The Good, the Bad, and the Torte 2
The Four Bringers of Fire

By Chef Torte

Chapter 12: Mutiny

Genius Guy was hoisted over the edge of the ship again, soaking wet.

“Mon dieu! Vhy must you alvays fall of ze boat? You drag vateir eveiryvhere und make us seem light-hearted und characteirs to be laughed at, ven really ve should be feared!” Cap’n Torte said.

“Uh... what now?” Genius Guy asked.

“GRRRRR! Hurry und finish my PAN OF PAIN so I can hit you viz it!” Cap’n Torte shouted.

“Okay, but I’ve got a surprise when it’s finished!” Genius Guy said.

“Oh no! Vat now? No. Don’t tell moi, it’ll probably just make me get a stress-caused ulceir. Go back down vhere I can’t see or heir you,” Torte ordered.

“Aww, okay,” Genius Guy said.

“Come Mini Moi!” Cap’n Torte told his clone, who was currently eating cannon balls.

The two cook captains went below deck to their chambers. Meanwhile, unknown to those on deck, Lemmy Koopa had secretly grabbed onto the ship after he rose to the surface of the water when impacting and losing a lot of blood. The Koopa was planning a devious takeover of the ship.

“Yes. A devious takeover! It will be so great! And devious, my taking over, of the ship. As it is devious. My devious planning, of the taking, over of the ship... that is quite devious. I’m finding myself more repetitive all the time. I better get some good lines or else. Because without good lines, I’ll keep being repetitive, and something bad will happen, hence the or else I mentioned briefly seconds ago. When I was talking about my repetitive lines being repetitive, I will become repetitive myself, meaning the or else bad thing will happen to my repetitiveness. Because being repetitive is... oh forget it! Let’s just get on with it, nobody’s even laughing! I preferred orbiting the darn planet!” Lemmy complained. “Now I will initiate my plan... my devious plan of taking over the ship, that is my plan... of deviousness delight... because...”

Anyhoo, what would seem like hours before Lemmy’s plan was started, Changling felt sick of washing the deck over and over again. It was so repetitive and redundant, like Lemmy, and his devious plan of taking over the ship and... oh. Ahem. Ol’ BOB caught a whiff of the repetitiveness I did, when I was being repetitive about Lemmy and Changling’s routine being repetitive, as they kept doing the same things and...

... So concludes my repetitive speech. Thank you, peace out. And love to all!


OH! I’m supposed to be narrating... sorry.

From Torte’s room, an explosion was heard down the hall.

“Mon dieu... please don’t come in Genius Guy... please don’t come in...” Torte worried.

The door creaked open. “CRUNCHATIZE ME CAP’N!!!” Genius Guy battle-cried, flying in with tribal paint on his mask, and a hula skirt.

“Vait, first you vore a lab coat, zen ze lab coat viz ze pirate outfit, und now you’ve lost ze lab coat all togezheir und are vearing a hula skirt? You idiot! Get out of zat!” Torte said, yoinking the hula skirt.

“AHHH!!! I’M NOT DECENT!!!” Genius Guy cried, running out of the room.

“Zat’s for sure. He vas vearing ze robe zing Shy Guys alvays vear anyvay. Now zat I zink of it.... I’ve neveir seen vat a Shy Guy looks like undeir zose robes und mask. Hmm... nah, it’d be too scary to check. I’ll just let ze readeir vondeir about it,” Cap’n Torte said.

Genius Guy appeared at the door again. “Um… Cap’n?” He was wearing the pirate shirt with his lab coat.

“Yes, Genius Guy?” Captain Torte responded.

“There’s something you MUST see in the lab! Come on! It’s Uber-GROOVY!” Genius Guy persuaded.

“Fine, but if it’s a seveired head I’m going to be very upset,” Torte said. “Come on, Mini Moi.”

Torte looked into the lab. Genius Guy motioned his hand, beckoning him to come in further. The chef-pirate took a chance and walked in. Mini Moi followed.

“Okay Genius Guy, vat ist it?!” Torte asked nervously.

“It’s right here, cap’n! It’s the new, ultra powered, hydro-dynamic, better than the first-“

Genius Guy was cut-off from a scream upstairs. “Mon dieu! Let’s go check it out, Mini Moi!” Torte said.

The two arrived up on deck and saw Changling, the Grand Glum Reaper, Soshi, Whomp, and the Apprentice tied up, and Lemmy Koopa, with a parrot on his shoulder, a cutlass in his claw, and a pirate hat on his head stood steering the ship.

“LEMMY!” Torte yelled.

“Oh hello Torte, you idiot-chef, thingy. I’m commandeering this ship, and there’s nothing you can do about it because I listened to your conversation! Your PAN OF PAIN is destroyed, and your Team of Terror is tied up. Excluding that idiot Shy Guy and his fiery little friend. And any other non-important characters that were lucky to make this cruddy story,” Lemmy said.

“YOU FOOL! I vill... um... I vill...” Torte stuttered.

“Don’t worry Torte, I’m going to let your Team of Terror go free... right now,” Lemmy said, pulling a rope and freeing his prisoners.

“YOU FOOL! You’ve just sealed you’re own fate! Team of Terror! Eliminate ze Lemmsteir!” Cap’n Torte ordered.

The entire Team of Terror, excluding Genius Guy, Embert, and Dingpot, turned to Lemmy Koopa and slowly closed in on the circus freak shelled one.

“Strange. Didn’t you just hear? Your captain is powerless, and has no way to overpower and harm you anymore without his PAN OF PAIN... why should you listen to him, if all he does is hit you on the head... which he can’t do, now that the PAN OF PAIN is destroyed!” Lemmy said.

“Hey! He’s right!” Soshi said.

“We... don’t need listen to Cap’n?” Whomp wondered.

“Yeah... heh heh, we don’t have to listen to him anymore!” Changling said.

The Team of Terror turned and slowly closed in on their leader. Lemmy laughed maniacally in the background. Genius Guy ran up and tugged on Torte’s cape. Embert held a metal case with his head.

“Not now Genius Guy! I’m... um... experiencing a mutiny!” Torte said.

“Fine! Don’t have the new frying pan weapon I built you...” Genius Guy said, turning around.

“Vat did you say?!” Captain Torte said, shaking the Shy Guy.

“I said, if you won’t be nice, then I guess the PAN OF PERIL is not good enough for you!” Genius Guy said.

“PAN OF PERIL!!! GIVE IT TO MOI!!!” Torte ordered.

“Not unless you say the magic phrase!” Genius Guy bugged.

“Vat’s ze magic phrase?!” Torte panicked.

“Whiska’s! What cats want!” Genius Guy replied.

Cap’n Torte rolled his eyes. “Vhiska’s vat cats vant!”

“Nah uh! You said it with that silly way of talking, like how that human guy Geraldo Rivera says warter instead of water,” Genius Guy said.

“VAT?! JUST GIVE IT MOI YOU IDIOT!!!” Torte spazzed, kicking Genius Guy off the boat and grabbing the metal case from Embert.

“Be… uh... real careful with that, Cap’n. It could get us in,.. in a real pickle you know,” Embert worried.

“Shut up you ball of flame,” Torte said, opening the case Link style. He held the wondrous PAN OF PERIL above him, with a stupid grin on his face. Instead of the PAN OF PAIN, which had spikes all the way around it and a laser-type device in the middle, the PAN OF PERIL had three spikes, one on each side of the pan, not including the one for the handle. Each spike could be triggered to split in half and open up a laser cannon. The top spike had two horn-like objects around it that could be used for gathering energy for a large laser blast, or as a grappling hook, or more. The middle of the pan was highly powerful and had a nuclear-powered core for the most ultimate of usage and longer lasting capabilities. It was one pumped up frying pan. The Team of Terror had beads of sweat dripping down their faces, Cap’n Torte smiled devilishly.

“Mwha ha ha ha ha! YOU FOOLS! Prepair to join Genius Guy!!!” Torte said, rushing at them.

With an awesome display of weaponry, skill, and utter force, the entire Team of Terror was knocked overboard.

“Vell, zat should do it!” Torte said, tossing the PAN OF PERIL into the air, then catching it.

“Ha! That won’t stop me, Torte! I might not have stolen your ship, but I’m stealing this rowboat, and getting away unharmed!” Lemmy called from a rowboat slowly getting away from the ship.

Cap’n Torte and Mini Moi looked over the side. Mini Moi made a motion with his fist clobbering into his palm, but the captain shook his head. “Nah, ve’ll let him go. He’s too stupid to not show up again, so I’m sure far verse perils vill come to him, peirhaps even viz his next line,” Torte said.

“No way Torte, I’m not an idiot like you, that’s why I’m heading back to my Koopa family before I take you on!” Lemmy said.

Just then, a glorious Great White Blurp breeched out of the ocean, jumping through the air, and engulfed Lemmy and most of the rowboat. It poked its huge head up above the water one last time, and belched.

“I told you!” Cap’n Torte laughed.

“Cap’n, what happened to Lemmy?” Genius Guy asked.

“He vas eaten by a Great Vhite Blurp,” Torte answered.

“OH NO!!! HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ENTERTAINMENT FOR TONIGHT!!!” Genius Guy said, diving into the water.

“Yes... yes I suppose. Embeirt, if you’ll do ze honeirs?” Cap’n Torte said.

“Gladly. MAN OVERBOARD!!!”

Chapter 13: We’re Going To Need A Bigger Boat!

The sea gently washed up against the fishing boat Bowser and his evil bunch were riding across the oceans. They were slowly getting closer to their destination, but unfortunately the wind was against them. Luckily they didn’t have a sailboat, but it still wasn’t doing them any good. Up on deck Kamek had some silver wand and a metronome with him. He was trying to time his wand-like baton with the metronome to conduct some spell when Bowser came over and patted the Magikoopa on the back, causing Kamek to drop the baton into the sea.

“Aww...” Kamek complained.

“Don’t be so sad, Kamek! We’re out at the wide-open seas! I think it’s doing me good! But once we unlock the Reznor, it’ll be doing really bad for the rest of Plit! Gwa ha ha ha ha!” Bowser laughed.

“Hey Poppa, what are the Reznor?” Junior asked.

“Ah, the Reznor! The ones we had before were worthless fire-breathing ancient dinosaurs on a Farris wheel-thingie. But the true, original Reznor, wow, they were tough. They were known as The Four Bringers of Fire. They were humongous, with big tusks and large teeth. They had huge spikes on their shoulders, a short tail, and razor-sharp claws. But their best, and most feared ability, is their awesome fire breath. Hotter than any of those George Forman barbecue grills, that’s for sure! It’s so much more powerful than any fire I’ve ever spat! This is why they were the Bringers of Fire,” Bowser explained.

 “Hmm… Hey, if they were so tough, how come they got frozen?” Junior asked.

“Uh... don’t ask me,” Bowser mumbled.

“Well Bowser, they must have a weakness then! What if we’re defeated?” Kamek asked.

“This wasn’t my idea!” Bowser roared.

“Yes it was!” Kamek barked in retort.

“Nah-uh!” Bowser spat.

“Oh you’re so childish! Just... shut up!” Kamek yelled.

Bowser Junior whispered into his father’s ear. Bowser smiled and nodded. “Up doesn’t have a door!”

Kamek rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Hey you guys!” Wendy called coming up to them. “Just to let you know, we’re entering shark invested waters, and there could be even worse sea creatures coming!”

“Oh, like what, the Behemoth Blooper? That thing was so stupid!” Morton yelled from the other side of the boat.

“No, not anything like that barf mouth! I meant really dangerous creatures, like the Great White Blurps!” Wendy shrieked.

“Oh yeah, well... uh oh...” Morton said before puking over the edge again.

He finished his vomiting over the side and hung his head over the side, looking into the water. He was puzzled. There seemed to be a dark spot in the water, a shadow of some sort along the side of the boat. But it wasn’t the boat’s shadow. Morton squinted his tiny eyes to try and make out whatever it was. Then a humongous green Piranha Plant lifted it’s head out of the water where the shadow was. It hissed and shot out a blue forked tongue. Morton widened his eyes in fear and stepped backward.

“What is it, Morton? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost!” Junior said.

“We’re gonna need, a bigger boat!” Morton worried.

“You think he saw a shark?” Iggy asked.

“Knowing Morton it was probably a tuna!” Larry chuckled.

“I’m serious you guys! There’s some kind of Piranha Plant over there!” Morton stammered.

Iggy, Wendy, Roy, and Larry peered over the side and saw nothing but a school of tiny Blurps.

“Oh, I know, Morton, it’s REALLY frightening!” Wendy giggled.

Then the boat came to a sudden stop, throwing everyone to the floor. Jagger pulled himself up, holding onto the controls. “What was that?”

“I don’t know...” Kammy responded.

“It must have been that Piranha Plant I saw!” Morton shouted.

“Piranha Plant...” Larry wondered.

“Hey, why is the ocean getting higher?” Junior asked.

“It’s not... we’re sinking!!” Kamek shouted.

Just then from the other side of the ship, the green Piranha Plant lifted itself out of the water and hissed loudly. Purple venom spewed from its mouth, dissolving the wood as it landed on the ship. Then a large thorny vine surfaced on the opposite side of the fishing boat. It wrapped around the boat twice, keeping it in place. Everyone swallowed and responded with the same answer.

“We’re going to need a bigger boat!”

Chapter 14: Treasure Chart Deciphered!

Splooshi lay unconscious, with blood drooling out of his mouth on the ground. His arm was twisted in an odd direction, and it was safe to say, it was bad. Yoshi and Mallow were careful lifting him up, so as not to do any further damage. They placed him on a plank Yoshi had quickly got from the boat. They took him back into the sailboat and were greeted by the old Nimbian and his Mushroomer wife.

“I must thank you, for saving me and me wife from that fire. But, what happened to him?” the Nimbian asked.

“He’s been badly... attacked by a dark-”

“Dark-colored wolf! But I think he’ll be alright,” Yoshi said, interrupting Mallow.

Mallow looked a bit confused, but after a moment of thinking about it, he was glad Yoshi had interrupted. This person didn’t need to know there was a monstrous warrior on his island.

“Hmm, okay. My wife might be able to help. She used to be a nurse,” the old Nimbian said.

“Yes, I’ll do my best. Do you have a first aid kit?” the Mushroomer asked.

“Sure, Yoshi go get it,” Yoshi said, leaving the room.

“I know you from somewhere...” the Nimbian said, looking over Mallow. “You’re the Prince of Nimbus Land!” the Nimbian said.

“Well, yes. But call me Mallow,” Mallow responded.

“Alright, Mallow. It was hard to tell with your royal clothes a bit burned. Why were you coming to our island?” he asked.

“Well sir,” Mallow said.

“My name’s Cumulo, Cumulo Stratus,” the Nimbian said.

“Well, Mr. Stratus, we were hoping you could decipher and translate this old treasure map we have, thanks to our downed buddy Splooshi,” Mallow said.

“Ah. It all makes sense now... except for the odd fire of course,” Cumulo said. “Here, let me see the map.”

“Okay. I put it right here in the refrigerator where no one would look, in a container marked, squid,” Mallow said, reaching into the fridge. “Here it is! I put it inside this Tupperware marked, squid.”

Yoshi returned with the first aid kit and handed it to the Mushroomer, Mildred Mushcloud.

“Thanks... I’ll try my best to help your friend,” Mildred said.

Mallow handed Cumulo the map. He put on some spectacles and studied it for quite a long time. “Hmm... this language seems to be written in a very ancient text. I believe it’s a very, very old and primitive form of Plitish.”

“Plitish? That’s actually a language?” Mallow asked.

“Yes, believe it or not. No one is quite sure what species used the language, eons ago. It might possibly have been the language of the Star Sages whom gave birth to Plit,” Cumulo answered.

“The Star Sages? I don’t recall that bedtime story...” Mallow answered.

“Well, I’d tell you myself if I knew the entire tale. But I have more important things to worry about... like translating this map. If only all of my possessions hadn’t been burned, this would have gone along much easier. I’ll have to decipher it from memory...” Cumulo muttered.

The old Nimbian walked out of the ship and out onto the upper deck, where he sat down and started his task. Meanwhile Mildred looked down at Splooshi. She’d done all she could. His body was bruised and his face had several cuts. One of his eyes was blackened and his tail was bent. To top it off his arm was injured badly; Mildred had wrapped it tightly so it pressed up against his chest so he wouldn’t move it.

“Thank you for your help,” Yoshi said.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more...” Mildred replied.

“If it wasn’t for you, he might be dead by now. We are in your debt,” Mallow thanked.

“Oh no, we’re equal. After all you did save me and my husband’s lives,” Mildred exclaimed.

“You two go rest now, Yoshi will watch Splooshi,” the green dinosaur said.

Mallow and Mildred nodded in agreement and walked up to the deck. Mildred went over to talk to Cumulo, and Mallow looked out at the island. It was now the very early morning. The Sun hadn’t risen yet, and it was still very dark. The Nimbian Prince pondered over the mysterious Dark Warrior in black armor who they had fought. Was he the one who started the fire, and if so, why? What was its purpose, and why did it try to kill them? Mallow’s train of thought was interrupted by the familiar voice of a friend. He turned and saw Splooshi, standing next to him.

“Thank you Mallow. Me very grateful,” Splooshi said, giving his fluffy friend a hug.

“Heh... no need to thank me. You would have helped too, and I’m so glad to see you are better!” Mallow said.

“Well, me feel a lot better now. Soon I hope to make full recovery,” Splooshi exclaimed.

“I’m sure you’ll be back to your old self soon,” Mallow said.

“Yeah. Splooshi wanna go into water to swim, but Yoshi say not to. My wounds must heal first,” Splooshi said.

“That’s true. But once you’re better, you can swim all you like!” Mallow said.

Splooshi nodded, and the two looked out at the island. It was silent for some time. They both had the thought of the Dark Warrior eating away at their minds. They both became very nervous when wondering about him. Mallow clutched the railing of the ship tightly. He knew he had to check the scene of the fight.

“Splooshi... I...” Mallow paused, looking down. “I have to go for a walk. I’ll be back soon.”

Splooshi knew what Mallow was really trying to say. “Let me come with you.”

“No, you stay here and rest. I’ll be back shortly,” Mallow replied.

Splooshi reluctantly listened and went to go rest in bed. Mallow took out his Froggie Staff, just in case. As he walked through the destroyed forest, a strange feeling overwhelmed him. He had the urge to turn back, as if he was about to see something terrifying. But Mallow didn’t turn back. He stopped briefly, breathed in, and continued.

Cumulo stood up from his seat and went to look for Yoshi. He found the green one nervously chewing on some bananas down in the ship. Cumulo put the map and a few other sheets of paper on the table.

“I tried my best, and this is what I came up with. If I am correct, the map says something like this: Far, far west, in sea of death. Passed dark mountain. Isle of stone. Deep inside of mother, treasure resides in cavern of eternal winter. That’s all I could make out. There was one more phrase I could make out... it was something like, phantom water. I can’t be sure though. I hope this helps,” Cumulo said.

“Yes it does, I have to show my friends. Thank you very much,” Yoshi said.

The green dino walked into Splooshi’s cabin, where he was laying down on the bed.

“Splooshi, the treasure map is deciphered! Now we can find the treasure! … Hey, where’s Mallow?” Yoshi asked.

Splooshi looked down at the floor. He tightened his grip on a pillow in his hand.

“Splooshi... where is Mallow?” Yoshi persisted.

“He... he went back... to check,” Splooshi said.

“To check what?” Yoshi asked, before realizing what Mallow had done. “Oh no! Splooshi, why didn’t you tell Yoshi?! He could be in trouble!”

Mallow walked cautiously to the site of the battle. He peered around the landscape, looking for his enemy’s remains. When the Nimbian heard voices, he dove into a nearby thicket of bushes that hadn’t been consumed by flames.

“They saved the old man, and by now they have the map translated. You failed me! Besides not carrying out your mission, they now know something is up! Or at least if they’re smart at all...”

Mallow opened a hole in the leaves with his hands to see what was happening. He spied the Dark Warrior they had fought kneeling with its head down to an eerie fire with transitioning colors. The fire seemed fake, it looked as if it was drawn into a photograph. It hovered above the ground. Brilliant bright oranges, reds, yellows, and pinks colored its pyres. He wasn’t sure where the voice was coming from.

“Imbecile!” the voice shouted.

A bright green flame enveloped the armored villain, and its armor melted away instantly. The true creature behind the armor was also engulfed, and not a trace of what it truly was remained. Mallow swallowed as he stared, witnessing the horrifying act. Someone was very angry, and didn’t want them to get the treasure. The ball of flame then poofed into smoke, and was no more. Mallow walked up toward the smoldering black pile of ash, where the Dark Warrior once stood. Yoshi ran up to him quick as he could.

“Mallow! What you thinking? It dangerous!” Yoshi cried.

“Yoshi... we have a big problem, and I think it’d be best if we left the island as soon as possible! I’ll tell you once we return to the boat!”

Chapter 15: Nightmarish Night and Deadly Dawn...

Stario and Luigi had been walking all day and night. Long behind them was Toadstool Town, they were now somewhere in between Seaside Town and Land’s End, very close to their destination of Monstro Town. But now Luigi and even the powerful Stario were completely worn out. They had made great progress, but now they had to rest. They had a few hours until first light. They set up camp in a rocky area near the edge of a small forest. Luigi made a bonfire with his green fireballs. Stario and Luigi said their goodnights and fell asleep immediately into a deep slumber. They were being watched.

High on top of the largest boulder in the area, Ekin lay flat on his stomach atop the gray platform. Once the two had begun snoring, he peeked over the edge and spied the two plumbers fast asleep. He had been biding his time, and now he longed for a kill. But he knew if he did now, his master would be very upset. His orders were to wait until Stario had a full recovery of his strength when he awoke. Ekin didn’t dare question his master’s orders. Even with Stario at full power, Ekin could handle the plumber. Ekin was definitely more than he appeared to be. The frustrated Mushroomer warlock took out his wand and smiled. If I can’t fight, I’ll just psyche him out through a nightmare... Ekin pulled out his staff. He twirled it and then pointed it at the sleeping Stario.

Stario opened his eyes and found himself outside Peach’s Castle. He had no idea how he’d got there. Instinctively he reached back for his Star Saber, but it wasn’t there. Looking around he saw the sky had turned a horrible pitch black. It was difficult to make anything out. As the heroic hybrid looked around, he spotted something. It was very clear through all of the darkness. Two red eyes, piercing Stario’s soul with their glare. It was Vuljiin, it had to be. Stario, unarmed, lifted up his gloved hands and closed them into fists. The Star emblems etched onto the back of each glove shined with a bright golden light. Vuljiin raised his hands and pulled in energy to his hands hidden in the darkness. Two bright yellow spheres formed in his hands. They sparked with the might of one thousand bolts of lightning. Stario prepared to dodge the attack, getting ready to leap into the air. Suddenly a shriek sounded from behind the plumber. Stario turned and saw the princess. She was on top of the castle, waving her hands. She was saying something, but Stario couldn’t hear. That’s when the pain came.

All through his body, Stario felt the mighty lightning attack. It fried his blood, it shocked his bones. His heart felt on fire. He could feel his chest pounding with pain. Blood dripped down from his mouth. Stario saw Vuljiin preparing another blast. Stario jumped over this one. The lightning attack crashed into the castle. It exploded in a violent, ear-shattering boom. Peach cried out but was cut off. Stario gasped at his mistake. Vuljiin’s irritating cackling came from behind him. Stario turned to the fowl beast. Enraged, he charged the monster. He shot his Star-powered fists at the dark creature. Each time he threw a punch, Vuljiin dodged. Stario became frustrated and put his hands together and fired a blast of golden fire. The beam surrounded Vuljiin. But through the golden light, Stario still saw the two demonic eyes staring right back. It was driving him insane. The beam dissipated and Vuljiin stood there, unaffected. Stario breathed heavily, and arched his back. This was impossible! There’s no way Vuljiin could be this strong! Vuljiin started closing in on the failed Stario. Stario cried out in anger and sorrow. He was going to die, and so was everything else he loved. Vuljiin raised his hand for the final blow...

Stario woke up.

It took him a minute to realize it was all a dream. The sky was still dark, and Luigi was still asleep. He was drenched in cold sweat. Stario looked down at his fists. The Star emblems were still glowing. Was it really a dream? He shook his head and placed it back down on his pillow, staring above him. That’s when he saw it. Someone was looking down at him from the top of the rocks. Whoever it was darted back behind the boulder. Stario leapt into the air and landed on the boulder. He found nothing awaiting him. After checking the scene out again, he convinced himself it was all in his head. Stario jumped back down and fell back to sleep.

Spying from behind some trees, Ekin watched him fall back to sleep. He slapped himself. “That was too close!” Ekin told himself.

The Mushroomer placed his staff inside his robes. He sat down against the tree’s trunk. Creating that dream and then quickly teleporting had drained a lot out of him. He closed his eyes and rested. His time would soon come, but now he had to rest as did his foes.

That morning, Luigi woke up first. He yawned and crawled out of his sleeping bag. Packing his things, he woke Stario. Stario shook his heat, asking for a few more minutes. Luigi pulled his lazy brother out of bed and continued putting his stuff away.

“Luigi! I just remembered-a! I had a terrible nightmare last night!” Stario said.

While Stario told Luigi about his dream, Ekin awakened. His eyes were still closed at first when he woke. He scratched his stomach. Opening his crusted eyes, he recalled his location and the occurrences of last night. He turned his head and looked toward the campsite. Stario and Luigi were conversing with each other while they packed their things. He turned back and clenched his fists. This was it! Ekin’s heart pounded in anticipation. He felt the adrenaline swarming through his body. Pulling out his wand from under his robe, he stood up and prepared for battle.

“That is a pretty strange dream, Stario... and then you said you saw someone?” Luigi asked.

“I thought I did, I guess I was just seeing things,” Stario replied.

“Well can you see this?” Ekin called.

The two brothers turned to the source of the sound. Ekin stood twenty feet away from them. He shot out two dark spheres of energy with purple and black light. Luigi jumped to the side of the ball heading towards him. Stario front-flipped over the sphere of darkness shot at him. While in the air, he unsheathed his blade and pointed it at Ekin once he landed. The fight was on!

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