Luigi and Waluigi's Mansion

Started by Mario64

Boo-Catching Episodes: Boo in the Ball Room

By Paperlemmy

Luigi and Waluigi continue the Boo Hunt.  They walk down the still dark 1st Floor hallway and arrive at the Ball Room door.

Waluigi: Wow, all this Boo hunting is making me hungry. Good thing I found this Mushroom!

Waluigi takes out an old, moldy green Mushroom.

Luigi: Eww, are you sure you’re going to eat that?

Waluigi: Of course! It’s a green Mushroom, meaning it’s a 1-Up Mushroom! And only good can come from it!

Waluigi eats the Mushroom.

Luigi: Well, anyway, the Ball Room was brightened when we were there before, so maybe we’ll find a Boo inside.

Luigi and Waluigi enter the Ball Room. Immediately, their Boo Radar goes off.

Luigi: Okay, let’s get cracking!

Waluigi: (singingly) Don’t step on a crack, or you’ll break your mama’s back! Wee hee hee!

Luigi: That rhyme didn’t work when Mario said it, and it’s not going to work now…

Luigi searched carefully, not stepping on cracks, while Waluigi began to dance around the room.

Waluigi: I like eggs… Do you like eggs?

Luigi: Occasionally… Wait! I think I found him…

Luigi checked behind the portrait, and out popped a Boo!

Boo: ‘Allo! I am Boo La La!

Luigi: Oh, brother. That French accent is even worse then Chef Torte’s!

Meanwhile, off in another Fun Fiction…

Chef Torte: UGH!

Genius Guy: What’s the matter?

Chef Torte: I do not know… I feel as if zere is someone out zere, making fun uf my accent…

Genius Guy: It is kinda weird.


Chef Torte whacks Genius Guy with his PAN OF PAIN.  Meanwhile, back at the mansion…

Waluigi: Hey good lookin’! What’s cookin’?

Boo La La: Oh ho ho! Aren’t you ze charmer? Care to dance with moi?

Waluigi: I’d though you’d never ask!

They begin to waltz around the room; Luigi looks like he is going to hurl.

Waluigi: Do you believe in love at first sight? Well I do.

Boo La La: Oh my. Zis is so sudden! But, oui, I do believe in love at first sight.

Luigi: OH, BROTHER!!!

Waluigi: You are the roundest, most beautiful dead thing I have ever lay my eyes on.

Boo La La: Oh, my…

Waluigi: Let us kiss…

Boo La La: Oui…

Luigi: All right, that’s IT!

Luigi whacks Waluigi over the head and sucks up Boo La La.

Boo La La: Sacred Bluer! …

E. Gadd calls on the Game Boy Horror.

E. Gadd: Fantastic! Way to go, Luigi! I’ll save your Boo data right now!

Luigi: Thanks, Prof!

E. Gadd: Good luck out there with the rest of them!

The Gameboy Horror goes blank and Waluigi wakes up.

Waluigi: Ugh. What happened?

Luigi: Never mind. On to the next Boo!


Chef Torte: Read Ze Good, ze Bad, and ze Torte series! It is tres beun!

Genius Guy: It’s also a bit confusing with you switching back and forth from English to French…

Chef Torte: You just do not know when to quit, do you?


(Note: Genius Guy is a character from The Good, The Bad, and The Torte series, written by Chef Torte.  All rights to Genius Guy are owned by him.)

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