Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

Comet Observatory Galaxies

Sand Spiral Galaxy - Choosing a Favorite Snack

By MarioMario 54321

Mario and Wario exited the Engine Room and headed further up when they ran into a hungry Luma.

Wario: Hey Mario, look! Another Luma that we can stuff up and then complete!

Mario: What do you mean complete?

Wario: I mean that we feed it Star Bits and then it transforms into a galaxy for us to complete!

Mario: That makes-a sense!

Mario and Wario proceeded to talk to the hungry Luma.

Hungry Luma: Hey you! Yeah, you! Got any tasty Star Bits?

Wario: Just tell us how much to satisfy your empty belly!

Hungry Luma: I need 1,000 Star Bits to curb the hunger pangs!

Wario: Ok then! Mario, fire away.

Mario: Ok.

Mario aimed the target at the Luma's mouth. The Luma opened its mouth and Mario fired Star Bits into its mouth until it had eaten 1,000 of them.

Hungry Luma: TRANSFOOOORM!!!

The Luma suddenly fired itself to the sky and transformed into a galaxy, causing a pink Launch Star to appear.

Wario: Ok! Here we go!

Mario and Wario both took the Pink Launch Star to the Sling Pod Galaxy. They both fought off the Magikoopa and launched to the next platform, where they came to a sort of fork in the road, with a Bee Mushroom on one side and a Boo Mushroom on the other

Mario: Wanna flip a coin?

Wario: No. You take one, I take the other! I choose the Boo Shroom!

Mario: Ok. Then I'll choose the Bee Shroom.

Mario took the Bee Shroom and started buzzing from platform to platform, while Wario took the Boo Shroom and started floating next to Mario.

Boo Wario: Good luck accidentally overdoing it and falling in the quicksand while I reach the end!

Bee Mario: At least I don't have to avoid the lights, or that Boo!

Boo Wario: What Boo?

A nearby Boo started chasing Wario, a loving look on its face.

Boo Wario: Oh come on! Is every single Boo in all these galaxies a girl?!

Boo Wario floated away from the Boo while at the same time trying to avoid the spotlights, as Bee Mario buzzed from platform to platform, being careful to avoid the water bubbles near the end and buzzing through a spotlight just to mock Boo Wario, who couldn't touch the light without then falling in the quicksand. Both of them reached the end at the same time, with Bee Mario climbing the honeycomb up the wall and Boo Wario simply floating up. Beyond this point there were planetoids with spiral platforms, and two Rainbow Stars scattered amongst them.

Mario: This is it, Wario. The Star is on that moon in the center of all those rotating platforms.

Wario: Piece of cake!

Wario quickly grabbed a Rainbow Star and started running circles around the moon on the spiral runway, running through spiked balls and destroying them.

Mario: Yes.... It is a piece of cake.

Mario quickly grabbed the other Rainbow Star and started running on the spiral runway. Before Wario could reach the center planetoid, Mario quickly jumped to it from a faraway ledge on the runway.

Mario: Don't forget that these Rainbow Stars let you jump better and higher too!

Wario: ... How could I forget?!

Mario quickly grabbed the Star, sending both of them back to the Comet Observatory.

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