Paralee's Adventure

By paratroopa girl

Chapter 7: Fake Crystal

Bowser went to the dungeon, grabbed Parakarry, and took him to his room. “Sit down,” he demanded. Parakarry sat on a nearby chair.

“Now you’re the Magicparatroopa’s father, tell me what it is she can’t stand.”

If I tell them what she’s weak against they’ll probably use it as an advantage to stop her. Maybe if I say the exact opposite Paralee will have an advantage, Parakarry thought.

“Mushrooms,” he said nervously. Bowser struck out a claw near Parakarry’s neck.

“Look, I’m not hear to play games, okay. You tell me what she‘s weak against. I’ll kill you if I have to. Parakarry went a little pale and started to sweat a bit.

“She’s allergic to Mushrooms,” Parakarry lied.

Bowser took the claw away from Parakarry’s neck. “Anything else?”


“Is there anything that makes her sometimes fall in a trap?”


“That’s all I need,” said Bowser. Parakarry just left the room, returned to his cell, and wrote a new letter.

“LEMMY! IGGY!” Bowser called.

“Yes, Father!” said the twins together.

“Here’s what I want you to do, find a beehive full of bees, and a Mushroom,” said Bowser.

“Yes, Father!” said Lemmy and Iggy quickly. Then they stormed off.

Meanwhile, Albino was still looking for Paralee until a Putrid Piranha Plant caught him by his chain. Albino tried to jerk free but the plant would just jerk with him. Albino charged him, giving the plant 30 HP of damage. The plant let go and shrank. Albino soon saw Paralee.

“You were trying to save me? No problem, it was easy.” Albino jumped up and licked Paralee.

“Okay, Father told me our next crystal is underwater. Come on, boy.” Paralee left and Albino followed. Then he heard something rattle in the trees. Albino went closer and say a Spear Guy in the tree aiming the spear at Paralee.

Oh, you’re going to regret it if you’re trying to take my mistress’ life away, Albino thought. He jumped up the tree and attacked the Spear Guy.

“Albino, where are you?” Paralee called. Albino came back to Paralee with a bone covered with blood in his mouth. Paralee looked sick. “Actually, I don’t want to know,” she said, clearing her throat.

They went to the ocean and Paralee felt the water. “Albino, watch my stuff,” said Paralee. Then she dove into the water. Albino looked curiously through Paralee’s mailbag and saw things he had never seen before.

Meanwhile, Iggy and Lemmy were looking for the items Bowser had sent them for. “Okay, first of all, where are we going to find bees?” Iggy asked.

“Who knows, but there is a fresh Mushroom,” said Lemmy, picking up the Mushroom.

“But don’t you think Mushrooms aren’t really the type of thing that would bother someone? Like do you think that they’ll only make you stronger?”

“Yeah, but Father ordered it and he’s the king.”

Soon they heard a low humming noise. They looked up and saw a hive with bees flying around it. “Okay, so how are we going to get them without getting stung?” Iggy asked.

“Ahem, I may have solution here,” said a strange creature, handing them a ball.

“What is it?” Lemmy asked.

“Beehive. It already contains bees, just pull out the cork and they’ll be released.”

“We should probably take it, it’s way better than trying to take down that beehive,” Iggy suggested.

“I guess.” Then Lemmy took the offered beehive. They went to Lavalava island but only saw a white Chain Chomp…

Paralee kept on swimming underwater until she saw a large Cheep Cheep. She used her magic to see what was inside it, and saw a yellow glow.

Must’ve swallowed the crystal. Oh well... Paralee thought. She shot the Cheep Cheep with her arrow, then the creature fell dead.

He was too easy, Paralee thought. She shredded the large fish and pulled out the crystal. Then without warning, the jewel was shattered!

What? It can’t shatter that quickly. Luckily I have a small piece of it. I should probably show it to the Star Spirits, Paralee thought. She got out of the water and noticed a fresh Mushroom. Albino whimpered at it.

Hmm… It looks edible, should I sample? Paralee thought. Then she realized she was wearing Paralia’s necklace and remembered her saying it would protect her from death.

But that wouldn’t be fair to Albino, Paralee thought. She took off her necklace and took a small piece. Albino soon started to yip. Paralee sighed. “Time for some Russian Rolette,” Paralee said. She ate the piece but nothing happened.

“It’s edible, eat.” Then Albino ate the Mushroom. Soon they heard a low buzzing noise.

“OMG!” Paralee shouted. She panicked and tried to kill the bees with magic but nothing happened.

“Great, I can’t kill bees with magic,” Paralee said. Soon Paralee got stung by one bee, but instead of a severe reaction, nothing happened.

“Hmm…” went Paralee. She grabbed a bee and examined it.

“This is strange. These bees have spots, and they don’t hurt or even affect me.”

“We’d better report this to Father,” Lemmy whispered, as he and Iggy were looking on.

“Okay,” Iggy whispered back. Then they left.

“Hey, did you hear something?” Paralee asked Albino. Albino shook his head no.

“This is probably one of Bowser’s tricks, we should probably show this to the Star Spirits,” Paralee said, showing him the tiny piece of crystal.

Read on!

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