Luigi and Waluigi's Mansion

Started by Mario64

Boo-Catching Episodes: Boo in the Study

By Badyoyo

The Luigis enter the study.
Luigi: Ok, the Boo Radar is yellow, so start searching.
Luigi and Waluigi search the room. Luigi searches a couple of bookshelves. A book falls out.
Luigi: Hmm.
Luigi picks it up.
Luigi: Hey Waluigi, have you ever heard of Henry and Orville?
Waluigi: No, why?
Luigi: It says here that they fear wind, fire, water, and ice.
Waluigi: Hmm... Awesome!
Luigi: What? You found the Boo?
Waluigi: No, Waluigi found some cool cheese!
Waluigi eats the cheese, and starts choking.
Waluigi: Waluigi think he's going to be sick.
Waluigi runs to the fireplace and pukes in it. Fortunately Taboo was secretly in the fireplace.
Taboo: Fortunate for who?
Luigi, who's sucking the life force out of you.
Taboo: Really? That's kind of a clever ide-
Luigi sucks up the stinky and distracted Taboo.
Luigi: Ha ha ha!
Waluigi: Ooooh.
E. Gadd: Great job on collecting that Boo, Luigi. Now send me the data.
Luigi: Got it.
Luigi sends E. Gadd the data and E. Gadd saves the game.

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