Mario Wars

By Donkey Kong!

Chapter 7:

Mario: It's sucking us in.

The Bowser Head is sucking the Super Star into the docking bay.

Yoshi: This isn't good. Bowser and some Koopatrols are out there.

Koops: And two Koopatrols are coming in.

Geno: Quick! Under the floorboards.

Mario and Co. are hiding under the floor when the Koopatrols arrive.

Koopatrol: There's no one here.

Mario and Co. jump out from under the floorboards.

Koopatrols: It's Mario! Get him!

The Koopatrols get in their shells and shoot at Mario, who hammers them into DK, who punches them and kills them.

Geno: I have an idea, we'll disguise ourselves as Koopatrols using their armor, but there's only two in here.

Kooper: Hey guys, Bowser and the other Koopatrols are leaving.

Geno: Good, let’s go and take the Koopatrol disguises just in case.

Mario and Co. travel through the docking bay and go up some stairs and into a small room filled with Hammer Bros.

Hammer Bro Leader: It's Mario and others! Get them!

The Hammer Bros. start throwing hammers at the group. Kooper and Koops get into their shells and knock the Hammer Bros. unconscious, and lock the door to the room when everyone is in.

Mario: Now that we’re stuck here, Yoshi, you might as well shut down the tractor beam so we can escape.

Yoshi: Okay.

Mario: Good. Peach is here, too, so myself, Geno and DK will save her.

Koops: I found a map of this place.

Yoshi: Where's the tractor beam?

Koops: At the center.

DK: Where's the dungeon?

Koops: One floor above us. Just take the nearest elevator.

Yoshi: I'm off to the tractor beam.

Mario: Good. We need to find a way into the dungeon without getting caught. There's too many guards.

Geno: Let’s disguise ourselves as Koopatrols and make DK our prisoner.

Kooper: What do we do while you’re gone?

Mario: Take this walkie-talkie and we'll contact you if were lost.

Kooper: Ok.


Mario (disguised as Koopatrol): I can't see a thing in this helmet.

Geno: There's the elevator.

They go up the elevator and get out in a Koopa-filled room.

Koopa: Where are you taking this ape?

Geno: To the dungeon.

Koopa: We weren't notified. We'll have to kill it.

DK: No you won't.

DK kills the Koopas. Geno checks a computer.

Geno: Peach is in cell 128, and some Koopas are coming up here.

Mario is running to Peach's cell. When he gets there he goes into the cell to find Peach.

Peach: Mario! Is that you?

Mario: It sure is. I'm here with Yoshi, Geno, DK, Kooper, and Koops.

Peach: What about Luigi?

Mario: He's dead.

Peach: Oh well. Let's escape to Yadda.

They go back to the room where Geno and DK are.

Geno: The Koopas are just outside.

Peach: I know how to open that locked door on our right.

When Peach unlocks the door, they go through a tunnel and end up in the garbage chute.

Geno: Great, just great.

DK: Watch out for that Ptooie!

Peach: The walls are closing in.

Mario: I'll call Kooper and Koops.


Kooper: Mario is calling. (on walkie-talkie) Yes?

Mario: Kooper, Koops, shut down the garbage chute!

Koops: I'm on it.

Koops goes on a nearby computer and shuts the garbage chute down.


Geno: The walls aren't closing anymore.

Mario: Kooper and Koops did it.


Meanwhile, Yoshi is ducking behind crates to get to the center.

Yoshi: Finally, the tractor beam.

Yoshi goes in to the room and shuts the tractor beam down.

Yoshi: Yes! Now to go back to the ship.


Mario: Good thing we’re out of there.

Geno: I know the way to the Super Star from here.

After escaping some Koopas, they make it to the Super Star.

Mario: Kooper and Koops are down there.

Peach: So are Yoshi... and Bowser.

Geno: And Yoshi's battling Bowser in a hammer duel!

DK: Bowser just threw Yoshi out the window and into space.

Mario: Noooo! First Luigi, now Yoshi…

Geno: Everyone, get on the Super Star.

Everyone gets on the Super Star and escapes, followed by four shell fighters that get shot down by Geno and Mario. After that they fly down to Yadda.

Chapter 8:

Mario: I can't believe he's gone... My best friend, and also my bro...

Peach: It's okay, Mario. Bowser will be destroyed.

The team reach Yadda and are shown around the temple, and are soon shown the weakness to the Bowser Head from the plans Koops had. They must get in Mushroom, Flower, and Starman starfighters and destroy the core of the Bowser Head. Soon all Mushroomers are getting ready, with Mario leading them during the fight.

Mario: Hey Geno, are you fighting, too?

Geno: Of course not. I've got my own life.

DK: I'll help.

Geno: No you won't, now let's get going.

Geno and DK start to leave, and Mario goes over to his starfighter.

???: Hey Mario, it's me, Boshi.

Mario: Hi. Good luck in the fight.

Wedge T: It's good to finally meet you, Mario.

Mario: Thanks. Listen up, you and Boshi must follow me into the core once we takeoff. If we're in trouble other fighters will help us.

Then the fighters takeoff and start destroying the cannons, then the shellfighters.

Mario: We don't have much time, this battlestation is going to destroy Yadda.

Wedge T: More fighters coming in!

Boshi: Mario, the core is below us!

Mario: Boshi, Wedge T, follow me down into the core.

Mario and Co. fly down into the core.


Bowser: Hey Kamek, we should leave just in case.

Kamek: You go on, I'll stay here.

Bowser: I'm going to join the fight.


Boshi: Mario, I'm- Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

Wedge T. turns to see Boshi has been shot by three shellfighters. One of them is Bowser.

Wedge T: Mario, he's been shot down! I is outta here!

Bowser: Wait a minute! Mario? I thought I banished him!

Mario starts dodging Bowser's shots and makes it to the core.

Bowser: I have you now!

Bowser is about to shoot Mario down until his shellfighter is shot away into space.

Geno: You're all clear, Mario! Let's blow this thing.

Mario turns to see Geno and DK in the Superstar. With Bowser out of the picture, Mario manages to destroy the core and along with it, the Bowser Head, and escapes with the Superstar and Wedge T. When they get to the planet everyone greets them. Then they have a party.


Bowser: Yes! The controls are working better. I'm flying back to Dark Land.


Geno is enjoying himself at the celebration when a Toad runs into the room.

Toad: Princess, the Koopas are attacking for what we did to the Bowser Head.

Peach: Oh no! It looks like we have to change bases. Mario, Wedge T, Geno, and DK, you all must stop the Koopa forces.

Mario: Ok, me and WT will go in our Mushroom fighters, and Geno and DK will go in the Superstar.

Peach: Good. Me and the others will escape in Shroom Cruisers.

Soon Mario and Co. takeoff and destroy all the Koopa Cruisers on the land and protect a crashed Shroom Cruiser from six Shell Walkers. Suddenly the group gets a message from Peach that she's stuck inside the base. Mario and Wedge T. find and rescue her, but the entrance is blocked by two Shell Walkers on their way out. Suddenly the Superstar comes and rescues them, and flies to the new base in Ice Land.

Read on!

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