Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

Comet Observatory Galaxies

Sweet Sweet Galaxy - Rocky Road

By Ckday

Mario is standing around, bored, watching Wario sleep. Mario gets a great idea. He grabs a package of eggs and a deck of cards, and takes the eggs out of the package. He throws the package into the garbage, sets up a game of Solitaire with the cards, and throws all the eggs above Wario. Before they land, Mario goes to the Solitaire cards and starts playing. The eggs hit Wario, who wakes up angrily, but can’t figure out who hit him with the eggs.
Wario: GRAH!
Mario then notices a Hungry Luma near the Terrace.
Mario: Wario! Hungry Luma!
Wario: Crud. They eat my treasure…
They feed the very demanding Hungry Luma (demanding 400 Star Bits) and he turns into a galaxy.
Wario: And I thought I was fat!
The Mario Cousins enter the galaxy and immediately notice it’s a candy galaxy.
Mario: I think this Hungry Luma has a sweet tooth.
They cross the cookie cutter candy path, avoiding the lasers. Or at least some of them…
Wario: AAAAAAGGGGGHHHH! How shocking…
Soon, the –arios come to another cookie cutter path. Wario decides to stay behind, not wanting another high-voltage shock. Mario jumps across with ease. Soon, he comes to a cookie cutter path moving diagonally. Mario still crosses, but he is petrified of a certain group on the path… Oh, wait, I’m scared of them too. AAAHHH!
Teletubbies: Tewetubbies!
The Teletubbies explode.
Mario: Whew.
Mario crosses and comes to one last path. At the end is a Star. Mario jumps across the lame cookie cutter shapes and grabs the Star. He and Wario come back to the Comet Observatory.

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