Ludwig and Karma's Child

By Larry the Tennis Master

Ludwig, Larry, and Iggy were waiting in the hospital for Karma.  It had been an hour now, and Ludwig was getting impatient.  He had been pacing for a very long time.

Ludwig: What’s taking so long?

Iggy: You know how stupid some Koopas are.  They probably forgot what they were doing.

Larry took a metal club and hit Iggy on the head.

Larry: Come on, Iggy.  You just think everybody’s stupid like you.  You can’t rush these things.

Ludwig: Yes, it’s true…

Larry: Why, I remember when Ludwig had just married Karma.

Iggy: I don’t.

Ludwig looked back at Larry.  He did remember when he had married Karma.


Everybody in the entire Koopa Clan had hated her, except for himself.  Everyone would laugh when she came by, and the other Koopalings would try to hurt her; and because of this, Ludwig and Karma vowed that they would never like each other, though they were obviously wrong.  They had been going on dates; they flirted with each other; it didn’t seem like they were going to hate each other anytime soon.

Then, for some unknown reason, Larry, Iggy, and Kamek thought they were being too hard on Karma, and decided to support her and Ludwig being in love with each other.  Then all three of them became friends with Karma, and the whole group of five would look out for each other.

One night, Ludwig snuck into Karma’s room, and Karma suggested, “I think we should get married.”  Ludwig thought it was a great idea; he was about to propose that night anyway.  So he did, and the next day they had to sneak to the chapel.  When they had arrived, Ludwig put on a black tuxedo and Karma put on a white wedding dress.  Kamek gave the ceremony. Larry and Iggy were up front. (Iggy cried.) And when the wedding was over, they went for a honeymoon.  To get away, Ludwig had to tell Bowser that he and Karma were going to attack Mario.  And he wasn’t lying.  Ludwig took a rock and threw it at Luigi.  Then they went off, coming back a week later.

Back to now…

A doctor came out.

Koopa Doctor: I’m sorry, but Karma died!

Ludwig: …

Koopa Doctor: Just kidding!  She’s fine.  Expect her in ten minutes.

He walked away.

Ludwig: That was a lame joke.

Iggy: That was great!

Larry hit him with the metal club again.

Iggy: I wish you’d stop that.

Meanwhile at Bowser’s Castle…

Bowser: Where’s Ludwig?  It’s time for my daily toe scrubbing!

Morton: I’m sure, I’m definitely, positively sure he went somewhere, anywhere, to do something important, relevant, useful…

Bowser: Right.

Back at the hospital…

Iggy went to the washroom for a while.  Larry started talking to Ludwig.

Larry: Don’t worry, Ludwig, everything will work out.

Ludwig: I doubt it.  It’ll be impossible to hide the kid, and I can’t just leave the castle…

Larry: Everyone else just doesn’t understand how lucky you are.  I’m never going to have kids.  Everybody hates me.  But with you, it’s a guarantee you will have that special someone to talk to when you’re sad, someone you can comfort, and someone to have kids with.  I envy you for that.  That’s been a dream of mine.

Ludwig: Thanks.  I feel better now.  But don’t worry.  You’ll find that special someone.  Since when could you talk so much, though?  Did Morton get to you?

Larry: I found all of those brain pills that you had.  They only seem to work on certain people, though.  Not Iggy…

Just then, Iggy came rolling in in a wheelchair.

Iggy: I love this thing!

Ludwig rolled his eyes, then looked and saw Karma come out.  She was holding an egg.

Iggy: We had to wait an hour and a half for an egg?!

Karma then came forward and socked Iggy in the nose.

Iggy: Ouch.

Ludwig: It’s hatching!

Everyone came to watch.  The egg was hatching.  When it stopped, the baby came out.  It was a red Yoshi, with a black-spiked shell.  And it had Ludwig’s blue, poofy hair.  Iggy examined it.

Iggy: From the looks of it, I think it’s a boy!

Larry: How can you tell?

Ludwig: I thought you had a brain pill.

Larry: They’re not miracle workers!

Karma rolled her eyes and looked at the baby some more.

Karma: What should we name him?

Larry: How about Bob?

Ludwig: How about Matthew?

Iggy: How about Iggy?

It was then that Larry whacked him real hard with the club, and Iggy went flying with the wheelchair.

Larry: At least now you’ll need that wheelchair!

Then Karma suggested something.

Karma: How about Billy?

Ludwig: Sounds good. (Don’t want to make her mad…)

Larry: Great! (Now at least she won’t lose her temper…)

Iggy: Good idea. (I’ve had enough pain for the day…)

So they all headed back to Bowser’s Castle.  At the entrance was Kamek; he had been waiting for them.

Kamek: What’s his name?

Karma: Billy.

Kamek: Nice.  I can’t believe that Ludwig already has his first child… I remember when he was born.  Oh so long ago.

Larry: We need to get back inside.

Kamek: Sure.  Let me see if anyone’s snooping around…

He checked the security camera in his room with his remote control device.

Kamek: Good.  I’ll teleport you to my chambers.

He teleported them to his room, then gave some instructions.

Kamek: Bowser will kill the child if he ever sees him, so be sure to keep Billy out of his sight.  Wait, where did he go?

Everybody looked around, and saw that Billy had disappeared.  And that the door was open.

Iggy: Oh great.  He ran away.  Do kids really learn to walk on their first day?

Kamek: Yep.

Iggy: Guess we have to go find him.

Iggy rolled to the stairs, and stopped.

Iggy: Can someone help me up the stairs?

Larry: I told you to get rid of that wheelchair!

Iggy: But it’s so fun…

Ludwig rolled his eyes and ran up the stairs, along with Karma and Larry.  Iggy tried to carry the wheelchair up the stairs.

Iggy: So heavy…

When he finally got to the top he sat in the wheelchair.  Meanwhile Lemmy came rolling on his ball.

Lemmy: Finally wanted to roll around on something like me, eh?

Iggy: I guess you could say that.

Roy came running by.

Roy: Coming through!

He knocked Iggy over, sending him down the stairs.  Kamek walked up to him and gave him a potion.

Kamek: Whenever you drink this, you can teleport anywhere you want in the castle.  Be sure to only drink a teaspoon at a time, though!

Iggy: Thanks.

Iggy daink some of the potion, and warped somewhere.

Meanwhile, Bowser was looking at his security camera (not Kamek’s), and noticed something.

Bowser: Hey, what’s that tiny Yoshi thing running around?

He saw Billy in the camera.  He then called Morton, Lemmy, and Roy up to the throne room.

Bowser: Whatever that thing is, catch it!  When I get my hands on it, I will call everybody and find the criminal responsible for bringing it in.

All but Bowser: Yes, sir!

Then they all ran off, including Bowser, to look for Billy.

Larry is running all over the place, looking for Billy. Then he looks into Wendy’s room, and sees Wendy holding Billy.

Wendy: Oh, you’re so cute! What’s your name?

Billy: Goo goo. Gaa gaa.

Wendy: Maybe you’re too young to speak. You seem to be only a day old or so. I’m going to get you some food. Don’t move.

She runs out, and then Larry sneaks inside.

Larry: Okay, let’s get you out of the wicked witch’s room…

Just before he leaves, Wendy comes back, and Larry hides in the closet. He opens the door ever so slightly so he can see.

Wendy: Do you like cookies?

Billy: Yum yum.

Wendy starts feeding him, holding little chunks at a time. Larry doesn’t understand how Wendy can be so nice and yet so evil at the same time.

Wendy: You need some water…

She leaves again, but by then Larry has already fainted from disbelief.

Meanwhile Roy, Lemmy, and Morton are searching the castle high and low for Billy, but some problems come up.

Lemmy: What were we looking for again?

Roy: Uh…

Morton: If I knew, I’d tell you.

Lemmy: …

Roy: How about we look in Bowser’s security camera? That will show us!

Lemmy: Good idea!

They run off, and knock Iggy down the stairs again.

Iggy: Ouch… Why do I keep getting hurt? Oh well.

He rolls a bit, and then gets an idea.

Iggy: I know! I’ll look in Kamek’s security camera! I bet I will see Billy in there!

He drinks some of the potion and disappears.

In Bowser’s room, Bowser is thinking of the appropriate punishment for Billy.

Bowser: What should I do? Roast him? Stab him? Make him watch Teletubbies? Yes, I’ll do that! Bwa ha ha!

Just then, Roy, Morton, and Lemmy sneak into the room.

Morton: This isn’t going to work…

Roy: Shut up! He’ll hear you!

Bowser: Who said that?

Lemmy: Thanks, Roy.

Roy: Morton talked first…

Bowser: Just sit down and shut up!

They all sit down.

Bowser: What is it this time? Did you break a lamp or something?

Lemmy: We forgot what we were looking for…

Bowser: That’s it? Just take this picture then!

He hands them a picture of Billy from the security camera.

Morton: Thanks!

Bowser: Now leave. And don’t come back ‘til you find him!

All but Bowser: Yes, sir!

They run off, and Bowser goes in the opposite direction, getting an invention of Ludwig’s.

Bowser: Bwa ha ha! Now I shall capture him!

Meanwhile in Wendy’s room, Wendy has fallen asleep, and Larry is waiting for his chance to strike.

Larry: Come here, Billy…

Just then, Billy runs off. Larry runs after him, but Billy is so far ahead. He approaches a fork in the hallway, and goes one way before Larry can see.

Larry: Drat! Now which way did he go? Oh, I know! I’ll use a brain pill!

He pops a brain pill into his mouth.

Ka-Pow. (Don’t you love how enthusiastic that was?!)

Larry: Ahh! That’s better. Now, according to the theory of Mushroom Babies, Yoshi babies and Koopa babies like going to the left when not on the first floor (“I’m 99.9 percent sure…”)…and since I’m not on the first floor, he went to the left!

Why such a theory exists, nobody knows. Larry runs to the left just the same, though Billy had unknowingly gone to the right.

Billy is now in a hallway shaped like +. A few minutes later, there is someone on each side of the hallway; on one side is Bowser, on another is Karma, the third has Ludwig, and last are Lemmy, Roy, and Morton. Billy is trapped.

Bowser: There he is!

Karma: We found him!

Lemmy, Roy, and Morton: Let’s get him!

Ludwig: (sarcastically) Oh yay. This will be tons of fun.

They all run at once, hoping to be the ones to get Billy. When all six of them are near the middle, they dive for Billy.

Bowser: Bwa ha ha!

When they all land, Billy is gone again. But when they look to the left, they see Larry holding him.

Larry: Oh no…

Lemmy: Get him!

All six are about to chase Larry, when Iggy appears out of nowhere and holds on to Larry.

Iggy: You owe me, Larry.

Iggy drinks some potion, and then the three of them disappear, leaving the wheelchair behind.

All: …

Iggy and Larry instantly appear again.

Iggy: I knew I forgot something!

Bowser: Not anymore!

He ties Larry and Iggy up with Ludwig’s rope machine. Larry then hits Iggy with his metal club.

Iggy: What was that for?!

Larry: Just my thanks to you.

Iggy: …

Bowser: Everybody to the conference room! NOW!

Read on!

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