuba began, but could not finish. Her sister did so.

“She says that... with Orchil’s fate decided it’s time for her to... to go.”

Orchil’s eyes were instantly filled with tears. A look of sorrow consumed Splooshi’s face. Yoshi and Mallow felt a lump in their throats form. Nuba and Naya held back any tears that were forming and began a native dance to pray for the creature, then a song passed through their lips as they danced.

“Mosuriah, Mosura...
Mosuriah, Mosura...
Doun Ny hingu, nu yah! In demoo......
Ela hai, ya! A! Humba, humba nu yah, al deestowah, al deestowah!”

As the lyrics seeped out of their mouths Mosolunar shut her large oval eyes and the emblem on her forehead glowed majestically. The top of her humongous body began to ooze with a strange aqua-colored ooze. As the ooze dripped over her body, coating it, the Guardian Spirit seemed to be melting.

“Mosuriah, Mosura...
Mosuriah, Mosura...
Doun Nu hingu, nu yah! In demoo...
Ela Hai ya! A! Humba, humba nu yah, al deestowah, al deestowah!

Mosuriah, Mosura...
Mosuriah, Mosura...
Doun Nu hingu, nu yah! In demoo...

Then the ooze completely covered her, but the glowing light didn’t fade. Mosolunar wasn’t melting, she was forming a pupaa!

“Wait a second, she’s not dying!” Splooshi announced.

Nuba and Naya stared at the ooze slowly harden over their Guardian Spirit. They smiled from ear to ear.

“Of course, Mosolunar wasn’t sick after all!” Nuba beamed.

“She was simply preparing for the next stage of her life!” Naya exclaimed.

“So... does that mean Mosolunar will be okay?” Orchil asked, rubbing her eyes dry.

“Yes it does, young one,” Nuba said happily.

“I believe it is now time for the four of you to continue your journey, and find the Mystic Moon. Once the Ancient Light glows once more, you will all know what needs to be done to stop evil,” Naya explained.

“You are right,” Yoshi agreed. “Come everyone, let’s get back to the sailboat and find that missing half!”

“But Yoshi, we still don’t know where to go...” Mallow said.

“You shall sail even farther into the west. A large volcano, breeching the surface of the waves, will be found there. We have reason to believe this infernal lair plays home to the ones who have the Mystic Moon,” Nuba advised.

“Right, then we’ll go to the volcano!” Splooshi declared.

“Please, take anything you’ll need from the village such as food. More will always grow here, but you might not get a chance to find more food before you brave the volcano... And remember, joining together will make you stronger,” Naya said.

“Thank you, and goodbye!” Yoshi said, waving.

The others said goodbye too and the twin sisters both said in unison, “Farewell!” Yoshi, Mallow, Splooshi, and Orchil walked down from the holy summit, soon to be sailing once again...

Chapter 51: The Woes of Princess Peach

A veil of darkness dissipated and an ocean of black waves consumed by death rolled along the horizon of an even darker sky overwhelmed with clouds, giving warning of a great storm. A far islet in the distance was visible, a miniscule cove with gray sands lifted out of the water. The far side of the piece of land was a tall plateau, cliffs on all sides, impossible to escape from. A sickly green structure protruded out of the dark stone that made up the plateau. A large perimeter fence surrounded the tall tower, violently assembled with jagged spikes, electrical wiring, and vicious Pirahna Plants. A single black pipe pointed up out of the ground in front of the building. A large main door was labeled in white with “NO ENTRY” written on it. Just above the door was the mysterious sign, LVK Industries. Scaling the massive building, no windows were found and any that did exist were bordered up with barbed wire and slabs of titanium. Except for the very top of the building, that is. A lone window was open high up in the midst of the storm clouds, making nothing visible but the darkness.

A chilling wind blew through the window as Princess Toadstool stared silently out of the window. The wind clawed at her blonde hair, which usually was shining brightly. Now it was dull and faded, untreated and frazzled. It looked so unlike Peach. Her expression was morbid, and her chapped lips had long lost their soft pinkness and pillowy feel. Her eyes were halfway shut, and mostly bloodshot. Her skin was pale and prickled with goosebumps from the cold atmosphere. Her crown no longer rested on her head, and seemed to be missing. Peach was outfitted in her same dress, however it was torn at the very bottom rim and covered with dust. Her hands were bare, without the white gloves that usually protected them. Her purple pendant, signifying her royal heritage, was also missing. The princess’ feet were bare and blistered. She probably discarded her painful high heels long ago. A large roar that she had heard many times before sounded from inside of her. She clutched her stomach, hoping it would soon be time for something to eat.

They had been feeding the princess only once a day, after the first night she had arrived. Peach tried to count the time that had passed but lost track, seeing how it was always dark outside her window. This was the only room she had seen, and had no idea how massive the building actually was. The room had a futon, a toilet, a sink, and a camera surveying the room in a high corner. The single door that lead out of the room was always locked and there was no use trying to open it with any hairpins or the like, there wasn’t a handle or keyhole anywhere. It was a plain gray rectangle to Peach now. Then the door lifted upward hastily, in a vertical fashion.

A figure shrouded in a dark cloak stepped into the room, the door slamming shut behind it. There was no sign of life through the hood of the robe, not even a pair of demonic red eyes. It was just like the darkness outside her window. The only speck of life visible was the scaly green claws that poked slightly out of either sleeve. The figure placed down the plate of food, three slices of bread and a bowl of warm soup. The figure then turned about and exited the room. For the first nights Peach had been there, she pleaded with it for any kind of communication, telling where she was, what was happening, what was going to happen, who was responsible. But never did the darkly dressed figure respond.

The princess crawled to the plate of food, now that the frightening being had departed. She crammed a slice of bread into her mouth and slurped the soup with her mouth. No spoon was given to her, and after refusing to eat like a slob for the first two times food was brought to her, she didn’t care. After picking up every crumb of bread and drop of soup she crawled over to the futon. Princess Peach rested upon it, her cheeks still speckled with soup. She closed her eyes but didn’t dare fall asleep. This was a tactic she had used to be ignored when the dark creature would reappear to gather the dishes and leave until the next day. Although Peach started now, the hooded figure might not return for hours.

This was the worst she had ever been. At least when captured by Bowser, she was fed regularly, able to speak with the King of Koopas occasionally and keep clean and healthy. The only time she was in such a bad condition was when she had been gravely ill and taken away from the hospital by the bumbling idiot Chef Torte. Peach’s arms wrapped around herself involuntarily as another frigid gale blasted through the window. Her only hope was Stario...


The hooded figure walked silently down a dark corridor and entered another room through a gray door. Inside it was fairly bigger than the one the princess had been confined to. There was a larger futon, twice the size of Peach’s; a desk scattered with papers and an open doorway that probably lead to a lavatory. It was obvious that this room was rarely used. In the center of the room was a second dark figure. This one was taller and broader. The two vile creatures of darkness joined together in an... embrace?

“Lord Vuljiin has granted us the night off, my love!” the taller one spoke, in a crackly low voice.

“Truly?” the other replied in a higher but strong voice with a hint of female behind the words.

The larger one stroked his love’s robed back. “We’ve been far overworked, he’s told me. And tomorrow will bring enough challenges as it is. We are to have a relaxing night and whatever we do, get well-rested before dawn.”

“It has been so long since we have been able to be together without Lord Vuljiin’s eyes overseeing all our moves...”

“Indeed.” A long silence overtook the embracing figures of darkness for a long time. “Tomorrow is the day victory comes and the world belongs to our Lord of Darkness. Come, let us enjoy this little time we have together...”


An ominous laugh filled a different room. There in a large throne sat Lord Vuljiin, numerous screens filling the wall. Behind him were three large transparent containers that were connecter to a large machine looking like a generator. Inside two of the containers were the Crystal Shine and Moon. A finger shrouded in darkness pressed down upon a button locked into the arm of his throne, turning the screen showing the room of his two underlings.

“It has been done,” Vuljiin said in a cold voice.

His eyes of red dashed through different screens filled on his wall, images of the princess’ room and other corridors and rooms in the building. Besides Peach’s rooms, these were all empty. Another set of screens showed a different location. All of these room were empty as well. A large room with a silver table in the center; a filthy, unwashed kitchen; a large tower above a volcano; an enormous laboratory with pieces of junk and metal everywhere; a basement with a gameboard and dice left out on a small table, the board reading "Dungeons and Dragons"; and a small lobby with a stained couch, diner-esque counter, and an elevator shaft. Another screen looked as if a person was moving it. It showed a large gray creature with a barrel of TNT strapped to its back, a red-robed Magikoopa, a tiny fireball, and two Koopas dressed in chef’s garments, one wielding a frying pan with blinking lights on it. Vuljiin’s eyes stopped and focused on a screen far above the rest. It was very hard to see, so the demonic warlock flipped a switch making a large screen come down from the ceiling showing the same image. It showed a wooden pirate ship with lots of sharks in bandanas frantically running about it. Stario, the one who had vanquished him, was also aboard. A large, spikey fin sliced through the water and a tentacle shot up, slamming the boat. Vuljiin laughed.

“Let’s see how you deal with Poseidon, Stario.”

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