Luigi and Waluigi's Mansion

Started by Mario64

Area 4: Vacuum up Van Gore in the Artist's Studio

By ducky.10

The Luigis had just caught Sir Weston.

Luigi: It says here that this key unlocks the door to the Artist's Studio.

Waluigi: I've always loved art...

Luigi: The only painting you find interesting is "The Scream".

They continue down the hall. They eventually find the door.

Waluigi: This is it!

Waluigi attempts to open the door but it slams him into the wall. It was phoney.

Waluigi (90/100): That... hurt.

Luigi: You're such an idiot. It's this one.

Luigi walks in. They see a bunch of easels. One has a picture of an orange ghost.

Waluigi: Hmmm...

Suddenly, Vincent Van Gore appears!

Van Gore: Ahhh... This must be my true masterpiece.

Luigi: Hey! You with the funny cap!

Van Gore: Gah! Who are you two?! Oh, you are those pesky men King Boo warned me about! You are here to ruin my paintings!


Van Gore: Bah! I will never give up my my talent for art! Now, my paintings, ATTACK!!!

Van Gore vanishes. Just then, three orange ghosts appear!

Waluigi: Oh, come on! We have to get rid of his portrait flunkies?!

Luigi: Quit your whining and and vacuum them!

Luigi shines and vacuums one of them, but Waluigi gets hit by two causing him to take 5 damage.

Waluigi (85/100): Ouch!

Waluigi shines and vacuums the two ghosts. Vincent Van Gore reappears.

Van Gore: Gah! How dare you?! No matter! I have many more!

He vanishes, leaving three pink ghosts.

Luigi: More ghosts? Let's get 'em, Waluigi!


Luigi's vacuum two up with ease. Waluigi takes 3 damage, but manages to vacuum the last ghost up.

Waluigi (82/100): Curses!

Then, three blue ghosts appear.

Waluigi: Nooo!

Luigi and Waluigi charge at the ghosts. Luigi is shashed by the ghosts' fists, while Waluigi shines and vacuums them all. Luigi gets up and brushes himself off.

Luigi (98/100): Ow! That hurt!

Three red grabbers appear. One of them jumps on Waluigi and chokes him.

Waluigi (75/100): Owowowowowow!

Luigi: Gah!

Luigi and Waluigi work together and vacuum them up.

Waluigi: Phew! Thanks, Luigi.

Luigi: Don't mention it.

Three masked ghosts appear.


They suck off their masks with ease, shine them, then vacuum them up.

Luigi: *pant* I have never sucked up this many ghosts before! *pant*

Waluigi: GAH!

Three banana dropping ghosts appear.

Luigi: GET THEM!

Luigi sucks up one. While chasing a second, he slips on a banana peel.

Luigi (96/100): Oof!

Waluigi shines and sucks up the other two.

Luigi: Huff...puff...uff... I'm so... tired...

Three purple Boo-Blahs hang from the cieling.

Waluigi: Oh no! Not these guys!

Luigi attempts to vacuum one, but gets a bomb dropped on him.


Luigi (92/100): Owowowowow!

Waluigi and Luigi once again work together and vacuum them up. Van Gore appears.

Van Gore: Noo! I spent half of my afterlife on those! PREPARE TO- Huh?!

His heart shows.

Luigi: Aha!

Luigi and Waluigi drain him down to 90.

Van Gore: GRAAAAH!!!

Luigi: Hold still!

Van Gore (56): LET ME GO!!!

Waluigi: Quit resisting!


Luigi finishes him off. The room brightens. A large chest appears in the room.

Waluigi: MINE!

Waluigi jumps to the chest but trips over the table. Luigi opens the chest and takes the key. Waluigi screams words not fit for print.

Luigi: This goes to the secret altar!

Waluigi: Woohoo! We can rescue our brothers!

Luigi: Let's go!

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