Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Fountain

Space Junk Galaxy

Star 3: Tarantox’s Tangled Web

By KGuy1

Mario and Yellow Cap decide to go back to Space Junk Galaxy. They enter the third Star, and enough of this 3rd person stuff.
Mario: Why are we here again?
Yellow guy whose name might be Wario: To get the Star, and yes my name is Wario!!!
YGWNMBW tries to jump to the next planetoid (or whatever it’s called) but falls into the black hole.
Mario: 0_0  Nice.
YGWNMBW: Oh shut up.
After beating up spiders and glass (yes glass) they get to a toad.
Toad whose color I can’t remember: HELP ME!!!
Mario: I’ll save you.
TWCICR: Thank you, Mario, but your princess is in another castle.
Mario and YGWNMBW: <-> (Don’t ask me how YGWNMBW is alive.)
They launch to the next planet
Another Toad: Launch me!
Mario: No.
AT: Yes.
Mario: No.
AT: Yes.
5 hours later…
YGWNMBW launches the AT. This starts a chain reaction that releases a big spider.
RPG Battle
Mario 50/50
Wario 60/60
AT 100/100
Spider 150/150
Spider launches something.
Spider: Take this.
Mario reflects with spin attack. 30 damage to spider.
A few attacks later…
Mario 1.1/50
Wario 0.1/60
AT 99.99/100
Spider 1/150
Toad attacks. Spider loses.
The big spider whose name is Tarantox explodes.
TBSWNWT: Team Tarantox is blasting off again.
Mario: Right.
Me: I just remembered something. YGWNMBW’s name is Wario
Wario: @-@
Mario collects the Star.
Mario: Next Star.

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