Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Kitchen

Beach Bowl Galaxy

Star 1: Sunken Treasure

By Goomba

Mario and Wario go into the Kitchen.
Wario: You call that an introduction?!
Yes. I do. Anyway, they go to the Beach Bowl Galaxy.
Penguin: Hey! Welcome to Beach Bowl! This is pretty much penguin paradise.
Wario: Sweet! Is it human paradise too?
Penguin: Not really.
Wario: Awww...
Mario: Wario! We're not here for the beach! We're here to get a Star.
Wario: Oh, yeah.
They go up to the Coach, who starts talking to them for no apparent reason.
Coach: My students are distracted by the Sparklies!
Mario: ... Do we know you?
Coach: Yeah, I taught you how to Ray surf. But that's not important now. Get those Sparklies!
Wario: Okay!
Mario: Okey dokey!
They dive in the water. They see penguins staring at Star Chips.
Wario: Hey! Those are our Star Chips.
Penguin (seemingly hypnotized): Spaaaarkliiiieees.
Mario grabs the Star Chip.
Penguin: Huh? Where am I?
They swim over to the giant Gringill. There is a Star Chip in front of him.
Mario: *gulp*
Wario: I got it!
He grabs it. The Gringill gobbles down Wario. Fortunately the last thing Mario sees is Wario's hand gripping the Star Chip. He takes it just before the Gringill laps up the rest of Wario's arm.
Mario: That's gruesome.
Mario gets the remaining 3 Star Chips and takes the Launch Star. He then gets the notes and the 1-Up, and wall jumps up the wooden disappearing wall. Right when he's about to spin the crystal the Star is encased in, when Wario comes flying through the air, coated in saliva, and crushes the crystal himself.
Wario: Uuuuhhhh...
Mario: Wario! What happened?
Wario: Let's just say, Gringills have really weak stomachs. I spun the walls of his stomach until he barfed me up.
Mario and Wario grab the Star and do the Star Dance.
Polari: A hungry Luma appeared! Get to Drip Drop Galaxy! They're infested with Gringills!
Wario: Gringills? Oh no...

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