Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Kitchen

Buoy Base Galaxy

The Secret of Buoy Base

By Ckday

Mario and Wario get back from the Engine Room.
Mario: Ugh. I hate one thing about Toy Time: the Spring Mushrooms.
Wario: I know. Oooh! I want to go to the Buoy Base Galaxy!
Mario: Why? Oh well. Fine.
The –arios go to the Kitchen and shoot off to the Buoy Base Galaxy. On the Star selection screen, they see an extra Star with a green question mark over it.
Wario: YAY! Hidden Star!
Mario: But why is the question mark green?
Wario: I don’t care! I wanna gwo to dwa Buoy Base Gawaxy!
Mario: Great. Ckday is making Wario be childish–
Wario starts jabbing himself with a pin.
Mario: -and stupid.
Ckday: Heh heh.
They go into the galaxy and Mario starts checking underwater while Wario starts to disassemble the Gearmos.
Mario: (Hey! A pipe! Must… break… GLASS!)
Mario lures a torpedo into the glass and goes into the pipe. He comes out on a steel frame with blue underneath it. Mario slips and falls into the blue and ends up back underwater.
Mario: (Hmm… The pipe leads to the base of the galaxy. The Star must be there!)
Mario goes back to the base and, at the end, finds a green Power Star.
Mario: Huh? A green Star? It must be important! Maybe if I use those Bullet Bill Blasters I passed to break the glass around it…
Mario lures a Bullet Bill toward the glass, around the Amps that circle near the class, and into the glass, and grabs the green Star.
Mario: Whoohoo!
Mario and Wario end up at the Comet Observatory.
Rosalina: You rescued a Green Power Star, didn’t you?
Mario: Uhhh… Yeah.
Rosalina: If you collect all three, you will repair the gate to the Trial Galaxies.
Polari: Maybe you could ask the Green Lumas about the Green Power Stars. After all, they’ll become Green Power Stars someday!
Wario: I like to eat my phone!
Everyone Else: …

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