Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

Comet Observatory Galaxies

Snow Cap Galaxy - Star Bunnies in the Snow

By Super Mario

Mario sits at the Garage while Wario sleeps.

Mario: Hmm... We've sort of been ignoring the Garden... Wario!

Wario: Oh, shaddap.

Mario: Uh, no. Listen, let's go to the Garden for some Power Stars.

Wario: Hmm...

Wario looks at the Garden, on top of the Observatory.

Wario: No, it's too far.

Mario: *sigh* Toad Brigade!

Two minutes later...

Red: That's the last time we carry Wario through two floors of the Observatory.

Wario: That's the last time I let those weirdos touch me!

Mario: Whatever, let's just-

???: Hey you!

Mario: What?

Mario and Wario see a Hungry Luma.

Hungry Luma: Yeah, you! Got any tasty Star Bi-

Mario: Stop stealing quotes directly from the game.

H.L: Fine. Just feed me 1,500 Star Bits.

Mario: Wario, how much we got?

Wario: Five Star Bits. And a half.

Mario: Half?

Wario: Yeah, see...


Wario: Wow, my sixth Star Bit.

Luma: Hey, can I have that?

Wario: What? NO!

Luma: Share with me! RRGH!

The Luma gnaws on Wario's arm and he drops the Star Bit, which the Luma happily munches.

Wario: Give that back!

Wario tugs on the Star Bit while Luma continues to gnash on it. Finally, Wario sits on the Luma and all peace is restored.

Wario: Aw, there's barely any left!


Mario: That... was... ridiculous.

Wario: Well, if we're gonna feed this guy, we gotta get some more Bits.

1,494 1/2 Star Bits later...

Hungry Luma: Thanks, guys! TRANSFOOORM!!!

Hungry Luma transforms into a Launch Star, which Mario and Wario use to blast off to the Snow Cap Galaxy. They land on a small planet with a treasure chest.


Wario runs around the planet and trips over a Green Shell, which flies into the Treasure Chest.

Mario: Oh! A Sling Star!

Mario and Wario launch to a nearby planet, where three Star Bunnies await them.

Star Bunny 1: Let's play some hide and seek!

Mario: Oh, um...

Star Bunny 2: Yeah! Can you catch us in 2 minutes and 30 seconds?

Wario: No, we're not play-

Star Bunny 3: Okay, ready... GO!

The three Star Bunnies disappear.

Wario: ... Great. Now what?

Mario: Wario, look! The Bunnies were standing on a ? Panel!

Mario presses it.

Mario: Find more of these!

The two split up to find more ? Panels. They find them in the snow, on the planet's end, and where the first one was.

Wario: Look! The planet opened!

Wario spots a Fire Flower in one of the openings.

Wario: MINE.

Wario becomes Fire Wario, while Mario looks around in the snow for Bunnies. He finds one.

Mario: Oh, I got ya now!

Mario chases the Bunny around, until the Bunny hops into one of the gaps in the planet.

Mario: Ooh! You're mine!

Mario nabs the Bunny, then runs off. He meets Wario.

Wario: Look! I can destroy everything!

Wario shoots a fireball at a snowman and it melts to nothing.

Mario: Wait, look!

Wario: Huh. A Green Shell was under it. What could that be used fo-

Wario looks up and sees a treasure chest.


Mario picks up the Green Shell while Wario runs in circles. The red plumber breaks it open and a Bunny pops out.

Star Bunny 2: Eek!

Mario uses the gap to his advantage again and tags the second Star Bunny.

Star Bunnies: RUN, BRO!!!

The timer continues down to 30 seconds. Wario's seizure has ended, and Mario is still looking for the last Bunny.

Wario: Give it up. We're not gonna find it in 27 seconds.

Mario: Might as well become Fire Mario for the joy of destroying random things.

Mario grabs the Fire Flower and destroys a snowman. A Star Bunny pops out.

Mario: Huh?! STAR BUNNY!

Wario: Who cares?



Wario rampages across the planet to catch the Star Bunny. Mario celebrates the victory. Later, the two capped mustachios meet up with the Star Bunny brothers.

Star Bunny 1: That was impressive. Here, you deserve a prize!

Star Bunny 3 hands them a Power Star, which Wario nabs.

Wario: It really did have treasure!

Mario and Wario hold on to the Power Star, which takes them back to the Observatory.

Mario: Great work, Wario! Now let's get ready to do some work in the Garde-

Wario is already asleep in the Garage.

Mario: *sigh*

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