Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Terrace

Good Egg Galaxy

Star 2: A Snack of Cosmic Proportions

By Jukilum

Mario and Wario arrived back at the terrace and warped back to the Good Egg Galaxy.

Wario: We've already been here!

Mario: There must be more here, or else we wouldn't have been shown that bizarre star selection thing!

They both land on the first planet again.

Mario: Let's go see if there is anything else in the house.

Wario: We've been there, come on!

Mario goes into the house and comes back out with a large bag of coins. Wario growls.

Mario: Look at all of these Star Bits! They are all over the place!

Wario is digging in the ground for Star Bits. When they are satisfied, they go to the other side of the planet.

Wario: Woah, I'm never going to get used to that sensation.

They both go to the location where they left the planet last time, and leave in the same manner.

Wario: I thought that he was already turned into a warp star!

On the next planet they go on another Star Bit scavenger hunt before continuing on. Mario spins into a crystal, revealing another warp star.

Mario: OUCH!

Wario: What?

Mario: I got a sliver, OW.

Despite his pain, Mario pushes on to the next planet.

Wario: Look! It's one of those fat baby stars.

Mario: Oh, it's so cute! Let's go talk to it.

Luma: I'm a hungry Luma! I need Star Bits before I can help!

Mario loads a gun with all of his Star Bits and shoots them into the Luma's mouth, and the Luma gets fatter. Then there is silence.

Luma: Um, you need to give me your Star Bits too, fatso.

Wario: Who you callin' fatso? You look like you're about to explode!

Wario feeds the hungry Luma his Star Bits, and then it explodes into a warp star.

Mario: That was disturbing.

Both launch to the next planet.

Wario: Woah! This crystal must be worth a fortune!

Mario spins into a crystal, breaking open an entrance.

Wario: You're wrecking it! I'm not going in either, if that's what you're thinking.

Mario rolls his eyes and gives the bag of coins he got earlier to Wario.

Inside the crystal they find that in different areas the gravity shifts shift and they get pulled back to the opposite surface. Mario quickly figures it out and gets to the top. Wario is still stumbling around. Mario rolls his eyes again and jumps back down, quickly coming up again with Wario in his hands.

Mario: Let's go already!

They both spin and break through the top of the crystal.

Wario: OW!

Mario: What?

Wario: I cut my arm on that crystal!

They land on a star outline-shaped planet. Wario continuously keeps falling off, only to land on another side. Mario runs around and collected all of the star pieces, revealing five Pull Stars, and the Power Star in the middle!

Mario: Let's get that Star!

They both float up towards the blue stars. They try to reach the middle, but they always miss by just a little bit or bumpeinto each other. Finally they are in positions to get the Star by pulling one more time.

Mario: At the count of three we'll both grab the the Star. 1... 2...

Wario: I can't count that high!

Wario lunges forwards too early, causing Mario to nearly knock the Star out of Wario's hands. Barely hanging on to Wario's legs as Wario hung on to the Star, Mario is able to get back to the Terrace safely.

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