Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Terrace

Loopdeeloop Galaxy

Surfing 101

By Jukilum

Greeting the two at their new location is a giant penguin.

Penguin: You want to do some Ray surfing, huh?

Mario: Sure!

Wario: But-

Mario and Wario are thrown onto separate Rays and start to surf, or in Wario's case, hold on for dear life.

Mario: This is awesome!

The Rays jump off of a hill.

Mario: Yahoo!

Wario: *girl scream*

They continue around the track. Wario nearly falls off the watery track at a few points!

Mario: Isn't this so awesome?!

Wario: W-w-what ev-v-ver you say.

Wario barfs off of the side of the track. Mario speeds up.

Mario: If you don't hurry up you won't get a gold medal!

Wario: GOLD! No one said anything about GOLD!

Wario stands up and speeds past Mario, almost causing Mario to fall off, and crashes into the end of the course.

Penguin: Congratulations! You win!

Wario receives a Power Star and blasts away.

Mario: Hey, wait for me!

Mario hops off of his Ray.

Penguin: You have earned the silver medal.

Mario gets a silver-ish transparent star and flies away behind Wario.

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