Luigi and Waluigi's Mansion

Started by Mario64

Area 4: Brighten up the Pipe Room

By Aldenrulez

It is the night of Friday the 13th and Luigi and his weird sibling–
Waluigi: You say that like it's a bad thing.
-are headed for the Pipe Room. Little do they know that hidden there is a dark and mysterious secret.
Luigi: What secret is in the Pipe Room?
I don't know. Madame whats-her-name told me.
Madame whats-her-name (from her painting): It's Clairvoya.
They open the door and find themselves in the game Mario Bros.
Luigi: Why are we retro?
Waluigi: (whispering) cool.
Fix the clogged pipes by twisting the knobs!
Luigi: Okey dokey.
Luigi twists the knobs while Waluigi has a fight with his shadow.
Luigi: Okay. I think it should work by now.
It works. They win the game and get a key. They also no longer become retro in the Pipe Room.
Luigi: Let's go get Sir Weston.
Waluigi: Okay.
???: Not so FAST!!!
Freddy Kreuger appears.
Luigi: Well there's something you don't see every day.
Freddy: None of you will make it alive!
???: Not on my watch!
It's Arnold Schwarzenegger!!!
Arnold: Must destroy Kreuger.
He takes Waluigi's Poltergust and shoots fire at Freddy. Then he cleans up the ashes.
Arnold: He won't become a painting.
Arnold gives back the Poltergust and leaves.
Luigi: NOW, let’s go find Sir Weston.
Waluigi: Right.
Creepy music starts, then changes into disco music.
If there's something strange
in the neighborhood,
Who you gonna call?
If there's something weird
and it don't look good
Who you gonna call?

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