Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Terrace

Good Egg Galaxy

Star 6: Luigis on the Roof

By Waluigi's Twin

Mario and Wario, having recently rescued their brothers from the Ghostly Galaxy, have just decided to make sure that they’re all right as this chapter commences. Luigi and Waluigi, having found no place else onboard the Observatory where they fit in, have decided to hang out with Toad and his pals in the Garage.

Mario: Hey, Bro! How’s it going?

Wario: Hey, Sir Lanks-A-Lot! How’s the weather up there?

Waluigi: … Sometimes, I wonder how I can call you my brother with a straight face.

Luigi: Hey, guys! Thanks for checking up on us, but we’re doing fine! … You know, besides the fact that we’ll have to hang out together while you guys are collecting Stars. We’d be glad to help, but-

Wario: But what? You’re not limping, are you? You’re not being dragged down into the pits of the Underwhere by Dry Bones, either! And last time I checked, you could breathe just as well in space as we can! If you two can get up off your patooties and help get this quest over with ASAP, then DO SO!

Waluigi: Well, I did hear some Lumas talk about this one Star in the Good Egg Galaxy that can only be found if-

Wario: Don’t care! Just GO!

Luigi and Waluigi follow Wario’s advice, and quickly run to the Terrace. A few uneventful hours pass, and Mario starts to worry about them… Yes, he’s worried about his rival’s sibling as much as his own. Meanwhile, Wario’s quite apathetic about the whole deal. The two adventurers then hear a whistle, and being the curious men that they are, decide to find out where it came from. Heading back to the entrance, they find a pink-spotted Toad with a satchel hung over his shoulder.

Mailtoad: Greetings! I’m the Mailtoad! I’m filling in for Parakarry while he’s out sick. Anyways, I have a message for you two!

Mailtoad hands Mario an ordinary, non-communicating letter. It’s from Luigi, and according to the message, he and Waluigi have got lost on their way back home! Deciding to help out, Mario quickly runs to the Terrace. He then doubles back, grabs Wario by the collar of his shirt, and drags him to the Terrace. One Galaxy hop later, and they’re on the first planetoid of the Good Egg Galaxy.

Mario: Okay, we’ve made it! Now, to find our brothers! Pay close attention to your surroundings, Wario; they could be ANYWHERE! Maybe they’re stuck in the capsule maze. Maybe they’re being chased by those Chomp Spheres. But, wherever they are, they are no doubt in grave peril, and-

Wario: Found them.

Wario points to the roof of the house in front of them. Luigi and Waluigi are standing on top.

Luigi: Hey, guys! Listen; we accidentally found our way up here, and Waluigi’s afraid that he’ll sprain an ankle if he jumps down. Could you-

Mario: Say no more, Lil’ Bro. We’re coming!

Wario: YOU’RE coming. You told me to find them, NOT play fireman!

After a quick sigh, Mario runs to the opposite side of the planetoid by himself, and jumps into a quickly-found orange warp pipe. He’s warped to a room with a floor, a ceiling, three walls, and a giant coin with a question mark printed on it. Using the ramps to run up the walls, each of which has its own gravity, Mario soon reaches the wall with a coin. After picking it up, a trail of musical notes appears, and Mario picks them up to the tune of the classic Underground theme. As soon as the last note is touched, a 1-Yp appears, and it is soon collected. Having got that out of the way, Mario jumps into a warp pipe on the roof, and ends up standing beside Luigi and Waluigi.

Waluigi: It’s about time you got up here! I’ve had goosebumps for HOURS!

Mario: Really? Small question: why didn’t you just use the Star’s power to get back to the Observatory?

Luigi: Well, it turns out that these Stars won’t go back they're unless touched by the guardian of a Luma, AKA you and Mr. Optimist down there.

Wario: HEY! Don’t think I didn’t hear that sarcasm!

Luigi: Whatever. Let’s just go back.

Luigi jumps off of the roof, and onto the ground. Mario grabs Waluigi by the sleeve, and they both land on the ground successfully. Now together, the four Brothers grab onto a corner of the Star, and fly back to the Observatory.

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