A Bed to Die For

By Teela Yoshi

Inside Larry's room, there wasn't much to be seen. He kept a whole bunch of plants, and his bed was there... along with a toy box, a dresser, and a few trinkets of metal on the ground.

"Least he has more than what I have..." Karma muttered as Ludwig looked around, holding the magnifying glass as Karma had her arms crossed.

"Check his drawers."

"No way...."

"Why not?"

"There may be underwear!"

"Koopas don't wear underwear... er... not Koopalings..." Ludwig clarified as Karma rolled her eyes. She went to the drawer and opened it. There were three drawers total. She opened the first slowly, seeing packets of things. As she pulled the drawer open fully, she realized it was plant food. She then opened the next, seeing small bags of fertilizer. She opened the third very quickly, seeing a small light and a few small plants in jars.

"He is obssessed with them..." Karma noted as Ludwig placed a paw on the bed, bending down to see under it. Lemmy, Larry, and Iggy felt it as Lemmy perked up.

"Yell!" he hissed, as Iggy and Larry nodded. They took a deep breath as the bed heard them. Ludwig then felt his arm being sucked in as he screamed wildly, Karma looking to him.

"HELP ME, KARMA!!!" And with that, Karma ran over to him and grabbed his other arm, pulling him off his feet and yanking him. The bed held his arm tightly as Ludwig tried to yank his arm away from it.

"On the count of three, yank your other arm, and I pull this one!" Karma ordered as Ludwig nodded, looking up to her, his eyes filled with fear. " One, two... three!!!" They both pulled at the same time, breaking free of the bed as they topped backwards, scrambling up and away from each other as Karma jumped towards the door, the bed getting up. Ludwig followed her as they shut the door immediately, running down the hall back towards Ludwig's lab.


"I think we got enough evidence..." Karma stated, panting, as she sat down in one of the lab chairs.

"Agreed..." Ludwig replied as he looked to the ceiling.

"Now what? That really happened, right?" Karma asked as she glanced to Ludwig's arm; he was holding it up, looking at it.

"I'm going to scan my arm to see what materials were left on it. Maybe that will tell us something..." Ludwig stated as Karma nodded. Maybe they'd actually get somewhere now...


"I think it was Karma and Ludwig... but I'm not sure..." Iggy sighed as Lemmy nodded.

"I think it was. Sounded like Ludwig's high-pitched scream..." Larry joked as Lemmy chuckled.

"YOU GUYS BETTER KEEP QUIET," the bed declared. Iggy glared at the bed from within it.

"Or what?!"

"Or I'll finish with you now." And with that, the three quieted down, obeying the bed, obeying it out of fear...


"Bowser... I don't know what to do. Several of my sons are missing.... and there is nothing I can do!!!" Clawdia began to cry some more as she sat on the bed in the main bedroom of the castle. Bowser was up pacing, wondering. He didn't know what to say, much less do. They had just vanished; he was beginning to disagree with the joke thing. This was a serious matter; he had nothing to start with though! He didn't even know where square one was; there was no evidence, no runaway note, they had simply vanished...

"Clawdia, please, just stop with your ridiculous sobbing, woman! We'll find them, for crying out loud!!!" he yelled irritably as Clawdia only began to sob more. Bowser got angry and flared out of the room quickly; anything, to him, was better than being with that insolate woman...


Wendy was walking down the corridor, pacing more or less. Her annoying brothers were gone; she was debating whether or not to party or actually do more to look for them.

"Ugh... I can't say I don't care," Wendy noted to herself out loud as she shrugged. "But I doubt they would look for me..."

"Wendy, stops talking to yourselfs." A harsh voice was heard as Wendy nearly jumped. She looked around frantically, wondering where on Plit it had come from. It somewhat sounded like Roy, though it echoed and was a bit muffled. She looked around... If it was Roy, where was he?

"Roy? Where are you?"

"Everywheres," Roy replied as Wendy scowled, glancing left and right.

"I thought you were in the dungeon."

"You thoughts wrong," Roy replied evilly as Wendy rolled her eyes and started away. She didn't care what Roy was up to... But then she thought for a moment.

"Roy... did you know Lemmy, Iggy, and Larry are all missing?" There was a moment of silence.


"Iggy, Lemmy, Larry; missing," Wendy repeated as she heard a chilling laugh.

"You ares joking, aren't chas?" Roy asked a bit oddly as Wendy shook her head.

"I wish."

And with that, she said nothing more, just heard Roy cursing to himself and some metal clanking, like Roy was moving through the air vents or something...


The vents were a bit freezing, the dust wallowing up in Roy's face as he squeezed through them quickly, his bulkiness not allowing that easily.

"I can'ts believes he just goes and gones missing rights when I wanted to pulerize 'im..." Roy muttered quietly, careful to not let anyone know he was crawling through the air vents. He took a right and decided to just at least check Larry's room some more. Maybe they were pulling some sort of prank?

"Wells if dat's that case, I'ms gonna bust 'em..." he assured himself as he then stopped and climbed down a rusty sort of ladder that was more or less just indents in the wall. Spiders surrounded them as he pushed them all away. He didn't care much about the inhabitants of the vents... They didn't bother him in the least. Roy then stopped, looking cautiously into Larry's room, waiting for something, anything even, to happen.

Roy lay in the vent, looking down upon Larry's inactive room. He was hearing almost nothing... though he couldn't tell exactly what he was hearing. It sounded like something was here, Roy felt as though he were not the only one looking in.

"Must be da.. spiders..." It wasn't the vents that were cold, he realized. He backed up a bit, realizing the heat was on but Larry's room failed to be ventilated. He felt something was odd here, something wasn't right, though he couldn't be decisive.

The muffled voices were all around Roy now, and at first he thought they were coming from elsewhere in the castle, but they were close, so shallow, but very near. There was pounding, frustration, screaming even. Something was pleading, begging, and he practically could hear it all, but it was more of a feeling. With a sudden odd chill down his neck, Roy backed up from looking into Larry's room. That feeling gave him goosebumps, and he didn't like it. He didn't like the struggle; something, and he could feel it, was wrong here. And he didn't like it... Not one bit.

Roy began away from Larry's room, not sure where he was going, but he wasn't staying. It was then he knew that something in the castle itself seemed wrong, something out of place. This wasn't some sort of sick joke, and with that thought, Roy paused. Something was going on... But what?

Read on!

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