Luigi and Waluigi's Mansion

Started by Mario64

Area 4: Vacuum up Sue Pea in the Guest Room

By Alex Jones

Luigi and Waluigi have just cleared the Sitting Room.

Luigi: What is in the pot?

Waluigi: I don't know.

Luigi checks the pot and a water element comes out. Luigi collecte the water element and waters the plant, and out comes a gold bar.

Waluigi: MINE!!!

Waluigi dashes for the bar but Luigi gets it.

Waluigi: Hey! I told you to keep your hands off my money!

Luigi: (What a baby.)

While thinking, Waluigi enters a door.

Waluigi: ???

The room is upside down.

Waluigi: Luigi! Come see this!

Luigi follows Waluigi. They notice a girl on the ceiling sleeping.

Sue Pea: Don't try to wake me. GOOOOO Awayyyy!!!

The Luigis ignore her. They spray water on her, then Waluigi starts sucking her up.

Sue Pea (0): Helllllllllllllp!

Sue Pea was gone. A chest appeared on the ceiling. Luigi tried to suck it open but it didn't work. So they leave the room and they hear a thump.

Luigi: What in the world was that?

They re-enter the room.

Waluigi: Mine!

Waluigi tries to get the chest but Luigi gets the blue diamond and gold bar from inside.

Waluigi: Grrrrr...

Luigi: WAIT!

Luigi waters a plant in the room. He collects the blue ruby.

Waluigi: *mumble*

Luigi: To the next room!

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