Mario Wars

By Donkey Kong!


It was a horrible day; Bowser had wiped out his entire family except Wart and Kamek and together with the Koop Troop he set an assault on the Mushroom Kingdom, murdering millions. Peach, Toad, Kooper, Koops and some Mushrooms hid in Peach’s basement. Bowser had banished Mario and Luigi to Desert Land and made Luigi boss of where they live. Soon the Koopas built a space empire and a super weapon called the Bowser Head that was guarded by space doomships and shell fighters, and Bowser let Wart become leader of it all. Recently Yoshi snuck onto the Bowser Head and stole two of Bowser’s newest weapons: hammers. Soon Peach and Co. got in E.Gadd's starship, the Gadder, and stole the Bowser Head plans hoping to find a weakness.

Chapter One:

The Gadder has just escaped the Bowser Head with a space doomship on their tail. The doomship shoots some Bullet Bills at the Gadder. Inside everyone is panicking, especially Kooper

Kooper: AHH! We're done for!

Koops: Don’t panic.

A Banzai Bill hits the ship.

Koops: Now you can panic.


Kooper and Koops run away. Soon the ship starts rumbling. Suddenly some Koopas boarded the ship. The Toads tried to defend but the Koopas were too powerful. Then Bowser entered the ship.


Koops: Princess, the Koopas have boarded the ship.

Peach: Oh no! Here, take the Bowser Head plans and get to the escape pods, quickly!

Kooper: Let's-a  go!!!

Peach: Quiet, you don't want Bowser to hear, do you?

Koops: Yeah Kooper. Anyway the escape pods are over there, so get in, will you?

Kooper: What about, you Princess?

Peach: I'm okay, just… go on.

Koops: Okay.

They get in the escape pods and fly off.


Two Koopas are looking through the window.

Koopa #1: Sir, an escape pod.

Koopa #2: Really? Hi, Mr. Escape Pod!

Koopa #1: …


Koopa: Sir, we can't find the plans.

Bowser: Where are the plans and what have you done with them?

Toad: The princess has them.

Bowser: Liar.

Bowser kills Toad.

Bowser: Hmmm. The princess is onboard. Find her, you jerks.

4 Koopas run off to look for her. They find here and capture here. Three Koopas return because Peach killed one of them.

Bowser: Excellent, now fly this piece of junk to the Bowser Head, and when we get there put Peach in the dungeon. Oh, and send troops to investigate that escape pod that went by.

Chapter Two

The escape pod Kooper and Koops are in crashes in Desert Land.

Koops: Great, I just hate Desert Land.

Kooper: Me too, let's go this way.

Koops: No, this way.

Kooper: I've had enough of you; go this way.

Koops: Fine, I'll go my way.

Kooper: Excellent.

Kooper walks his way and gets lost.

Kooper: Grrrrrr. Koops must've tricked me into going this way. Wait, what's that? I'd better go over to it.


Meanwhile, Koops is having no problem until...

Koops: Oh no! A fork in the road... and what's that?

Suddenly a group of Shy Guys come.

Shy Guy #1: Hi, do you want to find a home?

Koops: Wait, you must be spies from Bowser.

Shy Guy #2: No we're not, we're just trying to find you a home.

Shy Guy #3: So get in our Shy Truck.

Koops: Okay.

In the truck...

Koops: Kooper? What are you doing here?

Kooper: Why these nice Shy Guys are trying to find me a home.

Koops: Same here.


Meanwhile some Koopas have just got to Desert Land.

Koopa #1: It seems some Koopas have been in this pod.

Koopa #2: Lets find them.


In the Shy Truck...

Kooper: We've stopped. They must've found a home for us.

Kooper and Koops walk out.

Koops: Who are we gonna live with, I wonder?

Mario and Luigi: Us!

Kooper and Koops: Mario, Luigi? We're living with you?

Mario: Yes.

Koops: Wow.

Luigi: Well, let's get in the house.

In the house...

Mario: It's good to see you again, guys.

Kooper: Same.

Mario: Well I'd better go have dinner with Luigi.

Koops: Oh, and just to let you know, Peach has been kidnapped.

At dinner...

Mario: Did you hear Peach has been kidnapped?

Luigi: It had to happened sometime.

Mario: Yeah.

After dinner...

Mario: Where's Koops?

Kooper: He's looking for Yoshi, who's here in Desert Land.

Mario: Why's he looking for him?

Kooper: He wants help in saving Peach and taking the Bowser Head plans to the planet Yadda, where they will find a weakness in the Bowser Head and destroy it.

Mario: Then let's go find Koops.

Chapter 3:

That morning Mario and Kooper take the Red Fire (Mario's car in MKDD) to find Koops.

Mario: I see him up ahead. Let's-a go.

They go up to Koops.

Mario: There you are, now let's go home.

Koops: Not doing it.

Kooper: Why?

Koops: Not until Yoshi comes.

Mario and Kooper stare at him.

Koops: Fine, but we've got to move because there's Goombas!!!

Hundreds of savage Goombas run down the hill.

Mario: This will be easy.

Mario jumps on them and Kooper and Koops get in their shells and attack. Mario jumps up and hits a ? Block. A Fire Flower comes out. Mario grabs it and burns the Goombas, but he soon loses his power and is outnumbered. Mario, Koops, and Kooper are surrounded until a few eggs fly by and kill most of the Goombas. The others run away.

???: You're safe now.

Mario: Who are you?

Yoshi: Yoshi!

Koops: Wow! Yoshi, I need to tell you Peach has been kidnapped and is being held on the Bowser Head. You must help us save her and go to the planet Yadda and destroy the Bowser Head because I've got the plans.

Yoshi: Good, let's go to my house. Come on!

Chapter 4:

At Yoshi's house, Mario and Yoshi are talking.

Mario: So you're saying that Bower killed his entire family except Wart and Kamek?

Yoshi: Yes, and what was strange was that Bowser had a hard time killing Ludwig, because... well... Ludwig was more powerful than Bowser.

Kooper: Impossible.

Koops: How could that be?

Yoshi: He has acid breath that melted Bowser's hand, and now Bowser has a robot hand.

Kooper: I win the bet.

Koops: There was no bet! Now die!

And Kooper and Koops have a fight and bla bla bla.

Yoshi: Who keeps talking? Die now!

Yoshi throws one of the hammers he stole from Bowser at me and glugh, I'm dead.

Mario: What's that you threw at the author?

Yoshi: A hammer. You can have it.

Mario: Cool.

Yoshi: Now Koops, what is the planet Yadda?

Koops: Plit's neighbor planet.

Yoshi: Okay, Mario, I think you should go back to Luigi. Oh, and drop me at Desert Land City on the way.

Mario: Sure.


At the Bowser Head...

Kamek: Let's get this meeting started. Now Bowser, what should we destroy first?

Bowser: Wherever the Mushroom base is.

Koopa #1: I believe that it's Peach's castle, or somewhere on Yoshi's Island.

Bowser: Excellent! Meeting adjourned.


In Desert Land, Mario is driv-

Yoshi: I thought you were dead.

I survived anyway. Mario is driving Yoshi to Desert Land City, until...

Mario: Oh no! Some dead Shy Guys.

Yoshi: I believe the savage Goombas are behind this.

Kooper: Impossible! The tracks are too large.

Koops: It was the Koopas.

Mario: If they're on the loose, they must've gotten my home.

Mario drives off alone. When he gets home he finds a note.

Mario: It says, (reading) To anyone, we blew up this house and killed Luigi. From the Koopas.

Mario looks in shock and drives back to Yoshi, Kooper and Koops. Mario gets back and finds them waiting.

Mario: Yoshi, I want to go with you to Yadda and be the hero again for vengeance.

Yoshi: Why?

Mario: They killed Luigi.

Yoshi: Then let's go to Desert Land City.

Chapter 5:

Mario and Co. have made it to Desert Land City.

Yoshi: We've made it.

Mario: Why did we need to come here?

Yoshi: To find a pilot that will take us to Yadda.

In the city…

Yoshi: There's a place where we'll find a pilot in that bar.

2 Koopas come to them.

Koopa #1: It’s Mario! Get him.

Mario jumps on the Koopas and kicks the shells into Yoshi's mouth.

Mario: Let's-a go.

In the bar…

Mario: I'm getting a drink.

Mario goes to get a drink, when a Boom Boom attacks him.

Yoshi: I'll save you!

Yoshi kills the Boom Boom.

Mario: Thanks. Let’s go find a pilot

???: I know one.

Koops: Who or what are you?

Donkey Kong: Me, and the pilot is Geno, but I must warn you: he's now got attitude.

Mario: What are you doing here?

DK: I'm now Geno's copilot.

They go over to Geno.

Geno: What up? Anyway, Mario, if you, Yoshi, Koops, and Kooper are going on, it's gonna
cost 27 coins.

Yoshi: Deal.

Geno: Good. Where am I flying to?

Mario: The planet Yadda.

Geno: Sure. I'll be at docking bay 64 on the Super Star, and DK wait at the ship.

Geno walks off.

???: Going somewhere?

Geno: Lord Crump!

Crump: I'm going to kill you and get my money from Wario this time.

Geno: As if.

Geno kills Crump.


Kamek: Where are those Mushrooms hiding?

Koopa: At Peach's castle, sir.

Kamek: Excellent.


Wario is at the Super Star with Waluigi.

Wario: Where is Geno?

Geno: Right here.

Wario: I see Crump failed in killing you, and I will get that money soon.

Geno: Here's 27 coins.

Wario: I'll get more money soon.

Mario, Yoshi, Kooper, and Koops arrive.

Mario: We must leave quick, there's Koopas on our tail.

DK: Let's hurry up then.

They all run in the ship and takeoff.

Koopa #1: They’re gone.

Koopa #2: Dang.

Koopa #1: Not good at all.

Chapter 6:

Bowser takes Peach to the center of the Bowser Head, where Kamek is waiting.

Kamek: Princess, I have been informed that Toads are hiding in your castle.

Peach: They are not. They are hiding on Yoshi's Island.

Kamek: There are no life forms on Yoshi's Island.

Bowser: Correct. Now for the surprise: we are gonna blow up Peach's castle.

Kamek: Wonderful idea, Master Bowser! Wart should be here to see it.

Bowser: He's spending time in Sub-con.

Kamek: I know. Anyway, fire the laser.

Peach: Nooooooooo!!!


At Peach's castle...

Toad #1: How far away do you think that laser is?

Toad #2: A trillion miles.

Peach's castle gets blown up.


Yoshi: Keep practicing swinging that hammer, Mario.

Mario: Done.

Yoshi: Good.

Geno (from cockpit): Get in here quick.

Mario and Yoshi run into the cockpit.

Mario: What is it?

DK: A shell fighter.

Yoshi: Shoot it down.

Geno: I can't, he flew into the Bowser Head.

All: The Bowser Head!!!

Read on!

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