Super Koopaling Galaxy

By Ultimate Yoshi

The escape pod sits there for about 3 minutes without any noise at all, but suddenly there is a small voice from inside.

?????: Get off my foot.

?????: As soon as he gets off me.

??????: My head hurts which is strange because my head never hurts, but one time my head hurt so bad, it was awful, terrible, very bad, evil-

???: Shut up!

??????: Be quiet, I'm tying to find the switch to open the door.

?????: I am so-

????: Hungry.

??????: I found it!

Suddenly the door opens and all the Koopalings fall out.


Lemmy: I want-

Iggy: Some food.

Roy: Don't finish each other's sentences.

Lemmy and Iggy: All right, we're just hungry.

Ludwig: I am hungry, too. What should we do...? HEY! I remember there being some food in the escape pod!

Ludwig turns around to get the food, when all of a sudden the escape pod explodes for no reason.

All the Koopalings: OH NO! WE HAVE NO FOOD!

Morton: I'll starve!

Morton takes one step away to try to find some food, when all of a sudden, a big voice is heard.

Voice: Welcome to the galaxy.

Morton: Who said that?

There is no response.


Larry: She's scary when she's angry.

Then a Toad walks over to them. This Toad looks like any other Toad, but instead of the dot pattern on its head, it has a star pattern instead.

Toad: Try using your Wii remote to hit those bells right there.

The Toad points at some hanging bells.

Ludwig: My Wii remote? What Wii remote? I don't have time to talk to you; come on, everyone, let's go.

The Koopalings walk away and the Toad just stands there. The planet they are walking on makes it look like it is a sunny day, when in reality it is not sunny at all.

Iggy: Hey, look up ahead.

The Koopalings all look to see a floating star with a star-shaped hole in the middle of it.

Morton: IT MUST BE FOOD!!!

Morton runs for the star, but trips and falls under it. Slowly Morton gets up, but just as he does he starts spinning in midair. Morton is then shot off to another planet, but this one is circular.

Ludwig: Quickly! We must chase!

All the other Koopalings get in (somehow), and they all blast off.

Lemmy: YAHOO!

They then all land on the same planet Morton did.

Lemmy, Iggy, and Larry: That was the funnest ride EVER!!!

They then see Morton being shot off from the planet onto another, but with Morton is an alien holding on to him.

Morton: HELP! HELP ME!!!

They then land on a planet that looks like it has a sunny side on top and a dark side on the bottom.

Ludwig: Oh no! Morton has been captured!

Roy: If he had fought his hunger like I did, maybe he wouldn't, but now we've got too rescue him.

Larry: Let's go.

All the Koopalings chase after them.

Ludwig: I think I'll call that star a Cannon Star, or C-star for short.

The Koopalings land on the same planet as Morton and the alien. They then look around and see two paths, one on the left and one on the right.

Lemmy: Hey, which way did Morton go?

Iggy and Wendy point to the right path, and Larry, Ludwig, and Roy point to the left.

All of them (except Lemmy): THAT WAY!

Ludwig: Ok... We will split up into two teams. Larry, Roy, and I will take the left path, and Wendy, Lemmy, and Iggy will take the right. My team will be known as Strong, Smart, Spies. Or S.S.S. for short. Your team will be called Whiny Tag-Teams. Or W.T.T. for short.

Wendy: All right, can we go now?

Ludwig: Yes, let's go.

They run off and head on to the bottom side of the planet. But as they leave a strange dark spirit orb-like thing appears.

????????: Ha! Those fools are too weak to get in my way. Once I regain my power I will easily destroy this universe.

The figure then disappears...

Who is this mysterious dark creature? Will it really destroy the universe? Will the Koopalings find and rescue Morton, or are they all doomed? Find out next time.

Team S.S.S. has just walked down the left path to find theyed walk right around the planet.

Ludwig: AMAZING! This planet must have gravity surrounding it so we can walk anywhere on it and not fall off.

They see a large pillar in front of them. Larry walks on it and starts to walk up it.

Larry: WOW! I can walk up the side of this!

Ludwig, Larry, and Roy run up the pillar until they reach the top. Another Toad stands there.

Toad: Whenever you see a blue star, point at it and press B.

The Koopalings look up to see a blue star above them. They each point at it with their fingers and are lifted up and put in a blue force field.

Roy: HEY! Whats going on?!

Ludwig looks up to see a C-star above them.

Ludwig: Everyone shake yourself!

Larry: Why?

Ludwig: Just do it!

They each shake and then break free and are shot off in the C-star.

Meanwhile, Team W.T.T. has already figured out about the planet's gravity and the blue stars. They point at them and continue from one blue star to another.

Wendy: I'm getting tired of this.

Iggy: We're almost to the next planet

They reach a planet that is circular and made of glass but has a maze inside it.

Lemmy: Hey, how do we get in there?

They walk around it, trying to find a way in. They see a C-star inside. They come across a big hole in it.

Iggy: All right! We can get in!

They hop in and see a rabbit with two antennae. It hops away.

Wendy: After that rabbit!

They chase it around for hours. Um... I think we should check on them later.

Back with Team S.S.S. They have just landed on a tropical planet of some kind.

Larry: Awesome! There are giant fruit here.

He picks up a yellow ball on the grass and takes a bite of it.

Larry: Wow! It tastes just like candy.

He eats the whole thing.

Larry: I think I'll eat another.

Larry picks up another one.

Ludwig: There is no time for eating! We must find Morton!

They hurry off and find a C-star. They look above them to see another tropical planet.

Roy: I'm not gonna use a C-star just to get up there.

Roy grabs Larry and Ludwig and jumps up to the next planet.

Ludwig: Well that was easy.

They run to the top of the planet to find a Pokey standing guard.

Pokey: No trespassing or you will taste my fury.

Roy: Take this!!!

Roy grabs and throws Larry's big fruit. The Ppokey falls down and disappears.


Roy: Oh, it's not that big a deal.

Larry: I guess you're right.

Ludwig: Look! A C-star!

Right where the Pokey was standing is a C-star.

Larry: Let's go.

They get in and are shot off to another planet. Let's check on Team W.T.T.

Um... They're still running in circles. Well, let's wait a little bit longer.

Back to Team S.S.S. They have just landed on the underside of a planet that has some Goombas on it as well as a lot of electricity. The electricity forms small walls on the underside of the planet.

Larry: Hey Goombas, what are you doing here?

Goomba: We are servants to the Squigs.

Ludwig: What are Squigs?

Goomba: They are an alien race. They look like octopi but are really aliens. And they call themselves the Squigs.

Roy: What do you mean you're there servants? You're supposed to be the Koopas' servants.

Goomba: You are not Squigs, you must be destroyed!

Roy: Ha! Bring it on.

The Goomba taps a big boulder with its foot, and the boulder collapses.

Roy: Mommy!

Roy runs away crying while Ludwig and Larry follow. Roy runs on top of the planet and up to the C-star. Larry and Ludwig catch him and calm him down, and they then shoot to the next planet again.

Meanwhile, Team W.T.T. has finally found the C-star at last! They get in and are shot off to a strange archway made of rock. They go under it and go down the path until they find a sticky, tree-like thing with a Toad stuck in it.

Toad: Help me! Pull on this by pointing at it and pulling back and letting go.

Lemmy: Um... Ok.

Lemmy points at it and pulls back his finger and stops pointing. The Toad is then shot off.

Iggy: AWESOME!!!

They each get on the tree and shoot from one object to another.

We will check on them later. In the meantime, let's see how Team S.S.S. is doing. They have landed on a floating ship.

Ludwig: Wow! These look just like the doomships at Vastle Koopa.

A ship just like their own is beside the Koopalings'. The other ship has Squigs on it. Two giant Squigs pop up on the other ship and begin to shoot at the Koopalings.

Roy: Have a taste of your own medicine!

Roy hits a ball that the Squigs fired at him and sends it right back at them.

Kirby: Hey! That's my line!

You're not in the script! Get out of here!

Kirby: No way!

Look! A watermelon!

Kirby: WHERE?!

Over there.

Kirby jumps onto the ship with the Squigs on it and eats all the Squigs. He then kicks the bridge down so the other Koopalings can cross.

Kirby: I'm full, now I'm out of here.

Kirby jumps and flies... um, floats away.

Larry: Well that was weird.

Ludwig: Who cares? He got rid of the Squigs and now we can get across.

They each cross and get in another C-star and are shot off again.

Back with team W.T.T, they have been shooting from one object to another until they finally shot themselves onto a big purple planet. Once they hit land they broke threw and fell to a giant spider web. In the middle of the web is a giant, white ball that is moving slightly. Around the web arere more sticky tree things. One has a Toad stuck in it.

Toad: Help me! He-

Lemmy points at it and shoots the Toad into the big white thing, which breaks open when the Toads hit it. A giant spider comes out.

Ludwig: Actually, that's not a spider; it only has six legs.


Ludwig: Spiders have eight legs. And why don't you type your name when you talk?

Because I don't want to. And the reason the spider has only six legs is because it is not a spider AT ALL!

Everyone: *GASP!!!*

It's just a Squig that is very big and has six legs and three eyes.

Wendy: Can we just get on with the battle?


Iggy: All right, take this!

Iggy grabs the Toad and shoots it into the the Squig's face. The Squig flips over and shows three red dots on its underside. This time the Koopalings launch themselves at the dots, and after they hit all three the Squig gets up and shoots out the Toad, who is all covered in green slime.

Everyone: Ewwww.

Squig: Take this!

The Squig shoots green acid at the Koopalings, but they dodge it and ht it in the face again. It flips over again but the Koopalings can't hit the three red dots in time before the Squig flips over again.

Let's see what Team S.S.S. is doing. They have just landed on the underside of a planet. They walk to the top to find a giant pool of lava in the middle of it.

Roy: Is that it? We came all this way for lava?!

Suddenly, four big, red tenticles pop out of the lava, and then two more pop out but in the middle of the lava, and then a big, red Squig head pops out in the middle wearing a crown.

Squig wearing a crown: I am King Squig! Who dares disturb me?

Roy: Oh come on! That's the oldest trick in the book. I'm King Squig, who dares disturb me? No one's scared of that anymore.

King Squig: SILENCE! Who are you?

Ludwig: I am Ludwig, and these two are my siblings, Larry and Roy . And if you're King Squig then you must know where our mom and dad are.

King Squig: Hey, I remember you! Yeah, we invaded your castle yesterday, and your mom and dad must be those powerhouses we captured, the ones that call themselves Bowser and Clawdia, am I right?

Ludwig: Yes, that's them; and what do you mean yesterday?

King Squig: It has been a day since we invaded.

Ludwig: Wow, that was quick. Hey, give us back Bowser and Clawdia!

King Squig: I'm afraid they're going to be my slaves, sorry. Oh, and by the way, is this thing related to you?

King Squig holds up a passed out Morton for them to see.

King Squig: A servant brought it to me today. I was just about to hypnotize it and then you showed up to disturb me.

Larry: That's Morton! Give him to us now!

King Squig: No way! You'll each be Squigs once I'm done with you!

King Squig starts shooting at the Koopalings, but they each dodge. This repeats for two minutes until Roy hits a shot back at King Squig. King Squig hits the ball back, this time Larry hits it but King Squig just hits it back again. Ludwig hits it back and it actually hits King Squig. King Squig loses his crown in the lava.

King Squig: Why, you little brats! I'm mad now!

Roy: Ha! Look at you! You're bald!

King Squig: So are you!

Roy stops laughing and looks at King Squig. He runs over through the lava and punches King Squig, making him drop Morton and fall in the lava, and drop a Star. Roy grabs the Star and then Morton, and walks over to Larry and Ludwig.

Ludwig: Wow, Roy, that was intense.

Larry: Yeah, you beat him like a pro.

Roy: He was just a wimp. I got a Star from him, and we got Morton, too.

Morton is still passed out, but is starting to wake up. King Squig suddenly springs out and starts hovering above the lava.

King Squig: Ha! You think I'm defeated? I'm hardly hurt! You can keep Morton and that Star, I have at least one million more. And besides, I still have my army and yours, and I even have your mom and dad too! I am far from being defeated. Until we meet again, fools!

And with that, King Squigs flies away to another Galaxy.

Ludwig: We need to find the others so we can follow him!

Back to Team W.T.T. They have just beat the Squig and have also earned a Star.

Lemmy: Let's use this to find the others, since Morton isn't here.

They use the Star to send them to where the other Koopalings are. They then meet each other again and tell each other what has happened and what they have found out. Morton wakes up and learns everything that happened. They then decide to use the Star Roy collected to chase after King Squig. After they leave, the same shadow that appeared before, appears again.

????????: Hmm... Those fools are a bit stronger than I thought, but they are still not strong enough to defeat me; and soon, very soon, when I regain my power completely, no one will.

After saying this, the shadow disappears.

Read on!

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