The Good, the Bad, and the Torte 3
The Passion of the Chef

By Chef Torte

Chapter 18: The Cleansing

The next morning had set in and the threesome of Kammy, Jade, and Vermik were dead tired. They had been scaling the mountains all night after their encounter with the strange monster. Few words were spoken between the rest of them after the thing’s retreat, and the tension between them was thick. While Kammy and certainly Jade had been roughed up in the crash of the Koopa Jet, Vermik appeared fine. Even his wardrobe was as clean as it was prior to the incident. Though it silently irritated both of the women that they were forced to appear chewed up and spit out, it wasn’t enough to make a fuss. Vermik was enjoying the quiet. They climbed up another ridge and found a flat landing with a few conveniently placed boulders that made the place just scream, “Campsite!”

“Please,” Jade spoke up. “Let’s take a rest. My feet are killing me.”

“All right then,” Kammy agreed. “I could use a breather myself.”

Vermik said nothing but walked over to one of the boulders and leisurely sat upon it. He crossed his legs and tried to meditate. Quietly, Kammy hobbled over and sat kneeling against one of the boulders. Jade limped over and lay down upon her shell, her arms keeled out on either side. Kammy started picking at something in her ear as Jade hastily fell asleep. The brown-haired turtle began to snore, her mouth opening wide with each inhale. Slowly it began to bug both Magikoopas. Vermik raised an eyebrow, breaking his trance, and grimaced at the rude female. Kammy continued cleaning the inside of her ear with her pinky finger. She rubbed the interior of her ear and removed a big glob of wax. Kammy smiled contentedly as she flung the earwax from her finger into Jade’s open mouth.


“I’m so thankful we made it through the night,” Petal exclaimed. “I thought for sure we’d be done for, thank the Mother!”

Jagger scratched his head. “Yeah, what was that thing anyway?”

“That was Zargg. He’s the keeper of the island, and he only comes out at night,” Petal explained.

“Keeper of the island?” Jagger asked.

“Zargg protects us if we abide by his rules, keeping all dangers from finding me and my sisters. However, we can’t be out after the moon in the sky, or there’ll be trouble…”

Jagger was still very confused. Where were the others? Was Zargg the thing that had attacked them on the Koopa Jet? “Uh,” Jagger couldn’t remember her name. “Where are your sisters?”

“They’re up on the mountain. We live in a big temple,” Petal emphasized by stretching her arms outward. “Oh! We should go there now! My sisters must be worried sick about me!”

Petal forcefully grabbed Jagger’s hand and tugged him after her as they wandered toward the mountain.


After awhile Vermik had given up on meditation, and simply tried to relax. It was impossible with Jade’s constant snoring, but trying was the only thing he could do to forget his hunger. Kammy’s stomach mumbled; she too was hungry. A moment passed and Vermik said something.

“Did you ever get a chance to try and contact Kamek again?”

Kammy smacked her gray-haired head. “It completely slipped my mind!”

“Well there’s no use now with sleeping beauty over here,” Vermik snorted, admiring his finely cut nails. “Do you think it’s time we move on and wake her?”

“Yeah I can’t take any more of this. We need to find some food.”

Kammy stood up and kicked Jade in the ribs. The very “professional” admiral responded by coughing violently as she sat up. “Ouch, you didn’t have to kick me!”

Kammy smiled. “I know.”

Jade glared at the Magikoopa but rubbed her side as she stood up. “So where is it that we’re going?”

“The top of the mountain,” Vermik replied, still atop his boulder.

“Why there?” Jade asked intrusively.

“Before I found you two yesterday I caught a glimpse of the summit, there’s a temple up there,” Vermik stated.

“Do you think people live here?” Jade questioned.

“Stranger things have happened.” Vermik slid off his rock and started walking. “Any more questions, sweetheart?” Vermik said bitterly.

Jade sneered. “No… well, why does my throat taste so terrible?”

Kammy snickered to herself and quickly walked ahead of the Koopa admiral.


Tubes and wires hung from the endless and darkened ceiling and snaked down the fleshy walls, slithering to the center of the circular room. There the wires attached to the life-support capsule that encased the elderly Magikoopa, Kamek. When he awoke some hours ago, he had been like this. He was stripped to his shell and confined to the cylindrical transparent tank. He was surrounded in a gooey liquid that he didn’t recognize. It certainly wasn’t water, at least. Metal pipes and needles had been injected under his skin, for unknown purposes. It seemed whomever had captured him was very intrigued by his physical state. Without his glasses he couldn’t see very well, but after spending so much time in a room doing absolutely nothing but staring he sort of picked up what he could see. The room, as said, was circular. Its walls were made up of some bizarre material that Kamek had never seen. It looked like flesh to him, which was quite sickening. He noticed several bulbous growths on the wall that moved up and down in their place, he couldn’t tell but they seemed like large eyes that looked out from the wall and scanned the room. Finally, there was something that resembled a hatch door straight in front of Kamek. A round indentation that jutted out from the room’s perfect circle was divided into two halves, each half connected by something resembling a zipper of monstrous teeth. It was as if he was inside something alive. Where in the world was he?

Kamek concentrated the best he could, trying to ignore the invasive shivers sliding up and down his spine, throughout his entire body. Whatever they wanted to do to him, if anything, they could have and might have already done it. The Magikoopa wasn’t afraid of his own mortality, for he knew the next life had been waiting for some time. However, Kamek wasn’t one to give up hope. He closed his eyes and strained his internal spirit. Kammy, where are you?


Across a vast cliff, a collection of Plit’s creatures stood swaying in the wind and rising sunlight. In their hands were flowing, translucent veils that shimmered in the wind, as they were speckled with various gems and shiny stones that provided a glittering appearance but didn’t hold enough weight to weigh down the veil. Methodically, the army of Plitians brought their veil around them and danced with it, frolicking in the wind quite ceremoniously. Their soft voices harmoniously sang to add to their mysterious dance. Believe it or not, this was not the strange thing of the group. The odd factor? All of them were in possession of two X-chromosomes.

Females from varying species across the world were taking place in this strange and curious ritual. The large number were dancing in front of an idol resembling a Birdo with four arms, two tails, and two small wings. The idol stood at the front of a large temple that dominated the top of the mountain. Needless to say, Kammy, Jade, and Vermik were completely baffled.

“… What?” Jade mumbled.

“You got me,” Kammy replied.

“This is a new one…” Vermik commented.

The trio stood behind a collection of rocks on a higher ledge, looking down on the temple grounds. The ritual ended quickly after that, and the women and girls below broke apart from their mechanical formation and spread out. Many went inside the temple while others continued to congregate outside with one another.

“You think they have food?” Kammy asked, her stomach growling.

“They must,” Vermik said. “Unless they’ve been eating rocks all this time.”

Just then, they watched as a Chomp in the group bounced over to a large rock and gulped it down.

“What timing, huh?” Jade chuckled.

Kammy and Vermik didn’t find it too funny. They continued to watch when a sudden crowd formed near the edge of the temple, where a path down the mountain was. Through the crowd, Kammy made out Jagger.

“It’s Jagger!” Kammy exclaimed.

“Well, this shall be a good test to see what might happen to us,” Vermik described. He suddenly felt a jab at his back. “Hey, it was a joke, Kammy. I didn’t mean to sound so cruel.”

“What?” Kammy said. “I didn’t do anything.”

Vermik turned to Jade, who was shaking her head. The dark -obed Magikoopa thought for a moment, then felt another jab and turned around to meet face-to-face with a corpulent pink Pianta woman.

“Oh, well hello there,” Vermik said.


Bowser chomped away vigorously at a large plate of fruits and vegetables native to the island. The juice stained his massive maw as he dove into the large, nutritious meal. He snorted and belched and basically made a pig of himself, as usual. And yet, his hostess wasn’t phased in the least.

“Are you enjoying your meal, King Koopa?” spoke a delicate, yet quite strong-willed voice of femininity.

Bowser pulled away from his eating to give a brief, “Yuh-huh.”

Sorcia smiled, happy to see her honorable guest enjoying himself. Sorcia was a magnificently striking woman, and also strikingly resembled the fair princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. Sorcia was a human female with long locks of shiny black hair that descended down to the small of her back. Her skin was pale but lively. Her eyes were a dark autumn-reminiscent shade of red, with a depth unlike most people. You looked into her eyes and saw only the things right in the world, letting all the bad wash away. She wore a very simple, yet fetching dress that perfectly accented her lithe figure. The dress was colored a dark, soulful violet. Decorations of tendrils of green grass or another nature-y subject reached up from the dress’ bottom just above the ankles. Her dainty feet rested comfortably on brilliant sandals made of amber and silver. Long sleeves that grew in size as they reached out consumed her hands in darkness. Despite Bowser’s putrid behavior as he gorged on every food item in sight, the maiden stood solemn and humble. Her presence was peaceful, yet an air of mystery swirled around her.

Sorcia sighed with a smile and looked across the room at Bowser’s children. Five Koopalings were chomping their way through fruit faster than their father was and messier too. The sixth, Wendy, was absent from the table. Handmaidens stood by promptly, all different species, one for each Koopa. Peacefully they stood straight with their hands clasped behind their backs, awaiting any necessary tasks they could carry out for their guests. The vibrant woman turned her head at the sound of footsteps and saw one of her “sisters” walking towards her. This female was a Mushroomer, dressed in a similar outfit. She appeared incredibly beautiful, just like the large portion of the population of the island.

“Madam Sorcia,” the Mushroom said softly, “I have news to tell.”

“What is it, Serena?” Sorcia asked.

Serena T. placed her hands together and set them in front of her chest. “Petal has returned safe, along with another Koopa, he appears of a high rank.”

Bowser looked up, his mouth occupied with an orange. “Juwuh?”

“We have also found three other Koopas, they seem terribly exhausted. Two female and one male, Madam,” chided Serena.

“Very well, bring the male here. You take the females to join King Koopa’s daughter,” instructed Sorcia.

“It will be done, Madam,” Serena obliged.

The Mushroomer turned swiftly and walked hastily to carry out her duties. Sorcia smiled and twirled around, walking back to the table where Bowser ate. She placed a hand down on the wood and stared at him happily. After swallowing a few more things, some that weren’t edible, Bowser spoke.

“Madam Sorcia.”

“Please,” the woman interrupted. “There’s no need for Madam, just call me Sorcia.”

“Well if we’re dropping all these technicalities,” Bowser said in a humorous voice, “why don’t you just call me Bowser?”

“As you please, Bowser,” Sorcia spoke humbly.

“Anyway, I was wondering what exactly you were doing with my daughter?” Bowser asked.

“It is necessary for all women under Ovaria to be cleansed and blessed in a shower of Her tears,” Sorcia explained.

“Mhmm!” Bowser chewed another fruit, wondering why “her” had been capitalized and, more importantly, how he knew it had been capitalized in a narrative form. “Who’s this Ovaria chick?”

“Ovaria is the Maternal Star, the Mother of Plit and the Universe, and of all of us. We as Her daughters must be true to Her and repress the evil in the world that She so kindly gave to us,” Sorcia stated.

Bowser belched and snorted. “Is she hot?”

Sorcia closed her eyes and smiled. “She is the most beautiful being in existence.”

Bowser chewed and studied Sorcia’s physique, wondering how that could be possible. Just then a Yoshi and a Goomba led a very tired Vermik and Jagger into the room. The Koopalings looked up and gave rousing cheers for the two.

“All right!” Larry called.

“Jagger, Vermik, good to see ya!” Roy chuckled, downing a glass.

“Hey-hey, you’ll love it here,” Iggy said.

Vermik and Jagger were led to sit at Bowser’s table.

“Good to see you guys again!” Bowser greeted. “Isn’t it weird we all ended up like this?”

Jagger scratched his head. “Wha, what do you mean, my King?”

“I don’t know. Here, have some fruit,” Bowser offered.

“My good sirs, is there anything you wish of me? Would you like anything?” Sorcia asked.

Vermik and Jagger were awe-stricken for a moment.

“She… she looks just like…” Jagger mumbled.

“Yeah, you’ll get used to it in a half-hour,” Bowser mentioned, tearing into an innocent cantaloupe.

Vermik reached for an apple. “Tell me, um…” He didn’t know her name.

“I am Sorcia.”

“Well then, Sorcia, what did you do with my comrades? Where did you take Kammy and Jade?” Vermik asked.

“They have been brought to the tear chamber. There they shall be cleansed,” Sorcia explained.

Vermik eyed the Peach look-a-like. After a moment of thought, he put the apple down.

“Are you not hungry?” Sorcia asked.

“No it’s just…” He searched for a lie. “Fruit’s not my bag.”

“I will go look for something more suitable then, Master Vermik.” Sorcia turned and walked off out of the room.

Vermik leaned in on the table. “I don’t like this place, something’s not right…”

Bowser glared at him. “What's the matter with you? This place is paradise! Look at all the women! This was just what I needed to get out of my depression.”

Vermik snarled. “Pah! There’s mischief afoot; I can smell it. There’s no such thing as a true paradise. Behind every smile there’s a smirk laughing at you, these women must want something…”

“Like what?” Jagger asked.

“I’m not sure, but something is foul.” Vermik stopped Jagger from placing a cherry tomato in his mouth. “I wouldn’t eat the food if I were you.”

“You’re so naïve! There’s nothing wrong here, we just finally hit the jackpot!” Bowser swallowed. “Ah, if only Kamek was alive to see me in my glory…”

“Look at you! Kamek IS alive and you’re thinking him as good as dead!” Vermik argued.

“Well it’s not like I plan to stay here FOREVER, Vermik,” Bowser snapped. “I’m just enjoying myself for the time being. Besides, we don’t have enough troops or ANYTHING to start a counterattack. Let’s relax here for a while and come up with a new plan.”

Vermik looked to Jagger for support but the Terrapin replied, “Hey, what’s so bad about this place? Like the King says, we still need to get back on our feet.” Jagger at last ate that cherry tomato.

Vermik grimaced and without saying anything leapt from his spot and left the chamber. Sorcia walked back in carrying a plate of vegetables.

“Where has Master Vermik gone off to?” she asked.

“Don’t worry, he just needs some time to vent. He’ll come crawling back.” Bowser helped himself to the fish.

“He best return before nightfall…” Sorcia looked out the window, it was mid-day already.


A sensitive air that was soothing to the touch filled the very white chamber. A mist gathered at the central point of the room, where it grew so thick it was impossible to see where the center was and where the room ended. Four waterfalls fell softly to the corners of the room, filling the ankle-deep pool that covered almost every step of the chamber. Kammy watched as a bare Jade stepped towards the center of the room, where she disappeared beyond the cloud of mist. Next to her stood Serena T, who was dispatching of the Admiral’s ruined clothing. Beyond Serena was Wendy O. Koopa, who had been outfitted with a new outfit similar to the ones the others of the temple had been wearing. Kammy squinted with her mind’s perception, trying to find what was happening beyond the mist, but a mystic veil from an unknown source blocked her attempts. However, it could have been a minimal magical veil and she was just so weak and hungry that her powers may have been fleeting. Within a few minutes, Jade emerged from the mist completely reborn. The cuts and bruises on her body had vanished and she walked with a confidence and bliss she had not had before. Serena walked up to her as she came close.

“Congratulations, Jade, you’re now our sister,” Serena said. “Here, put these new clothes on. Your old outfit was in a terrible condition and is unfit to wear.”

Jade mechanically dressed herself in the common attire of the temple’s citizens and said nothing.

“Excellent, you’re all done! You can wait over there,” Serena T. pointed to where Wendy was sitting. Jade nodded and sat down beside the fellow Koopa. “Now Miss Kammy, it’s your turn.”

Kammy folded her arms and stared beyond the Mushroomer at Jade and Wendy. Something was different. She chewed in her mouth, her large tooth moving. “No, thank you.”

Serena chuckled lightly. “Come now, the time for you to wash away your evils has come. Walk into the fountain.”

“I don’t think so,” Kammy responded.

“Look,” Serena said, “If you want to remain on this island, you’ll have to be blessed.”

“Then I’ll leave the island, and I’ll be taking my King with me,” Kammy disputed.

“You can’t just leave Isle Ovaria,” Serena sneered at the Magikoopa. “We are preserved here that way; we don’t need to see the outside world. Here is where we are safe from harm and closest to Mother.”

“What do you mean I can’t leave?” Kammy snorted.

“Because of Zargg, the Keeper; and of Arajiin, the Watcher.” Serena looked deeply into Kammy’s eyes. “They don’t allow anyone to leave, and you must be blessed to reside on this sacred soil or face the consequences. What will you do?”

Kammy growled. She didn’t like this. She looked over at Jade and Wendy; they appeared fine. She decided with things the way they were that it wouldn’t be best to argue. What could happen anyway?


Kammy’s feet stepped into the serene water, sending out ripples throughout the pool. Vermik climbed atop a large ridge off the side of the temple and looked over the large island, shielding his eyes from the noon sun. As he watched he could hear the islanders singing.

“Mother, Mother, Take us away,
Away from the world which is full of dark,
This land is yours; you’ve left your mark,
Mother, Mother, we await the day.”

Vermik heard a loud flapping noise behind him. The mysterious black bird from the previous night landed on a dying tree and wrapped its gray talons around a branch. It bent its head down and sneered at the black mage, shrieking and showing its teeth.

"Mother, Mother, won’t it be grand?
The day you come to save us from this cage,
Away from the monsters full of rage,
Mother, Mother, take us from this land."

Kammy walked beyond the walls of mist and breathed through her snout, sensing a strange scent in the air. It made her feel at ease. She ambled forward slowly towards a bright light.

"Mother, Mother, let us be free,
To be one with the wind and the stars,
Our spirits shall soar near and far,
Mother, Mother, for eternity."

Vermik studied the ominous and massive creature before it squawked one last time and flew away from its perch, out over the island. Vermik stared after it. It would be night again soon…

"Mother, Mother, we sing to you,
Please hear our pleas and cries of pain,
How we long to be one with thou again,
Mother, Mother, we shall be true."

Kammy was enveloped in light; her body and mind were saturated with this unknown power. Before she lost consciousness, she saw the idol.

"Mother, Mother, high above,
The world so wrong is distant,
The evil you speak is barely reminiscent,
Mother, Mother, please accept our love.”

Chapter 19: The Newborn Evil

Princess Toadstool had finally come down for the Newborn Ball and found she was having a splendid time. She’d been down nearly two hours and had some of the scrumptious cooking, played a few games, and even shared a dance or two. She was still semi-avoiding Stario, but not enough for anyone to notice.

The Minister shuffled over to Toadsworth, a grin under his white mustache. “I see you finally got her to come to her senses, well done old friend.”

“Oh, we owe a great debt of gratitude to her as well,” Toadsworth replied. “If our young princess wasn’t so brave and full of love for life, the kingdom wouldn’t be the way it is, and she wouldn’t have the strength to face it every day.”

“Mm, indeed,” the Minister agreed. “She’s done such a good job taking over for the old King.”

“Where is he anyway?” Toadsworth asked. “Weren’t he and your brother the Chancellor supposed to show up?”

The Minister looked to the floor, sighing. “Apparently they couldn’t make it due to an intense Ping-Pong match between the two of them. I swear my brother’s becoming just as nutty as Peach’s father these days.”

The two old men watched as the guests and royal attendants continued to mingle. Stario eventually made his way over to the princess, this time finding she couldn’t get away so easily. Peach smiled and gave a nervous wave at the plumber.

“Good evening, Peach,” Stario greeted. “It seems the two of us are finding it difficult to talk.”

“Heh, I guess it has turned out that way tonight,” Peach said innocently.

“Then perhaps you’d like to spend some time together now?” Stario interjected.

“Uh…” Peach looked around. There was nothing she could escape to. “Sure.”

“All right, shall we dance?” Stario reached for her hand.

“Oh, uh…” Peach stammered.

Thankfully, the moment was snatched away as the shifty Shaman Merlink entered the ball room. He looked from side to side and discovered Stario and the princess, rushing over to them.

“Merlink!” Peach exclaimed.

“Thank the Stars I’m not too late,” Merlink gasped.

“What do you mean?” Stario asked.

“The princess must be taken to a safe place as fast as possible!” Merlink forewarned.

All the excitement had drawn Toadsworth, Toad, and the Minister over.

“What is going on?” Toad asked.

“Why does the princess need to be safe now?” Toadsworth questioned.

“I haven’t the time to explain, we just need to hurry. It’s coming!” Merlink said, grabbing a hold of the princess’ hand.

“What’s coming?” Peach asked, her voice frightful.

Her question was answered when the doors burst open and flew off their handles.

Trotting into the ballroom was a massive, threatening, goat-like creature. Covered in black fur, with possessed red eyes, a crown of spikes, two coiling horns, and nostrils spewing flames, the monster was quite terrifying. The crowd of guests screamed and fled the room as the goat stepped closer towards the princess.

“Curses!” Merlink scowled. “I didn’t make it in time.”

“What is that thing?” Stario asked.

“I’m not sure, but a vision told me it has come for the ptincess,” Merlink stated, removing his scepter.

“Is that so?” Stario said, removing his Star Saber. “Well he’s got a lot to deal with in that case.”

“He’s not alone, worm,” sounded a new, familiar voice.

Appearing from black smog creeping through the entranceway, two hooded figures stepped into the ballroom. One held onto a large sword, the hilt in the shape of a vile abomination Stario had seen once before. The other hooded figure grasped something small and innocent in a bundle. Stario and Princess Toadstool were quick to recognize the duo and the blade they carried.

“You’re Vuljiin’s servants!” Princess Toadstool shrieked.

The sword-wielding shadow stepped forward. “Indeed, and we are here for vengeance and the blood that has forsaken our master.”

Stario grasped his golden-glowing ruby and sapphire blade, pointing it in the direction of the slithery shadow. “Your master is dead, let this Newborn Day be the birth of an age of peace and prosperity for the world. Leave and forget your old master.”

“This night begins a new age of death and nightmare, an age lost to chaos. This will be the Age without Heroes.” The hooded figure growled. “Death does not stop destiny. One bound by legend is immortal.” The figure slammed the sword down into the floor, dark energy flowing from the blade. “And you, Stario, will die for the chosen one.”

The figure flung his arm in the air, a purple light emanating from it. “Go, Nagajiin!”

The grizzly goat snorted fire and roared as it approached the red warrior. Stario started to step away from his friends, leading the monster away from them. He called to his friends, “Merlink! Get Peach and the others to safety!”

“Yes, Stario!” Merlink replied, looking towards the staircase. “Come on, we’ll make a getaway from the balcony window,” the Shaman told the others.

The shadowy servant cackled. “I’m afraid all exits are currently unavailable.” He rose his hand and snapped his clawed fingers. The doors opened and pouring out was an army of waist-tall figures cloaked in dark colors. “There’s nowhere to run this time.”

Stario looked up at the intrusion of more villains, and snarled. He was about to jump and attack them when a mane of needles smashed into his chest and pinned him against the wall. Nagajiin bellowed with fury, blowing flames from its nose against the heroic hybrid. Stario coughed up blood and lifted his arm, bringing the sword in his hand down on the skull of the beast. It howled as it pulled away, letting its victim slip to the floor hard. Stario got to his feet at about the time the monster charged a second time. The caped fighter leapt into the air, avoiding a second smashing, and landed on the back of the animal. With light shining from the blade, he drove the Star Saber deep into the creature’s hide. A yellow surge of electricity stunned the creature; Stario swiftly removed the blade and with great power decapitated the demon. A vicious cry filled the air as black acid flowed from the neck as the body collapsed. Stario front-flipped forward at the hooded figure, his golden cape trailing behind him.

“Your monster is defeated, and you will be next,” Stario said.

“I don’t need to kill you to win, you’ve lost before you started,” the figure hissed.

Before Stario could strike, the dark dagger stabbing in the ground sent a shock of black energy through the floor and into Stario, causing him to drop his weapon and lock into place.

“The effects of the Medusa Charm will last mere minutes, but that’s more than enough time,” the figure informed.

Merlink was using all his powers to create a force field against the cloaked soldiers, but with the wave of one hand, the hooded figure shattered the barrier. He shot a bolt of lightning at the Shaman and signaled for the soldiers to bring the princess to him. The figure removed a metal, diamond-shaped object from the folds of his robes and tossed it to the ground. Three of the cloaked cohorts placed the struggling princess on top of the object and backed away. Almost instantaneously, a sphere of energy formed to imprison Peach. Inside the sphere she floated helplessly. With another flick of his wrist, the hooded figure gave an order to the device. Peach felt a pull at her chest as a flow of energy was drawn from her. In one fiery spark, a ray of pink sparks was transmitted from the sphere to the grounded sword.  The blade began to pulsate with an ominous light. Slowly it rose to the sky, as it became enveloped in fire. Everyone watched, wondering what possible horrors could come of this.

“It is time!” were the first words out of the second hooded figure’s mouth.

Princess Toadstool listened to the feminine voice echo in her head. Her memory flooded with the images she had seen at Vuljiin’s tower, now remembering the face veiled behind the hood. That was Karma Koopa!

Hastily, the male figure rushed to Karma’s side. In her grasp was an egg that glowed with the same color as the sword. A crack appeared along the shell’s surface. As that happened, a split tore along the blade of the demonic sword. Another crack, another split. Simultaneously, the egg and the sword “hatched” as one. When the egg was no more, a newborn Koopa lay in his mother’s arms. When the sword shattered, a black haze spewed into the air. Ceremoniously, the haggard haze surrounded the subdued Stario and snapped shut on him sharply. Speckles of black melted into the plumber’s body, Stario cried out in pain and confusion. Quickly, his eyes filled with black.


Stario awakened in a realm he had been in twice before. He was deep inside his mind, and like the last time he’d been here, it was dark and filled with fog. To his right he found two pedestals that were to hold his world together. One pedestal stood alone, while the second was holding up the very dead-looking Super Mario. His skin was a greenish gray, his clothes were dark and torn, and black splits ran along his body. A familiar laughter startled the warrior as it echoed from every direction. A conjuring storm bellowed with the same laughter as flashes of purple lightning stabbed downward and chipped away at the nothingness.

And then he was there. Emerging from the dark clouds, the demon appeared.

Stario gasped, “Vuljiin!”

The villain guffawed in delight. “So good to see you again, Stario.”

The star warrior stared with disbelief. “No, you’re dead…”

 “A temporary error that will soon be resolved,” Vuljiin grinned.

“What’s going on? How are you inside my head?” Stario demanded.

Vuljiin stood tall in front of Stario. He fired a bolt of lightning from his palm, sending Stario far back.  “Oh, go back to sleep, baby, you’re just having a bad dream, you don’t need to worry about the princess or anything…”

“Peach!” Stario cried, struggling to get up. “What are you doing to her?”

“You act so innocent! Don’t you realize that the princess loathes you?” Vuljiin growled.

“What-what are you talking about?” Stario asked, still grounded.

“Oh! What convenience ignorance can be!” Vuljiin fired another bolt into Stario’s chest. “She hates you, she hates you for replacing Mario and tearing that void in her heart!”

Stario closed his eyes, grabbing at his chest. “You’re a liar!”

Vuljiin howled with laughter. “This is a riot! I see why you defeated me twice, it’s so much fun!”

Stario was at his feet. “Stop laughing! Your fun ends here!”

The golden warrior shot into the air, his fist burning with light. He punched Vuljiin hard in the jaw, but the dark demon replied with a claw grazing to Stario’s side. The evil warlock then thrust his open claw at Stario, blasting another lightning bolt. Stario cried out in pain as he flipped back and slammed to the ground.

“You see? You’re pathetic! You are nothing without your Crystal Star, and you will never be the true hero that is Mario,” Vuljiin bellowed.

Stario strained to get up but this time he couldn’t. “You’re wrong…”

“You know it, I know it, Peach knows it, everyone knows it!” Vuljiin laughed.

“I may not be Mario,” Stario said weakly. “But I can still fight in place for him…” The warrior stood again on hurt legs.

“Look at you there! Barely alive and still standing! Oh I’m loving this!” Vuljiin cackled.

“I… will… defeat you…” Stario gasped.

“STARIO!” a third voice called.

Both Stario and Vuljiin turned to the source. The yellow Star Sage that was Defender appeared amongst the storm, grasping the mystical blade he had created. With a spin, he sent it flying towards the hero. Stario leapt upward and caught it, feeling a new burst of energy pulsate through his body.

“Use the ancient blade to dispel the evil before it consumes you!” Defender pleaded.

Stario flew forward and swung his fiery Star Saber at the atrocious fiend. The black Vuljiin wailed in pain as the golden blade seared his flesh. Stario sliced again, and again, and again, rage filling his eyes. Vuljiin’s body was torn into several pieces now, that slowly dissipated into a black fog. As the fiery-eyed Stario continued to hack away at the dark corpse, Vuljiin’s sinister laugh echoed again. This time louder.

“Stario! No-!” Defender cried.

The caped warrior turned to see the Star Sage mutate into the hideous black form that Vuljiin answered to. He looked back to the fray and gasped, Vuljiin’s flesh was gone and replaced with Mario’s. Slowly, the gray plumber dissipated into nothingness. He looked down at his blade, it was not red, blue and yellow, but green, purple and black, with the symbol of the horrific deity in place of the star on the hilt. Stario’s hand was dark and clawed. He shifted to look back at the pedestals, this time finding Vuljiin and his master taking both places. Stario felt a burning fire inside himself as a blinding darkness drowned his soul. And as quickly as he had been born, he was dead.


All eyes fell on Stario. As quickly as the black fog had surrounded him, it had exploded with light. A white and gray essence shot outward and vanished in the air as the light died down. Black boots, dark gray pants, a black shirt, a venomous green cape, dark skin, red eyes, and a hat marked with the symbol of his master. There was Vuljiin, reborn.

The malformed Dark Stario looked over himself, a toothy smile across his manic face. The servants watched with grinning faces as this abomination started to laugh. The male, hooded figure stepped forward and knelt before the villain.

“My Lord, Vuljiin…”

Peach, Toad, Merlink, Toadsworth, and the Minister felt absolute fright consume their souls.

“Rise, my friend,” Vuljiin instructed. “You have done well. I am revived with greater power and our strongest foe is no more. I thank you deeply.”

“Your greatest welcomes, my lord. We are just so glad to see you breathing once again,” the figure spoke.

“Good… now, where are we?” Vuljiin asked, studying his surroundings.

“We are in the castle of Princess Toadstool, the heart of the Mushroom Kingdom,” the servant answered.

“Perfect,” Vuljiin stated. “Torch the surrounding city and kill any survivors. This will be our new base of operations. I want you to set up an altar and prepare a communication.”

“Yes, my lord,” the hooded servant bowed.

“Lord Vuljiin,” interrupted one of the cloaked soldiers. “What shall we do with these prisoners?”

The demonic eyes in Stario’s body surveyed the Mushroomers and the shaman. “Dispose of them. But leave the princess alive.” Vuljiin ran his gloved hand down the surface of the transparent sphere, glaring at Peach. “I want her in my chamber.”

Peach gasped, tears running down her face. “You…” She had nothing to say. She felt her heart sink. First, Mario was dead. Now Stario was dead. Soon, all of her loyal subjects would be dead. It was hopeless. “… Mario…”

Vuljiin picked up the Star Saber as his minions began their work. He smiled as it transformed to the dark blade it had been during the final moments in Stario’s subconscious.

“Phase One is complete, a new age is born. An Age without Heroes.”


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