Future Fix

By Mario Koopa

The Koopalings are walking further down the path.

Ludwig: If my future self hadn’t disappeared or activated the time machine when time stopped, we’d be home right now.

Bowser Jr: I miss Papa!

Wendy: We all do, Junior.

Lemmy: I wish I never-

Iggy: Got in the time machine!

Roy: You guys are a bunch o’ wimps. (*sigh* I wish I was at home beating up Iggy.)

Morton: I wish I was at home where my wedding cake is. I like wedding cake. I also like making speeches. I also like saying speeches. Speeches are fun to make. Although you guys don’t think they’re fun. But the point is I want to go home where my wedding cake and speeches are. Because I- *WHACK*

Ludwig: Well, the time machine should be in Junior’s castle.

The Koopalings see Junior’s castle in the distance.

Ludwig: Let’s go.

The Koopalings run over to the castle door. They open it and go inside.

Meanwhile in the throne room…

Junior’s future self is sitting on his throne with his son. Woah! He has a child just like Bowser! Junior’s future self looks just like the present’s Bowser. His future son looks just like him in the present.

Adult Bowser Jr: Junior, your uncles and aunt have been assassinated. We’ve gotta make sure that this castle is intruder-free.

Junior’s Son: Right, Papa!


The room is brightened by a red light.

Adult Bowser Jr: Intruders! *takes out walkie-talkie* Activate the trapdoor!

The Koopalings walk through the hall. The floor beneath them opens up and they fall through.

Koopalings: YAH!!!

The Koopalings fall down into a cage underground. They look around the huge room they’re in. They see a bunch of other cages holding Toads and Koopas… and a duck wearing farmer overalls. He’s about their size. Also there is a Koopa standing by a machine. The machine has a conveyor belt on one side and a tube on the other. In the middle is a big, metal sphere.

Wendy: Hey! What’s going on here?

The Koopa by the machine looks at the Koopalings.

Koopa: Ah. You eight are the assassins. This is the underground dungeon. And this machine is King Bowser’s mind-control device.

Lemmy: Mind-control-

Iggy: Device?

Koopa: Yes. You go in and then- Oh for crying out loud.

The Koopa opens a cage with a Toad in it. He grabs the Toad and puts him on the
conveyor belt, tied up.

Toad: Let me go! AHHHHHHHH!!!

The Toad goes in the metal sphere. He comes out through the tube. He is a robot!

Ludwig: What-

Roy: The?

Koopa: Yes! Bwahahahaha! The Toad is now King Bowser’s slave!

The robot Toad breaks free of the ropes that have him tied up. He walks over to the Koopa.

Koopa: Unfortunately, these robots are easily destroyed.

The Koopa punches the robot and it blows up.

Koopa: Now let’s see who’s next on the list. Ahhh… The duck.

The Koopa opens the cage holding the duck. He ties the duck up and grabs him.

Morton: We can’t let that Koopa do this! It's just wrong! Turning people into robots! Then blowing them up! Without even caring about- *WHACK*

Ludwig pulls out his Technology Deactivator. He presses a button on it. The mind-control machine shuts off.

Koopa: HUH?!

The Koopa drops the duck. He gets on the conveyor belt of the machine.

Koopa: What’s wrong with this thing?

He walks inside the machine.  Ludwig presses another button no his Technology Deactivator. The mind-control machine turns on.

Koopa: What?! NO! AAHHH!!!

The Koopa is shot out of the tube as a robot. He lands on the floor. He gets up.


Duck: Wow. Thanks! I was captured by some Koopas for no reason, and then they tossed me in here!

Ludwig: No problem. Uh… Could you get us out of here?

Duck: Sure! By the way, my name’s Ducky.10.

Roy: Ducky? Ha ha! Quack quack quack!

Ducky.10’s head gets really big like in cartoons.


Ducky.10 is so loud that his voice shatters the bars of the cages as well as the mind-control machine. His head shrinks back to normal. Roy’s glasses, as well as Iggy’s, shatter. They pull spare ones out of their shells.

Roy: O.O  Got it…

Ludwig: Ducky.10, we need to escape this dungeon. Do you know of a way out?

Ducky.10: I think there’s a warp pipe somewhere.

Ducky.10 looks to his left and sees a warp pipe.

Captives: LET’S GO!

The captives all jump in the warp pipe. Ducky.10 jumps in too. The Koopalings jump in after everyone else. They land in a room with a pit of lava.

Bowser Jr: Oh no. The music just changed to dangerous music! Something bad’s about to happen!

Suddenly, the ground shakes. A captive almost falls into the lava but is grabbed by another captive. 3 Gargantuan Blarggs rise from the lava! The captives scream and run behind the Koopalings. The Koopalings run behind Lemmy and Wendy. Lemmy and Wendy grab their guns, Wendy has a water gun (which you probably already know from reading the other parts of this story) and Lemmy has a Freeze Gun (oh come on, do you not know this already?).

Lemmy: This oughta cool you down! Frozen Solid setting!

Wendy: And Ice Cold setting!

Lemmy shoots a really, really cold mist and Wendy shoots ice cold water. The
Blarggs aren’t affected. They lunge toward Lemmy and Wendy to eat them. Lemmy
shoots his icy mist into two of the Blaargs mouths. Wendy shoots her ice cold
water into the mouth of one.

???: Hey! Yoo-hoo! Big monster-scary-guy-thing!

Wendy and Lemmy look over at Ducky .10 waving his arms and jumping up and down. The Blarggs go back into the lava from being hurt by Lemmy and Wendy. They come back up and breathe fire into the air. Ducky.10 keeps waving and shouting and jumping.

Lemmy: Is he NUTS?!

The Blarggs lunge toward Ducky.10. He jumps out of the way. They explode into a bunch of lava upon impact with the ground. Lemmy and Wendy shoot at the lava on the ground. After about 30 seconds of shooting, it freezes. They sigh with relief and the pit closes up. They walk back to the group and so does Ducky.10.

Lemmy: What were-

Iggy: You thinking?

Ducky.10: I figured if the Blarggs weren’t giant monsters, they’d be easier to beat.

Bowser Jr: That was stupid, dangerous, and COOL!

The group proceed. They come to a giant maze with stone walls.

Bowser Jr: This’ll be easy to get through.

He paints a circle on the ground. He colors it in with his paintbrush. He jumps into the circle. Everyone else does too. They come up at the exit of the maze. They proceed. They see the same maze again.

Bowser Jr: Huh?

Bowser Jr. makes a circle again. Everyone jumps in. They come up at the exit. They proceed and see the maze again.

Iggy: It must be-

Lemmy: A magic maze!

Ludwig takes out his magic detector device.

Ludwig: Yep. This maze is magic, all right. There must be a different exit.

Everyone runs in.

Ducky.10: I got an idea!

Ducky.10 jumps in the air and flaps his wings. He flies onto one of the maze walls. He looks around from the top of the maze. He sees portals on some of the walls of the maze. He gets back down to the group.

Ducky.10: There are portals on the walls. One of them must lead out of the maze for good.

Everyone scrambles throughout the maze. Captives and Koopalings are jumping into every portal they see. Some are accidentally jumping into the same portal multiple times. Everyone eventually runs into each other and they all fall down. Everyone gets up.

Ludwig: There’s a portal here that no one’s been in. Let’s go!

Everyone jumps into the portal. They get out through the exit. They proceed.

Everyone runs to a warp pipe on a platform. They jump in and come out outside at the entrance of the castle.

Ducky.10: See ya later, guys! I’ve been locked up for far too long. That can do things to a duck.

All the prisoners run from the castle. The Koopalings go back inside. They look down the trapdoor they fell in earlier. Bowser Jr. paints a portal on the ground. Everyone jumps inside and they come out on the other side of the trapdoor.

Roy: Hey, why couldn’t you have done that to get us out of the cage?

Bowser Jr: Heh heh… Guess I didn’t think about that.

Roy glares at Bowser Jr. Junior smiles nervously.


The room flashes red.

Larry: I’ve the feeling we’re not welcome here.

A smaller version of the Yoshi robot from Super Mario Moonlight (his head hits the ceiling now, instead of his head crashing through the ceiling) comes up from the floor, creating a big gaping hole in the floor.

Wendy: I have the feeling you're right.

Morton: I have the feeling we’re in life-threatening danger because that robot looks scary and ferocious and things that look scary and ferocious usually are scary and ferocious. So I think- *BAM*

Roy: Will you be quiet for ten minutes?!

Bowser Jr: Guys… the robot?

Koopalings: Oh yeah. AAHHHH!!!

The robot lets out a roar. The Robot Koopa from earlier can be seen inside the control center through the robot’s eyes.


The Yoshi robot’s chest opens up, revealing cannons. The cannons fire missiles and Bullet Bills. The Koopalings run around screaming. Bowser Jr. stands right in the center of them and a Bullet Bill zooms toward him. He jumps up and lands on the Bullet Bill. The Bullet Bill flies around aimlessly, trying to find Junior.

Bowser Jr: *psst* Hey! He went in the robot’s mouth! Go get him!

The Bullet Bill charges to the robot’s mouth. It goes inside and flies down the robot’s throat. Bowser Jr. gets off the Bullet Bill. The Bullet Bill sees Junior in front of him and goes faster.

Bowser Jr: Oh boy, I just had to get a bullet with a bad temper on my tail.

Junior eventually lands on a platform. He looks around. He sees cogs and wheels spinning and turning. He looks down and sees wires.

Junior: Wow. I never realized how complex this thing’s machinery was.

Junior remembers the Bullet Bill and looks back. The Bullet Bill is about to hit him. He looks down.

Bowser Jr: I hope I don’t die from this.

Junior jumps off of the platform and grabs a wire. He swings down on it. He grabs another one and swings. He grabs the next one and swings. He’s basically doing a Tarzan act. He keeps doing the with the Bullet Bill in pursuit.

Bowser Jr: Perfect! A bunch of tangled wires!

Junior looks down. He sees a huge electrical panel. He looks to his left and right and sees microchips and more wires.

Bowser Jr: If bullet boy explodes in those tangled wires, this whole place with blow up.

Junior lets go of the wire when he swings into the air. He soars over the tangled wires. The Bullet Bill charges straight into the tangled wires. It comes out on the other side with wires tied to it. It stops in midair. Junior begins falling. He grabs a wire and hangs on to it, looking at the Bullet Bill. It’s trying to get out of the wires. It’s pulling and pulling but to no avail. Finally it gives up and is pulled back into the tangled wires. It blows up in the tangled wires and Junior quickly reacts. He continues his Tarzan act only quicker this time, trying to avoid the flames and electric beams following him. He swings into the air and climbs up the Yoshi’s throat using a conveniently placed ladder attached to the throat. He climbs as fast as he can. The flames catch up and are about to hit him.

Bowser Jr: Just one chance!

Junior goes into his shell and falls into the flames. He is shot up the throat with the flames and is shot through the door on the roof of the Yoshi’s mouth. He lands in the control center and gets his arms, legs, and head out of his shell.

Bowser Jr: Wow, that was hot.


Bowser Jr: If it isn’t robo-weirdo.


Bowser Jr: I think they did.

Robot Koopa: HUH?

Bowser Jr: Hey Author! Could you show robo-weirdo how the things I did slowed him down?

Of course. Outside of the robot, Lemmy has frozen the robot’s feet to the floor, Roy has put many dents and holes into the robot’s legs, and Ludwig has led some of the missiles and Bullet Bills back to the robot.

Bowser Jr: All because the robot malfunctioned long enough for this to happen.


The Robot Koopa presses the auto-repair button and fixes itself. It tries to take a step but instead, falls to the floor. Bowser Jr. and the Robot Koopa are sent flying to the large window that allows them to see outside. The window doesn’t shatter though.

Bowser Jr: (muffled) Except frozen feet.


The Robot Koopa press a button on its chest. Bowser Jr. paints a portal on the floor (which is more of a wall on the inside now, considering the robot’s on the ground). He jumps through the portal and comes out outside of the robot.

Ludwig: You did it, Junior! The malfunctioning gave us enough time to hurt the robot!

Bowser Jr: I only did part of the-

The Koopalings hear a muffled boom.

Koopalings: …

Ludwig: What was that?

Bowser Jr: Nothing.

Lemmy: Let’s go-

Iggy: Get the time machine!

Everyone rushes to a staircase at the end of the hall. The staircase suddenly becomes barred off.

Roy: HEY! What’s the big idea?!

Ludwig: I think that King Bowser doesn’t want us up there. It must be part of the alarm system.

Suddenly, a bunch of Koopa Robots and Toad Robots drop from the ceiling. They land in a big pile and stand up. They begin marching toward the Koopalings.


Wendy: Eek!

Wendy takes out her water gun and sprays all the robots she can. Lemmy takes out his Freeze Gun and begins freezing robots. Ludwig takes out his ray gun and begins zapping robots. Roy pulls apart robots. Larry, Iggy, and Bowser Jr. dodge missiles and redirect Bullet Bills to where they were shot from.

Roy: I could do this all day!


Wendy: Robots don’t like getting wet! Too bad for them that I have a water gun!

Ludwig: There’s too many of them! We can’t destroy them all!

Bowser Jr: Everyone get away from them!

The Koopalings scatter away from the robot army. Bowser Jr. hitches a ride on a Bullet Bill and flies around the army, dodging missiles and Bullet Bills along the way and dragging his paintbrush on the ground. After he’s painted a full circle around the army, he gets off of the Bullet Bill and it explodes.

Roy: What now?!

Bowser Jr: Wait for it…

The robots aim their weapons at the Koopalings. Junior gulps. Suddenly, the floor that is within the painted circle falls. The robots fall down with it. They land in the lava pit.

Koopalings: YEAH!!! YAY! WOO-HOO!

The staircase becomes un-barred. The Koopalings proceed. They reach the top of the staircase. They come to a room with two thrones, a big one and a small one. In the big throne sits Adult Junior. In the small one sits Junior’s future son. Adult Junior looks just like the present Bowser and his son looks like the present Junior.

Adult Bowser Jr: WHAT?! *grabs walkie-talkie* WHY ARE THE ASSASSINS IN MY ROOM, ROBO-KOOPA-KOMMANDER?!

Walkie-Talkie: *be-beep* The robot you are trying to reach has been melted. And the assassins you are trying to kill are in your throne room. Have a nice day. *beep*

Adult Junior stares at Bowser Jr, glaring.

Junior’s Son: Papa! Those are the assassins?

Adult Bowser Jr: Yep. Let’s get ‘em!

Suddenly, something crashes through the ceiling! It is two men with black/gray mustaches, wearing slightly torn blue overalls and red and green shirts. One’s taller and skinnier than the other and the other is short and a bit fat. It’s the future Mario and Luigi!

Future Mario: Well if it isn’t King Bowser Koopa!

Adult Bowser Jr: I thought I locked you up!

Future Luigi: Oh come on. We can control thunder and fire, and you think locking us up will stop us?

Larry: I think I’m confused.

Ludwig: I think this is about turn into a battle between three teams.

Larry: Huh?

Ludwig: The Marios versus us versus Junior’s future self and son.

Adult Bowser Jr: I don’t have time for you two dimwits! I've got a problem with a few assassins!

The Future Marios look at the Koopalings.

Future Luigi: Too bad! We hate Koopas and we’re going to destroy all of you!

A big lava pit in the shape of a circle opens up in the center of the room. Adult Junior’s son puts his bandana over his mouth. Bowser Jr. does the same. They both grab their paintbrushes. They charge toward each other and begin having a duel with their paintbrushes. Ludwig takes out his ray gun and shoots at Future Luigi. Future Luigi is hit in the back and falls down to the floor. Electricity bolts roll around Future Luigi’s hands and he claps them together. A giant bolt of lightning is sent toward the Koopalings. The Koopalings jump out of the way. Adult Bowser Jr. charges toward Future Mario. Future Mario jumps high in the air and Adult Bowser Junior runs into Wendy. They both fall to the floor. Adult Bowser Jr. breathes in a deep breath and is about to toast Wendy, when he’s hit in the back with a bolt of lightning. He gets up and spits out a stream of flames at Future Mario. Future Mario sends a stream of flames from his hands and the two flame streams collide. An explosion between the two flame streams is created and sends Future Mario and Future Luigi flying into the wall. They land on the floor and get up. Future Mario takes hold of Future Luigi’s right hand. Future Luigi sends a stream of fire and lightning toward the Koopalings and Adult Bowser Jr. The Koopalings run out of the way but Adult Bowser Jr. is sent flying away with electricity surging through his body and a flaming inferno covering his skin. He hits a wall. Bowser Jr. and his future son are still locked in battle. Bowser Jr. swiftly runs around his future son, dragging his paintbrush along the way. His future son jumps out of the circle before the floor falls. He continues dueling with Junior. Junior manages to get an opening and shoves his future son into the lava pit. His future son is about to fall to his death but Junior takes his hand. His future son drops his paintbrush into the lava. Junior pulls his future son up from the lava. His future son does a Kung Fu pose and Junior scratches him. His future son yelps in pain. Junior rolls his eyes and runs over to his siblings.

Bowser Jr: What’s going on?

Ludwig: Well, your future self’s in a battle with the Marios and we’re dodging the shots that come flying over-

A giant fireball comes soaring over to the Koopalings. They dodge.

Ludwig: -here.

Bowser Jr: Forget it! If we beat him we might get news as to where the time machine is!

Ludwig: But the Marios want to kill him! We’d have to beat them too! And we never have!

Bowser Jr. looks at Ludwig with a look that says “I’ll push my luck.”

Morton: We might get killed, destroyed! It would be terrible! We wouldn’t be able to get the time machine ‘cause we’d be dead! If we were dead than we’d never get home! And the whole reason of our journey was to get ho-

Bowser Jr. runs to the battle between the Marios and his future self. His siblings follow. Larry, Iggy, and Lemmy go to fight Future Luigi. Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, and Morton go to fight Future Mario. Bowser Jr. goes to fight his future self.

Bowser Jr: Tell me where the time machine is!

He jumps onto his future self. He and his future self wrestle.

Adult Bowser Jr: What time machine?!

Junior socks his future self in the face. Lemmy is blasting freeze rays at Future Mario’s flames. Larry is commanding his Piranha Plants to bite Future Mario, and Iggy is fighting against Future Mario now that he’s super-sized himself. Future Mario is frying Lary’s plants with his other hand and shooting fireballs at Iggy with the same hand. Roy is backflipping away from Future Luigi’s lightning bolts and attacking when he gets the chance. Morton is pushing Future Luigi into the lava pit with soundwaves through his megaphone, but Future Luigi is running out of the way of the soundwaves when he’s not shooting lightning at Roy. Ludwig is firing ray gun shots at Future Luigi and Future Luigi dodges the shots that he can. Wendy is soaking the parts of the floor that Future Luigi heads to when he’s dodging soundwaves and ray gun shots. He slips and falls and is then jumped on by the Koopalings that are fighting him. A cloud of smoke surrounds the brawl they are having.  Future Mario fries all of Larry’s plants and continues blasting fireballs at Iggy. Iggy is pushed back by the fireballs. Lemmy walks forward with his Freeze Gun’s rays blocking the fire Future Mario’s shooting at him. He gets close enough to Future Mario to freeze him. He jumps out of the way of the fire and freezes Future Mario. The smoke clears away in the fight with Future Luigi to reveal a KO’d Future Luigi, and everyone heads over to the fight Junior’s having. He’s cut and bruised but is still attacking his future self with all his might. His siblings come in and start using their special attacks. Lemmy freezes Junior’s future self’s hands and feet to the floor. Ludwig shoots Junior’s future self in the chest with his ray gun 3 times.

Ludwig: Where’s King Ludwig’s time machine?

Adult Bowser Jr: It’s not here!

???: STOP IT!!!

Junior’s future son jumps on Ludwig. He and Ludwig start wrestling. Suddenly, the time machine appears.

Adult Bowser Jr: SON! Hurry! Go to Grandpa’s castle! You’ll be safe there! Use that machine!

Junior’s future son darts for the time machine.

Ludwig: Stop him!!!

Ludwig starts shooting at Junior’s future son. Lemmy shoots at him too while Wendy is spraying at him. Junior’s future son dodges all the shots and dives into the time machine. The glass double doors close.


Junior’s Son: Grandpa’s castle! Lord Bowser Koopa’s Castle!

Time Machine: WHAT TIME?

Junior’s Son: Now!

The time machine is instantly zapped away.

Koopalings: NNOOO!!!

Adult Bowser Jr. struggles to get up. Ludwig continues shooting at him with his ray gun and Morton torches him with his flamethrower. The ice melts and the Koopalings shove him into the lava pit.

Adult Bowser Jr: You’ll pay for this, twerps! I won’t be able to get revenge but someone else WIILLL!!!

Adult Bowser Jr. lands in the lava and melts.

Ludwig: We traveled all the way here to get the time machine, and lost it again!!!

Morton: We must now fight…

Koopalings: Future King Dad. *gulp*

And Then...

This story is not being formally finished by its author, but a summary of the rest of the story can be found here.
This story is still eligible for a Trimming as long as it follows the basic structure of the summary.

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