Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

Trial Galaxies

Loopdeswoop Galaxy: The Galaxy’s Greatest Wave

By Jukilum

As Mario and Wario shot off towards the next Trial Galaxy, they were getting very excited about Ray-surfing again.

Wario: I'm-a gonna win!

Mario: We'll see about that.

They shortly arrived at the Loopdeswoop galaxy. Once again there was a large penguin waiting for them.

Wario: What is with all of these penguins in space?

Mario: They must have lived on some strange planet and migrated to earth later, making them aliens!

Penguin: Ready to go Ray-surfing again?

Wario: How did you travel through the galaxy?

Penguin: On a Ray, of course!

Wario: Why did you need a Ray? If you can get here by swimming, why didn't you just swim? Penguins can swim, can't they?

Penguin: It is the mystical art of programming that got me here on the Ray.

Before Wario could ask any more questions, the large penguin threw them onto two seperate Rays.

Penguin: Ready...

Wario: Loser has to do all the hard work in the last Trial Galaxy.

Penguin: Set...

Mario: It's a bet!

Penguin: GO!

Mario: Actually I already do all of the hard work. Hey Wario... Wait!

Mario went full speed in an attempt to catch up to the greedy surfer. He went around some very tight corners and jumped off a hill, and was just behind Wario. Meanwhile Wario had been recklessly surfing at dangerous speeds so that he could get to win his second gold surfing medal. He was lucky to not have fallen into a black hole yet!

Mario: Slow down, Wario! You could get hurt!

To Wario, this was a dare to go faster. All was going fine until he started to approach a loopdeloop. Wario was freaking out at this point, knowing that  he would fall off at the top for sure. And he did. Reaching the top, Wario started falling towards the water at the end of the loop hundreds of feet  below. Mario, however, was doing just fine, and to Wario's dismay as he was still falling, Mario didn't fall! As Wario was contemplating this, he landed on something. Wario looked in surprise to see that his Ray had landed right below him. He stood up and started to speed up again. Mario slipped past.


Mario: Oh, that only happens if you think about physics on your way up!

They were both about to go through another loop. Wario failed to not think about physics and once again fell, luckily on his Ray again. Mario again managed to go without falling.



They were quickly approaching the end platform now. Wario sped up quickly and knocked Mario off his Ray as he jumped to the platform. He looked around. Mario was nowhere to be seen! Wario grabbed his gold (star) medal.

Mario: HELP!

Mario was dangling by two fingers off of the platform. Wario was already getting ready to fly away, but Mario urged him to stop.

Mario: You have to give me the Star!

Wario: Why should I?

Mario: So that I can fly away too!

Wario: So what's gonna happen if I don't help?


Wario: Besides that.

Mario: You have to pay a fine if you kill me!

With haste Wario let Mario grab the Star, and they both flew off back to the Observatory.

Mario: Sheesh!

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