Super Mario Revelations

By Mario & Luigi

Chapter 3, Part 2: Crashing the Funeral

Mario jumped out of the warp pipe. He turned around and saw a building with flowers and wreaths at the front door. He was at the
funeral home. There was a sign near the front door. It said:

Funeral for former Sub-con ruler

Mario: Wart...

Mario walked into the funeral home and went down into the basement. There was a coffin in the center of the room.

Mario: (The Koopa Clan and its allies are gathering for Wart's funeral today.)

Mario opened up the coffin to reveal Wart's dead body.

Mario: (Just as good as any place to hit them hard. With any luck, I should bring down every one of the minions, to tick Bowser off to no end.)

???: Bowser's here.

???2: Shall we bring in Wart's coffin?

???: Wait ‘til the Koopa King is seated.

Mario, hearing this, knew he had to get rid of the body fast before someone saw. So he grabbed Wart's body and tossed it down the garbage chute.

Mario: (It's a shame I could kill you only once, Wart.)

Mario walked to the coffin, got in, and closed the door.

Mario: (The maggots can hold a funeral for a frog for all I care.)

???: Bring in the body.

???2: Um... Ok, I guess.

Mario felt like he was lifted off the ground. Then he heard music playing. He is in the main room. Meanwhile, an X-Naut was standing next to the door to the main room. He only heard the pipe organ playing, but then he heard a crunching noise like a door being pulled off its hinges, screams, explosions, crashing, glass shattering, and thudding. Inside the room, Mario tossed a Koopa out of the window, then he flung 14 fireballs everywhere, burning a few Shy Guys and Shysters in the progress. He then grabbed a Shyster and twisted his neck so hard that the Shyster went limp. Mario noticed that there were too many enemies to take on, so he clapped his hands to produce a fire wave that burned most of the enemies. Only 1 Hammer Bro. remained.

Hammer Bro: I'll wait here for the police, ok?

Mario: Too late.

Mario grabbed the Hammer Bro and lit his fist with a flame.

Mario: Give me one-a reason not to kill you!

Hammer Bro: Go ahead! Kill me! I dare ya!

Mario punched the Hammer Bro 4 times.

Hammer Bro: What did I ever do to you?

Mario ignored this and punched the Hammer Bro non-stop until the Hammer Bro started screaming.

Hammer Bro: AHHHH! STOP! Lemme go and I will distract the others in the next room!

Mario released his grip on the Hammer Bro and put the flame on his hand out.

Mario: You go-a distract your friends.

Hammer Bro: I'll uh... I'll lead them to the back.

Mario: Just get them out of my way-a.

The Hammer Bro ran to the next room and Mario pressed his ear against the door to listen. Mario opened the door slightly to see a Shyster, Shy Guy, Koopa, and X-Naut.

Hammer Bro: Hey guys! I saw something in the back!

Shyster: What is it?

Hammer Bro: I'm not really sure... *gulp* It might be... Mario.

Koopa: No way, man, I don't want any part of him.

Shy Guy: Let's go check. I guess...

The Shy Guy, Shyster, Koopa, and X-Naut went to the back to see if Mario was there. The Hammer Bro stayed. Meanwhile, Mario opened the door all the way and went behind one of the coffins to avoid being seen. After a while, Mario ran silently to the door across the room and went to the next room. As for the minions...

X-Naut: I don't see anybody there.

Hammer Bro: I could have sworn I saw him...

Mario: (They are way too dumb. Now where is that piece? Hmm... Something is not right...)

???: Attack!

Suddenly, 67 minions popped out of nowhere.


One Shyster bounced on Mario's head, stunning him. A Goomba followed it up with a headbonk. Mario grabbed a Koopa and tossed his shell at 7 Hammer Bros, then he grabbed a Shy Guy and tossed him out of the window. Two Shysters tried to bounce on Mario, but only one managed to hit him. The other was knocked away. Mario flung 3 fireballs at 3 Goombas, but then, a Hammer Bro grabbed a massive hammer and bashed it over Mario's head, making him dizzy. Then all of the minions jumped on Mario and beat him badly. Just then, the orange Sacred Star started glowing. It was giving Mario a new move, "Sunset Shield".

Mario: Ahhgg... Rghh.... SUNSET SHIELD!

An orange barrier appeared around Mario. The minions attacked Mario again, but their attacks hit the shield instead. Using the shield, Mario spun around to create a tornado that knocked most of the enemies away. 12 minions remained. An X-Naut charged at Mario, but Mario knocked him down and smashed his face against the floor. A Koopa tossed his shell at Mario, but the shield reflected it back at him, knocking him out. Mario dashed in an orange illusion and rammed into 5 of the minions, and burned 3 more. Only 2 Koopas remained. The first was kicked away by Mario. As for the second...

Koopa: Truce?

Mario grabbed the Koopa and placed him near the fireplace.

Mario: Where is the Flight Star Piece-a?

Koopa: What are you talking about?

Mario pushed the Koopa's head into the fire, burning him.


Koopa: I don't know where it is!

Mario pushed the Koopa further into the fire, burning him even more.

Koopa: It's in the Cremation Room, upstairs! Turn the right hand on the statue! But the door is locked...

Mario pushed the Koopa all the way into the fire, killing him.

Mario: (That is the-a smell you will never forget.)

Mario turned to go upstairs when he saw the dead body of a Toad. This Toad was wearing a police uniform. This Toad was a police officer.

Mario: (The MK cops are here a bit early. He's holding two things in his hand...)

The first object was a key with a tag on it.

Mario: (What does the tag say? ... It says "Cremation Room". Could come in handy. Now what is the other item?)

The second item the Toad was holding was a piece of paper.

Mario: (Ok. Here we go It says…)

The e are 2 anc ent figures known as the Mecha Angels. One is fighting for justice, the other fighti g for power. Long ago, they were sh ttered into pie es. Whoever wields those pieces wi l hold their power. They needed to be-

The rest was cut off. Some letters were missing as well.

Mario: I need to find the piece for the Flight Star. Wait, that's what the X-Nauts at Wario's castle were talking about... I need to get going.

Mario ran upstairs to the Cremation Room, fighting a few minions along the way. When he reached a golden door and unlocked it, he entered the Cremation Room.

Mario: Hmm, lots of cremation materials.

Mario looked around the room, but didn't notice that he was walking towards a statue. He hit the statue and turned to see a rather large statue in front of him. Mario turned the right hand and the message on the base slid to reveal a small piece of a star.

Mario: That must be the Flight Star Piece.

Mario grabbed the piece and jumped into a nearby warp pipe. When he jumped out, he was outside the hotel.

Mario: Bowser crashes parties, so why can't I crash something of his ?

Part 3: The Tower of the Mushroomers

Elsewhere, Luigi jumped out of his warp pipe and looked around. He was in a city with cars on the streets, buildings everywhere, and Toads walking on the sidewalks. He was in Mushroom City.

Luigi: I’d better go find the tallest tower.

Luigi walked among the streets of the city, looking for the tower. After minutes of searching Luigi, exhausted, sat right next to a building, thinking he was out of luck. Then he turned around and saw a rather building. What he noticed is that this building was higher than the others. He was at Mushroom Tower. Luigi walked inside to search for the piece, but then, the lights went out. Luigi became scared outright.

Luigi: Oh no...

Just then a Boo popped out of nowhere and scared Luigi.



Luigi pulled out the Poltergust 4000 that Mario gave him earlier along with a flashlight, pointed the flashlight at the Boo, and sucked the Boo in with the Poltergust 4000.


Luigi: Yeah!

The lights came back on, but just as it did, an X-Naut rammed into Luigi.


X-Naut: Take this!

An X-Naut threw a beaker at Luigi, setting him on fire.

Luigi: AHHHHHHH! Thunderhand!



Luigi: He's dead.

???: Johnson? What happened to Johnson?

Luigi hid behind a table as he saw the shadow of a Shyster. The Shyster saw the X-Naut's dead body.

Shyster: Oh no! They killed Johnson!

Luigi: Yeah! You're next! Here's what I call the Green Missile!

Luigi charged for his attack and before the Shyster could react, Luigi launched his attack at the Shyster, burning him.


???: So, is this how it ends? NO!

There was a loud BOOOM! and Iggy appeared with a magic wand.

Iggy: It's about time I settle this with you and… Wait. Where are Mario and Koops?

Luigi: They are not here, but I can still take you on!

Iggy: Go ahead. Make my day!

Iggy shot a magic blast at Luigi, but Luigi Spring Jumped on Iggy, hitting him in the head. Iggy shot a poison blast at Luigi, not only damaging Luigi but poisoning him as well. Iggy rammed into Luigi, knocking him down. Luigi grabbed Iggy and choked him with a tight grip. Then he tossed Iggy into a table. Iggy summoned a fire spell at Luigi and burned him. Then Iggy grew to an enormous size and kicked Luigi into the stairway. Luigi clapped his hands to produce a wave of electricity that shocked Iggy.

Iggy: This can't be... That's it!

Luigi: Wha?


Luigi: Orrrruugghhh!

Iggy: Need a lift?

KER-PLOW! Luigi got knocked to the top of the tower within seconds. Iggy jumped up to continue fighting him. Iggy punched, kicked, crushed, and knocked down Luigi hundreds of times. But then...

Luigi: Giant Fireball!



Luigi: Spring Jump!


Iggy: AAARRRGGHHHHH! No… Not yet...

Luigi: Tired? Good. THUNDERHAND!



Iggy lost his balance and fell off the tower.

Iggy: NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo...

Luigi: Time to call it a day.

???: I don't think so!

Luigi saw Bowser in his Clown Copter. Bowser looked rather angry because of what happened.

Bowser: I can't believe Iggy failed me! But, do you think you, Koops, or Mario can stop me? Soon, when my plan is complete, I will rule Plit with an outbreak of nightmares! There is no way my plan can fail!





Luigi: Huh?

Bowser: So long, sucker!

He left.

Luigi: I don't get it... How can he become invincible with dream power? Something's not right....

Luigi went to the gap Iggy made earlier and dropped to the top floor. There he found a piece of a Star.

Luigi: This is it.

Luigi grabbed the piece and jumped into a warp pipe nearby. When he jumped out he was back at the hotel.

Mario: Did you get the-a piece?

Luigi: Yes. Did you?

Mario: Yes. I wonder how Koops is doing...

Read on!

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