The Koopalings’ Adventures: The Evil Three

By Shy Ranger

Author's Note: When reading this story, it is mostly set like a video game. Also, when you see quotation marks “”, an unknown voice is talking.

Prelude: Ludwig’s New Invention

One day at Castle Koopa. Ludwig is working on an invention. In his room. Uh oh!

Ludwig: Just a virus check left? Ahh, I thought I was done! Oh, forget the debug check! Like someone would infect my project. I mean, what could go wrong? Since when has one of my inventions not worked? Anyway, IT IS FINALLY FINISHED! Oh, I love myself! I'd better show my siblings.

Ludwig leaves his room.

Meanwhile in the living room of Castle Koopa, the other Koopalings, Susan, and Nick are playing Mario Kart 64.



Morton: Uh, that’s me.

Lemmy: Two laps to go!

Susan: I’m going to beat you, Wendy!


Nick: Why am I here?

Roy: Because I’m lonely.

Lemmy: Final lap.

Ludwig walks in.

Ludwig: Hey guys, come in my room. I have something to show you.

Morton: Not now, playing.


Wendy pauses the game.

Wendy: Ludwig, what is so important that we have to stop?

Ludwig: I have a new invention.

Wendy quickly unpauses the game.

Ludwig: OH COME ON!

Nick: Ludwig, we would love to see you new invention, but-

Roy: But we love the gift of life.


Lemmy: And the winner is…

Ludwig unplugs the Nintendo 64.

Everyone: HEY!

Ludwig: You people didn’t even have the curtesy of asking what my invention is!

Larry: Okay, Kooky pants, what is it?

Ludwig: It’s a new video game- Wait! What did you call me?

Morton: No way, you already ruined the shrinking machine. I’m not letting you ruin video games.

Susan: You’ll probably ruin it like the Virtual Boy ruined Nintendo.

Ludwig: It didn’t ruin Nintendo.

Iggy: Either way, the answer is no.

Lemmy: Now hold on, as creator of a video game fansite, it is my duty to completely complete all Mario and Koopa video games.

Wendy: Huh? I thought you had to post hundreds and hundreds of fan fiction.

Lemmy: Same thing.

Iggy: But wait, what about you problem with beating the Pit of 100-

Lemmy: Shh! Anyway, let’s go.

Roy: Fine, but you owe me.

The Koopas enter Ludwig’s room.

Ludwig: Here we are. This is my video game, The Koopalings’ Adventures: The Evil Three. I hope to make more Koopaling Adventure games.

Lemmy: So what’s the game about?

Ludwig: Well, Cackletta, Smithy, and Grodus, or The Evil Three, have taken over the Koopa World, which is a combination of other worlds. You can play as any Koopaling and even Susan and Nick. You can walk, use a vehicle, visit towns, and fight bosses. There are 12 worlds and there is a special secret.

Everyone: COOL, LET’S PLAY!

The Koopalings, Nick, and Susan decide to play, but when they do, they get sucked into the TV. They stand in front of a dark castle.

Ludwig: Uh oh!

Morton: AWESOME!

Iggy: I didn’t know this was virtual reality.

Ludwig: It isn’t.

Lemmy: Then what’s going on?

The Koopas get knocked out.

Meanwhile, back in Ludwig’s room in Castle Koopa, Bowser and Clawdia enter the room.


Clawdia: Maybe they're in here.

Bowser: No, it’s just one of their video games.

Bowser and Clawdia get sucked into the TV.

The scene changes to a dark castle. Cackletta, Smithy, and Grodus, the Evil Three, appear.

Cackletta: Excellent, everything is going to plan. We have finally captured the Koopalings!

Cackletta looks at the fallen Koopalings in front of her.

Grodus: Yes, the plan worked. We have captured them: Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, Ludwig, Susan, and- Wait! Who is this?

Grodus and Cackletta looks at Nick.

Cackletta: Probably a common Koopa. Shoot him out of the cannon.

Grodus: Sure.

Grodus shoots Nick out of the cannon.

Cackletta: Anyway, this day could only get better if Smithy came and said-

A Dark Koopatrol appears.

Dark Koopatrol: Excuse me, we have a problem.

Cackletta: What is it?

Dark Koopatrol: Well, a giant Koopa is destroying the castle.

Grodus: Giant Koopa?

Cackletta: Destroying the castle?

Bowser and Clawdia appear.

Bowser and Clawdia: Where are our kids-

Bowser: *gasp* Cackletta!

Cackletta: Well, well, well! Bowser Koopa, how are you?

Bowser: Not as well as I will be once I fry you. Any last words?

Grodus: Yes, look out behind you.

Bowser: Huh?

Smithy appears and knocks out Bowser and Clawdia.

Smithy: Mission accomplished!

Grodus: So you found the final boss.

Smithy: Yes, the “big-headed Piranha Plant”.

Petey Piranha appears.

Petey: Smithy mentioned there would be pudding.

Cackletta: Now we must warp the Koopa Kids.

Cackletta uses her magic to warp the Koopalings away.

Cackletta, Smithy, and Grodus: WHA, HA, HA, HA!

Petey: Seriously, where’s the pudding?

World 1: Bowser Badlands
Level 1: Castle Koopa

The scene changes to Castle Koopa. In front of it lies Nick Koopa. Shy Ranger is standing in front of him, examining him. Nick wakes up.

Nick: *opens eyes* AHH! WHO ARE YOU?!

Shy Ranger: I’m Shy Ranger- well, not the real one. I’m just a program in the game.

Nick: Oh. Well what do you want?

Shy Ranger: I’m here to help you in your adventure.

Nick: Adventure? *gasp* The Koopalings, they must be at that dark castle!

Shy Ranger: Oh, you mean Evil Castle. Cackletta, Smithy, and Grodus, the Evil Three, are there sending out minions and taking over the world.

Nick: All right, let’s begin.

Shy Ranger: First, we must leave Castle Koopa.

Nick: Okay.

Shy Ranger: The Front Gate is locked, and the key is in the castle.

Nick: I’ll go get it.

Nick enters the castle.

Nick: If I were Ludwig, where would I hide a key- I’VE GOT IT!

Nick enters the kitchen, opens the freezer, and finds the key next to the chocolate. Two Koopa Troopas appear.

Koopa 1: Hey, what do you want that key for?

Nick: To open the Front Gate.

Koopa 2 hands Nick a key.

Koopa 2: You were holding the wrong key. This is the Front Gate Key.

Nick: Thanks.

Nick leaves and opens the Front Gate.

Shy Ranger: Good job! Time for Level 2!

Level 2: Bowser Badlands

Shy Ranger: This is a Vehicle Level.

Shy Ranger points at a Koopa Dasher (from Mario Kart Double Dash).

Shy Ranger: Use this to ride down the mountain and though Bowser Badlands. We must get to Koopa Town and talk to my friend, Meg Koopa.

Nick and Shy Ranger get in the Koopa Dasher and start riding down the mountain, avoiding boulders, stalactites, and Spinies. Close to the bottom, X-Nauts in Koopa Dashers start ramming Nick. Nick and Shy Ranger are able to make it down the mountain, but then the Dasher breaks.

Nick: Looks like we’re continuing on foot.

Nick and Shy Ranger walk to Koopa Town, avoiding Goombas, Spiky Goombas, and Paragoombas. They finally make it to Koopa Town.

Level 3: Koopa Town

Shy Ranger and Nick arrive in a town.

Shy Ranger: This is a Town Level. You can come here any time to buy items, sleep at the inn, and avoid the enemies. Go to the shop and buy items, weapons, and armor, or go to the inn and refresh yourself- which reminds me...

Shy Ranger hands Nick 100 coins.

Shy Ranger: Here is some coins for helping me get here.

“You got 100 coins.”

Nick: Who was that?

Shy Ranger: Just some unknown voice. Anyway, the first time you enter a town, you must do a certain mission. Here, we must go talk to Meg Koopa. She lives in a red house.

Shy Ranger and Nick enter a red house and find Meg.

Meg: Hi, Shy.

Shy Ranger: Meg, we need to talk. To the conference place.

The scene changes to a patch of Fire Flowers, where Nick, Shy Ranger, and Meg Koopa are.

Meg: Okay, here we are.

Shy Ranger: Now Meg, I found THE HERO, but he needs help.

Nick: That’s right, I need to get to the Castle of Evil.

Shy Ranger: Evil Castle.

Nick: Right.

Meg: Okay, to get there, there are a couple things to do. Here’s a list.

Meg hands Nick a list.

1. Get the Dark, Grass, Desert, Water, Fighting, Sky, Ice, Lightning, and Ground Stones.
2. Use the Nine Stones to unlock the Nine Pipes Island.
3. Get the Nine Keys on the Nine Pipes Island to unlock the Horror Castles.
4. Clear the Nine Horror Castles to unlock the Evil Castle World.
5. In the Evil Castle World, use the Star Boat in Star Haven to reach Evil Castle.

Nick: WOW. Ludwig sure made this a long game.

Meg: The Dark Stone is hidden in the Badlands Temple. Also, a Koopa who loves plants is help captive there.

Shy Ranger: A Koopa?

Nick: Who loves plant- *gasp) LARRY! Meg, how do I get to the Badlands Temple?

Meg: In the clouds, but you can get there through a Teleport Pad in Boom Boom’s Fortress.

Nick: How do I get to Boom Boom’s Fortress?

Meg: It is on top of Koopa Mountain.

Nick: *sigh* How do I get to Koopa Mountain?

Shy Ranger: Well, I haven’t figured that out. Usually, I would go to Northeast Bowser Badlands and ride Blackicloud there, but the Northeast Path has been blocked, and Blackitu and Blackicloud are in a cage.

Meg: Well, Shy, I found out there are Secret Grottos in the mountain by Castle Koopa that lead to Northeast Bowser Badlands.

Nick: All right, but first…

Nick goes in the shop and uses his 100 coins to buy the Dark Hammer and Dark Shell.

Nick: … Let’s go.

Shy Ranger: I must go home, but here.

Shy Ranger hands Nick a communicator.

Shy Ranger: With this, I can keep in touch with you and help you. Goodbye.

Shy Ranger disappears.

Nick leaves and enters Bowser Badlands.

Nick: Meg said there was a Secret Grotto, but where would it be- I’VE GOT IT!

Nick finds a secret gole next to the sign “There is no chocolate here.”

Level 4: Secret Grottos

Nick stands in front of a road of lava, a Mudboat, and a FLUDD.

Nick: I’m glad I have played Super Mario Sunshine.

Nick gets in the boat and starts squirting with the FLUDD, avoiding rocks and fire that shoots up. After the road of lava, Nick notices a giant wall.

Nick: I guess I should climb this wall.

Nick climbs the wall, but keeps slipping. After many tries, Nick makes it to the top, and exits the grotto.

Level 5: Sky Path

Nick arrives in Northeast Bowser Badlands and notices Blackitu and Blackicloud in a cage.

Blackitu and Blackicloud: HELP US! WE’RE TRAPPED!

Nick: Hmm, how can I open this cage- AHA!

Nick uses his Dark Hammer to break the cage.

Nick: I’m glad I bought this.

Blackitu: Thank you for freeing us.

Blackicloud: Is there anything we can do for you?

Nick: Yeah, I need to get to the top of Koopa Mountain.

Blackicloud: Hop on top of me, and I’ll take you there.

Nick hops on top of Blackicloud.

Blackicloud: To Koopa Mountain!

Blackicloud starts flying to Koopa Mountain. On the way, Nick and Blackicloud avoid Lakitus, Paragoombas, and Paratroopas. Once they make it to Koopa Mountain, they head for the summit, but hit an invisible wall.

Level 6: Koopa Mountain

Nick and Blackicloud wake up at the bottom of Koopa Mountain.

Nick: *groan* What happened?

Blackicloud: We hit some sort of barrier. Maybe we should talk to Smithy Junior. He mans our Weapon Shop on this mountain and knows everything that happens on this mountain.

Nick: Good idea!

Nick and Blackicloud enter a cave with a roof over it and talk to Smithy Junior.

Smithy Junior: It’s nice to see someone face the Evil Three. Smithy is giving me a bad name. Since you’re going to fight the Evil Three, take this.

Smithy Junior hands Nick a Spiny Shell with a small cannon.

“You got the Spike Shooter. Shoot spikes at enemies.”

Nick: Thank you.

Blackicloud: Junior, have you heard about an invisible barrier surrounding the summit?

Smithy Junior: Yes, but I don’t know how to get past it. However, try the Mountain Tower, it’s above this shop.

Nick: Okay, I’m off. Later Blackicloud, Smithy Junior.

Nick exits the cave.

Nick: Above the shop... AHA! A rope ladder.

Nick climbs the rope, avoiding boulders. He makes it to the top.

Nick: There’s the tower.

Nick enters the Mountain Tower.

Read on!

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