Luigi and Waluigi's Mansion

Started by Mario64

Area 4: The Final Battle!

By Mario64

Luigi and Waluigi have just defeated Van Gore and got a very rare golden key!

Luigi: Yes! With all 50 Boos captured, we can go rescue our brothers!

Waluigi: Yup!

Luigi and Waluigi run to the basement and go to the door. The thorns vanish and Waluigi unlocks the door.

Mario: Thank goodness you're finally here!

Wario: Yeah. I had enough for one day!

Waluigi: There must be some money left!

Waluigi searches for money and Luigi approaches King Boo.

King Boo: ??? Huh? Luigi and Waluigi are here?! That's impossible!

Waluigi: We're putting you out of business!

King Boo: Oh yeah? Join your brothers inside the painting to see how you like it!

Bowser appears in the painting.

Bowser: I'll suck you up!

Bowser opens his mouth and Luigi and Waluigi get sucked in.


Luigi: Hey! We're on the roof!

Suddenly Bowser falls from the sky.


Bowser: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Mario can't help you now!

Bowser shoots fire at Waluigi and he gets burned.


Bowser throws three spiked balls at Luigi.

Luigi: Wait! I have an idea!

Luigi uses his Poltergust 3000 to grab a ball, then he throws it at Bowser and his head comes off! King Boo comes out.

King Boo: You can't suck me!

Luigi: 500?!

Waluigi:That's a lot of hit points! We'll use teamwork to catch him!

Bowser Head: I'll shoot ice at you!

Luigi: Yikes!

Luigi and Waluigi drain King Boo's power to 370 and he goes back inside.

Bowser: Give up!

Bowser sucks up Luigi and spits him out.

Luigi: This could get bad!

Bowser throws three spiked balls and Waluigi uses his Poltergust 3000 2 to throw one back!

Bowser: AAH!!!

King Boo comes back out. Luigi and Waluigi drain him down to 110 when he goes back inside! Bowser puts his head back on upside down. He runs over Luigi who gets knocked down to 60 health!

Luigi: This is insane!

Luigi gets on the chimney of the mansion. Bowser throws another three balls and Waluigi throws another back! He is just about to drain King Boo to zero!

Luigi: Don't worry! I'll help!

Luigi gets in the game and he sucks up King Boo completely!

King Boo: I'LL GET YOU, LUIGI!!!

Luigi: Yes! King Boo's crown!

Waluigi swipes the crown out of Luigi's hands. Bowser's head falls to the ground and so does his body. Luigi and Waluigi go back to the Secret Altar when both Gameboy Horrors ring.

E. Gadd: You did it! You defeated King Boo and can now go back to the lab!

Luigi: Mario and Wario are fast asleep.

E. Gadd: Just bring them here!

Luigi and Waluigi take the paintings back to the lab.

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