Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Kitchen

Beach Bowl Galaxy

Star 2: Passing the Swim Test

By Super Goomba

Mario and Wario have returned to the Beach Bowl Galaxy once again.

Mario: So, now-a what?

Wario: Let's get some money off of-a the penguins again.

Mario: WARIO!

Wario: Sorry-a, sorry-a... But I stil expect quest-a fees, service-a fees, and existance-a fees!

Mario: Mamamia!

Anyways, the two -arios head to the penguins.

Instructor Penguin: So, students, today we are having our big test.

Penguin Students: Aw, can't we have it tomorrow? I haven't heard of any test...

InsPen: Why did I ever become a swimming instructor...? Anyways th-


InsPen: Darn. I think we need to send Kow-man to the asylum again!

Kow-man: Don't you bloodclot touch me!

InsPen: Psycho. Anyways, just remember how to swim, blahblahblah, you'll get a gold medal if you win.

Wario: Gold medal?! I'm in!!!

InsPen: But you're not a stu- Oh, who cares? You and your friend can join. I've gotta get a drink...

M/W ario: Yes-a!

PenStuds: Use shells to swim!

Mario: I already know-a that!

PenStuds: Use shells to swim!

Mario: I said I-a know that!

PenStuds: Use shells to swim! Use shells to swim! Use shells to swim! Use shells to swim! Use shells to swim!

Mario: Would you-a shut up?!

Wario: PUNCH!

PenStuds: WAGGGH!!!

InsPen: HEY! Leave my- Ahh, who cares? I don't get paid enough for this lousy job...

(You know how charactors tend to say the same stuff over and over in the game, right?)

Wario: Hey! I just eliminated the competition! SWEET!

Wario immediately passes the test.

Mario: Mamamia, that was-a fast!

InsPen: You win, blahblahblah, heres you'r medal.

Wario: *does the Star Dance* I'm-a the Party Star! Now gimme an entrance-a fee, a winning-a fee, and a gracing-a you with-a my presence-a fee.

Mario: You're-a greedy, not an ego-a-maniac!

Wario: So? I still get money, right?

Mario: Mamamia...

Wario: Hey, Mario?

Mario: Yes-a?

Wario: You haven't been-a acting crazy and-a stupid for most of this entire adventure. Why the sudden change-a?

Mario:... I don't really-a know... Meh, I'll probably be bouncing-a off-a the walls in a week-a.

Wario: Oh, great...

Penstuds: Use shells to swim!



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