The Rule of Ludwig

By zz1666

It is a cool and bright day. Bowser is heading into the Mushroom Kingdom to try to kidnap Peach as always. However, something is not right with Bowser. Bowser is moving very slowly, and does not look so good.

Bowser: Woah, I just got really tired all of a sudden.

Bowser looks around and sees a tree with shade overlooking it.

Bowser: Eh, I suppose a nap wouldn't hurt. Maybe I'll feel a little better after just a quick nap.

Bowser walks over to the tree and rests his head against the tree and falls asleep. However, this nap isn't as short as he planned. Minutes turn into hours, and hours turn into days, and the days soon become a week…

At Castle Koopa, everything there is anything but fine. At dinner, everyone is worried about where Bowser is.

Larry: Clawdia, where's Bowser?

Clawdia: I only wish I knew.

Wendy: Do you think he'll be ok, because he needs to get back soon; I really need him to buy me a new pair of shoes.

Clawdia: Look, if it will make you all feel better, I can send Kamek to look for him.

Kamek: Say what?

Roy: Will you go, Kamek?

Ludwig: Please, Kamek.

Kamek: Oh all right, I suppose I can go search for Bowser. Will anyone else like to assist me?

Lemmy: No, it's just going to be all you.

Kamek: Fine, I will now leave to look.

Kamek leaves the castle and starts heading toward the Mushroom Kingdom.

Iggy: Do you think Kamek will find Bowser?

Clawdia: I can only hope, Iggy. I can only hope.

Kamek gets on his broom and starts riding over the Mushroom Kingdom. After around an hour of flying, Kamek spots a large figure lying motionless near a tree.

Kamek: Could that be Bowser?

Kamek flies down close to the figure and notices it is Bowser.

Kamek: Bowser?

Kamek shakes Bowser, but nothing happens. Kamek moves closer and sees Bowser is not breathing.

Kamek: Oh my DAD!

Kamek gets on the phone and calls to Castle Koopa. Clawdia is there, and answers the phone.

Clawdia: Hello... Kamek... Bowser is... Wait, did I hear that right... Are you joking... Wait, you're serious... We'll be there as quick as possible.

Larry: What’s the matter?

Clawdia: There is no time to talk. All of you, into the doomship now!

Clawdia and the Koopalings load into the doomship and take off to the location that Kamek spoke from. It only takes minutes for them to get there, but a large group of people are gathered around Kamek, a few Koopa doctors, and Bowser. Clawdia and the Koopalings move through the crowd toward Kamek.

Koopa Doctor: I'm sorry to announce this... but Bowser has... died.

Everyone: What?!

Clawdia: How did he die?!

Koopa Doctor: You see, this tree here where Bowser was napping is poisonous, and contact with the bark from the tree releases a poison that kills within minutes.

Clawdia: Please tell me there's a cure.

Koopa Doctor: Sorry, there is no cure. I really hate to announce this, but Bowser is dead, and he ain't coming back.

Well, right after that was said the whole crowd was silenced. The silence is broken when Larry speaks up.

Larry: No Bowser! How could you die?!

Morton: No!

Wendy: Dad!

Iggy: This can't be happening!

Roy: For the first time in my life I think I may cry.

Lemmy: This stinks!

Ludwig: How can we go on?!

Kamek: Fear not, let's go home, I know where Bowser hid his will, and we can get that and see what he wants from us.

They all load the doomship, each shedding tears of sadness. In an effort to take everyone's mind off Bowser's death, Kamek turns on the news.

Toad Reporter: Breaking news, Bowser, ruler of Dark Land, has died. Bowser apparently took a nap under a poisonous tree on his way to kidnap Peach. When Bowser made contact with the bark he immediately was poisoned. Now, here's the weather.

Toad Weatherman: Why, with Bowser's death you all can expect a 0 percent chance of an attack for the next three to five days. Enjoy the peace, and hopefully it lasts longer.

Kamek turns off the television. They all disembark the doomship.

Kamek: Come; let's see what Bowser left in his will.

Kamek leads them all into Bowser's room, where Kamek pulls a book from the bookshelf and a secret door opens. Kamek opens the door, grabs the note, and reads it out loud.

Kamek: To whom it may concern: if I ever die, there is only one request I have. I request that my oldest son Ludwig become new leader of Dark Land, and take my place on the throne, as I feel he will do the best job taking my place. Give Ludwig everything I own, and give him all the power as ruler that I had. This is all I ask, signed Bowser Koopa.

They all turn to Ludwig.

Clawdia: Ludwig...

Kamek: Um... Yeah...

Ludwig: What...?

Clawdia: Ludwig, are you sure you're up for this...?

Kamek: I mean, taking Bowser's place is going to be a big job, and will require you to do a lot of work...

Ludwig: I think I can handle it...

Clawdia: You sure?

Kamek: Clawdia, if Bowser feels he will do the best job replacing him... then I guess Bowser knows best.

Ludwig: So now do I get to be a powerful tyrant like Bowser?

They nod their heads.

Clawdia: Kids, go play; we’ve got to help Ludwig get into the job as tyrant.

The Koopaling leave the room, a little bit worried about what will become of them with Ludwig ruling.

Kamek: Come Ludwig; let me lead you to your throne.

Ludwig and Clawdia follow Kamek into the throne room.

Kamek: Would you like to have a seat on the throne, Ludwig?

Ludwig: Sure.

Ludwig sits down on the throne.

Ludwig: Wow, so this is what it feels like to be in power...

Kamek: It's an enjoyably feeling, isn't it?

Ludwig: Indeed.

Clawdia: I always pictured the day one of my kids became ruler... but I didn’t imagine it to be this soon, nor did I imagine it to be Ludwig.

Kamek: Now Ludwig, now that you're ruler, there are some responsibilities.

Ludwig: Like what?

Kamek: Ludwig, you now run the castle, as well as all of Dark Land. You now have to control the Koopa army, make sure every thing is running fine, and keep Dark Land strong. Maybe you'll even takeover the Mushroom Kingdom, but it's a little too early to be thinking about projects that big.

Ludwig: This is going to be awesome.

Kamek: Indeed it is. Now, you are fortunate enough to have an assistant as gifted as me-

Kamek strike a pose as a spotlight shines on him.

Kamek: -who if you ever need any help, will be here assisting. Think of me as your "right hand man" as they call it on the streets.

Ludwig: Actually they don't call it that, that was so ten years ago.

Kamek: Well whatever, you get the point. Now, your first thing to do is to make a speech for your crowning tomorrow night. Tomorrow you will speak in front of all of Dark Land and will receive the crown. Now make the speech good, so you can make a good first impression on the citizens of Dark Land. Until then, you may return to your bunks. Good luck, see you at dinner tonight.

Clawdia: Remember Ludwig, I'll be proud of you no matter what happens. You're my son, and there's nothing that will separate us.

They all leave the room. Ludwig heads up to his room, while Kamek and Clawdia head off in different directions.  Ludwig is greeted by his brothers.

Larry: Ludwig, this is going to be sweet, ain't it?

Ludwig: Well Larry, I'll admit I'm probably going to enjoy this, but there's a lot of work I have to do.

Roy: Now that you're in charge are you going to let me bully Iggy without going to the dungeon?

Ludwig: Sorry Roy, I don't think I can.

Roy: Darn!

Iggy: That's good, now I won’t get beat up as much.

Lemmy: Well I know you'll do a good job as ruler!

Ludwig: Thanks Lemmy.

Morton: You’re going to be fabulous, unbelievable, great, terrific, and so good I can't think of any more words to say.

Ludwig: Gee, that's a first.

Wendy: So Ludwig, now you have to buy me everything I want just like Bowser...

Ludwig pictures this horrible image in his head.

Ludwig: Uh, sorry, I can't do that either.

Wendy: You dare deny me? Don't make me throw a tantrum.

Ludwig: Uh... Once I get crowned tomorrow I'll give you some money. Yeah, sure, sounds good to me. Now if you excuse me I must go up to my room.

Ludwig makes his way up the staircase to his room, where Kamek is standing outside Ludwig's room.

Ludwig: Oh, hi Kamek, what do you want?

Kamek: Now that you're ruler, you don't sleep in your room anymore, you now get the ruler's room.

Ludwig: Wait, isn't that Bowser's room?

Kamek: Heh-heh, nope, it's a secret room that no one can know about. It was Bowser's secret room when he needed to be alone, and now, it's yours. Come hither; allow me to lead you to your new room.

Ludwig: Cool!

Ludwig follows Kamek down the hallway. In front of the library, Kamek slides open a hidden compartment, and a button appears. Kamek presses the button and a hidden door opens near them with a staircase leafing down.

Kamek: Come!

The two walk down the staircase and emerge in a room.

Ludwig: Woah...

Kamek: That's right, Ludwig, this is all yours.

Ludwig: This... is... awesome!

In a burst of excitement, Ludwig runs into the ruler's room. The room is big with a plasma screen television, a Wii hooked up to it with every Wii game there is, a giant bed in the middle, a basketball hoop on the wall, a huge map of Plit, and a long table with tons of chemicals. Ludwig jumps right into his bed to try it out.

Ludwig: This is the best bed ever!

Ludwig notices a tiny fridge in the corner.

Ludwig: What's in there?

Kamek: See for yourself.

Ludwig heads over to the fridge and opens the door.

Ludwig: YES! This is the best thing ever!

Inside the fridge there are tons of chocolate bars, neatly lined up, with all the variations, from milk, to dark, to almonds; every kind of chocolate imaginable is in there.

Kamek: I can see you enjoy this. Well, let me just inform you of one thing. See that map?

Ludwig: Yes.

Kamek: That is the map that is used to help plan battle strategies. On that map is every single place on Plit. Use it to help you conquer lands. One last thing, whenever you enter this room, ou must enter the way I showed you, but make sure no one is around when you do so. The only exit is through that door over there. That door is an exit only, is camouflaged with the wall, and will open up toward the basement. Before you exit, check the radar above the door. Those red dots are other people; make sure no red dots are near that "X" when you go to open the door. Well, that's about it, come with me to the dining table, where you will get the royal seat.

Ludwig: This is great!

Ludwig and Kamek leave the room and head up to the dining table, where everyone is gathered. Ludwig goes to sit in his normal seat next to Larry and Roy.

Kamek: Uh-uh Ludwig, now you si in the ruler's seat.

Ludwig makes his way over to the golden chair with the word "Ludwig" engraved on the leg.

Kamek: Since you're ruler,Ludwig, you get first helpings. Here, pour as much soup as you want into your bowl.

Ludwig: But what about the others?

Kamek: You are ruler,Ludwig; you can take as much as you want.

Ludwig only takes his usual amount, just as much as he normally would have in his old seat. Ludwig passes the bowl of soup to Clawdia on his left.

Kamek: Oh, what a generous leader, thinking of others too. I say a toast to our new ruler!

Everyone at the table toasts to Ludwig.

Larry: To my favorite brother whom I know will do a great job as leader!

Wendy: You'll do great,Ludwig!

Lemmy: May luck be on your side!

Iggy: You’re awesome,Ludwig!

Roy: I always knew you'd be a good ruler!

Morton: You're going to do great!

Ludwig: Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.

Clawdia: I'm proud of you,Ludwig, I really am.

They all resume eating their meal. They all finish, and turn to Ludwig.

Ludwig: Uh... My I help you guys?

Kamek: Ludwig, they must have your permission to be dismissed. They need it in case you need to make an announcement or need to speak to someone privately.

Ludwig: Oh...  Well, there's nothing really to say, so you all are dismissed.

They all get up and clear the area.

Kamek: Good job, Ludwig. Well, I think you can take it from here. Remember, have that speech ready for tomorrow.

Kamek leaves. Ludwig then makes his way back into the ruler's room. Ludwig enters without being seen, grabs a pen and a piece of paper, and sits down at his desk.

Ludwig: Well, I’d better make this really good. I want to make a good first impression on everyone.

Ludwig begins to write his speech, and after a few hours of writing manages to create a well-written 30-minute speech.

Ludwig: I'd say this is pretty good. Well, guess I'll catch me some sleep, got a big day tomorrow.

Ludwig lies down on his bed and heads to sleep. He wakes up as the morning sun shines across his face.

Ludwig: Wow, that was the best night's sleep I've ever had!

Ludwig makes his bed and leaves his room, heading into the kitchen, where he sees Kamek.

Ludwig: Morning Kamek!

Kamek: Good morning Ludwig, did you enjoy your first night's sleep in the ruler's bed?

Ludwig: Yes, that was the best night's sleep I've ever gotten! What are you doing in here, Kamek?

Kamek: I'm baking a cake for celebration after this afternoon's crowning. Did you write your speech?

Ludwig: Yup!

Kamek: Excellent, I can't wait until I get to hear it. Will you be requesting any special dish for breakfast?

Ludwig: No, I think I'll just fix myself a bowl of cereal.

Kamek: Sounds good. Well, enjoy yourself until the crowning. Remember, be in the meeting square at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

Ludwig: I will!

Ludwig leaves with his bowl of cereal and joins Larry, who is the only other Koopaling awake, in the living room.

Ludwig: Good morning, Larry.

Larry: Good morning, Ludwig. So, you ready for the big day today?

Ludwig: You bet!

Larry: Cool!

Larry and Ludwig eat their bowls of cereal while they watch a morning cartoon.

Ludwig: Well, see you later today, Larry.

Larry: See you later, Ludwig!

Ludwig heads down into his room.

Ludwig: Hmm... What to do for the next seven hours?

Ludwig looks around at the walls.

Ludwig: These walls could really use a new paint job. That's it; I'll give this room a new coat of paint!

Ludwig runs upstairs and grabs cans of black, red, and white paint, as well as four paintbrushes, and heads back down to his room.

Ludwig: Let's start!

Ludwig starts off by painting a large black stripe in the middle around his room, and paints in white stars. He then paints all the space above and below the black line red. By the time he finishes with everything, it is 1:15.

Ludwig: Well, the room sure looks a lot nicer now, Well, best I head to the meeting square now, best be there early than late.

Ludwig walks out to the meeting square. He sees Kamek on the stage next to a gold throne polishing off a shiny gold crown.

Ludwig: Hi Kamek!

Kamek: Ludwig, you're a bit early. But, best be early than late. Why don’t you go behind stage and practice your speech? I have to finish polishing this crown, and then everyone will arrive and the crowning will start shortly after.

Ludwig heads behind stage and rehearses his speech. After the first time rehearsing, Kamek signals Ludwig to come onstage. Ludwig walks up onstage and sees that there are literally tons of people there. They all start clapping for Ludwig.

Ludwig: (Wow, I never knew there were this many people in Dark Land.)

Kamek: Ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls, Koopas and Goombas, we all are aware of what has happened these past days. It was a very depressing event to all of us, but we must move on, and that means a new ruler. Now, this ruler was chosen by Bowser to get to rule, and has lots of potential to succeed as a ruler, and I'm sure we all have faith in him. Please put your hands together for Ludwig von Koopa.

Everyone starts clapping.

Kamek: Please sit down in your throne, Ludwig.

Ludwig sits down in the throne.

Kamek: It is my honor to present you with this crown, signifying that you are now ruler and are in charge of Dark Land. May all faith of Dark land lie in your hands.

Kamek places the crown atop Ludwig's head. Ludwig rises to give his speech.

Ludwig: Good day everyone. Now, we're all aware of what has happened. You all probably are questioning what I can do for you. Well don't worry; I am not going to try to be Bowser. I am simply going to be the best Ludwig I can. I will give my very best effort to make Dark land prosper and wealthy, while doing my best to expand empire and bring great times upon Dark Land. I will make sure every one of you finds my job to be at the satisfactory levels of your desires. I can ensure you all that Dark Land will not suffer, and with the help of my assistant Kamek, my family, and the support of all of you I feel that I can succeed. I thank you all for listening to my speech.

The audience starts cheering loudly and clapping like mad.

Kamek: Nice going, Ludwig!

Ludwig: Wow, they really liked it.

Meanwhile, lurking in the nearby bushes...

??? 1: So are you sure Boss wants us to do this?

??? 2: Yeah, Boss wants us to.

??? 1: Are you positive it will work?

??? 2: Certainly, I mean, Boss will be there helping us. After all, it's his plan.

??? 1: But Boss hasn't been known for his great planning ability.

??? 2: Eh, Boss said this plan is foolproof.

??? 1: That's what he says about every plan, yet most of them end up failing.

??? 2: Well how do you expect me to answer all these questions? Let's just head back so you can grill Boss with all these questions.

??? 1: Well all right..

??? 2: Let's go then.

Back in the meeting square, everyone is seen enjoying themselves, as well as Kamek's cake.

Ludwig: This cake is amazing!

Kamek: Heh! Just goes to show I don't need magic to do everything.

Ludwig: This chocolate frosting is the best part!

Kamek: Well you do enjoy chocolate a lot.

After a couple hours of celebrating, Kamek and Ludwig are seen walking back to the castle, while a few Koopas are finishing cleaning up.

Kamek: You did great, Ludwig, great first impression.

Ludwig: Thanks!

Kamek: Ludwig, well, if this is all right with you since you are the leader, I think we should go visit the Koopa army so you can meet the generals and get acquainted with what to do in case of an invasion.

Ludwig: Sounds great!

Ludwig heads into his room for some sleep. After a while of sleeping, he wakes up.

Ludwig: Wow, another great night of sleeping!

Ludwig leaves his room, and as he is walking up he is greeted by Kamek at the kitchen table.

Kamek: Good morning, Ludwig, I made your favorite today, chocolate chip pancakes.

Ludwig: Great, I love those!

Ludwig sits down and starts eating his pancakes.

Kamek: Eat up, Ludwig, after this it's time to head to the Koopa military base.

Ludwig: Sounds cool!

After eating about 6 or 7 pancakes, Ludwig is finally ready to leave.

Kamek: After you, King Ludwig.

Ludwig: Thanks, but you don't have to address me as "king".

Kamek: If you insist, it's your call.

Ludwig and Kamek walk out of the castle and after a few minutes of walking they reach the Koopa military base.

Sgt. Koop: Welcome King Ludwig and Kamek. We are pleased to have you here. I am Sgt. Koop; I'm pretty much the guy in charge around the military base.

Ludwig: Pleasure to meet you too, Sgt. Koop! You can call me Ludwig, no need for the king part.

Sgt. Koop: As you wish. Come, let me show you around.

Kamek and Ludwig follow Sgt. Koop into the base.

Kamek: What's that over there?

Sgt. Koop: Oh that, that is what some think to be our most precious possession in here. That is a very strong telescope, and when looking through it you can see up to the Dark Land border. We can see if any intruders are coming from this.

Ludwig: Cool, can I see what it looks like?

Sgt. Fly: Why sure.

Ludwig walks up to the telescope.

Ludwig: Wow, I can see everything from this.

While looking through it, Ludwig sees an explosion right near the border.

Ludwig: Oh my, I just saw an explosion!

Sgt. Koop: What?!

Sgt. Koop looks through it and sees an army marching towards them.

Sgt. Koop: Code red! Code red! We're under attack! Quick, Ludwig and Kamek, to the battle tank!

Kamek and Ludwig follow Sgt. Koop into the battle tank.

Kamek: Koop, do you think Ludwig knows enough about the military to stop them?

Sgt. Koop: I think so. Ludwig, pretty much during battle you ride in this and give commands.

Ludwig: I'll try my best.

Lt. Koopy: All men are aboard their tanks. Ready for battle!

Sgt. Koop: Let's do this!

All the tanks and ships leave the military base and start heading out to the scene of the explosion.

Sgt. Koop: Well Ludwig, we answer to your commands. When we get there you give me the orders and I'll enforce them.

Ludwig: Uh... All right.

When the tanks and ships reach the scene a smoke bomb goes off.

Ludwig: Is there some way to clear the smoke?

Sgt. Koop: Bring out the propellers!

A propeller comes out of the tanks and starts spinning, slowly clearing the smoke away. Another explosion is heard.

Ludwig: Launch a Bob-omb back!

Sgt. Koop: Bob-omb, now!

A Koopa gets on top of the tanks and hurls a Bob-omb off into this distance.


Ludwig: Ah, what happened?!

Kamek: Impossible! They deflected the Bob-omb and it hit us!

Sgt. Koop: We've been hit! Damage report!

Lt. Koopy: We're losing all our Bob-ombs, major explosion about to happen!

Sgt. Koop: Deploy the shields, and fast!

A bunch of Koopas scramble and deploy shields surrounding the tank.


Ludwig: We're safe!

Sgt. Koop: Did we hit them?!

Lt. Koopy: No sir, they seem to be there. If only we could see them, but most likely they survived.

Sgt. Koop: #$(*$&, how did they survive that?!


Ludwig: What's that?!

General Koopin: Some of them are in this tank; they sent soldiers here to attack!

Sgt. Koop: Get them, don't let them stay here and destroy our tank!

Two soldiers are seen running toward Ludwig, Kamek, and Sgt. Koop with Bullet Bill Blasters.

Sgt. Koop: They're armed, take shelter behind this shield!

Ludwig and Kamek get behind the shield. The Bullet Bills bounce off the shield.

??? 1: That's not supposed to happen!

Sgt. Koop: Who are you?!

??? 2: Why should we tell you?

??? 1: Yeah, you'll never know we're the X-Nauts!

X-Naut 2: Wow, you just told them, you idiot!

X-Naut 1: Sorry.

Ludwig: X-Nauts, so you guys are the one attacking!

X-Naut 1: Yeah, now prepare to die!

The two X-Nauts launch Bullet Bills at the three, and break the shield.

Sgt. Koop: &**&%#&^!

Sgt. Koop quickly grabs a smoke bomb and throws it, filling the room with a thick smoke.

Sgt. Koop: Quick, follow me. We need to leave this tank; it's a time bomb waiting to burst.

Sgt. Koop, Ludwig, and Kamek all get to the ground and crawl out an escape door. The tank then bursts.

Ludwig: Ahhhh! The tank exploded!

Kamek: At least we're safe.

Sgt. Koop: Safe ain't sorry, Kamek, most of our ammo was in their, as well as some of our best soldiers.

Ludwig: Let's get into that tank over their, it’s not safe out here.

Sgt. Koop: Good call!

The three start running toward the other tank, when they are stopped dead in their tracks by a giant robot.

Lord Crump: Buh huh huh huh! Read it and weep dogs, this here is Magnus Von Grapple 3.0. Yo, this is the best one yet.

Sgt. Koop: What are you and your pesky soldiers doing in Dark Land?

Lord Crump: Conquering Dark Land, duh, what else?

Ludwig: We ain't going to let you!

Lord Crump: Are you sure?

Lord Crump presses a button and Mangus Von Grapple 3.0's hands disappear and are replaced by flaming rockets.

Lord Crump: Buh huh huh huh!

Sgt. Koop: Go die!

Sgt. Koop pulls out his microphone and shouts some orders into the microphone.

Lord Crump: No use there, no one can save you.

Sgt. Koop: You want to bet?

All of a sudden, a huge tank with a giant fan on it comes to the scene, and the fan starts blowing at Lord Crump.

Lord Crump: That ain't going to do nothing.

Sgt. Koop: Then you obviously don't know anything about fire.

All of a sudden, the fire on Lord Crump's hands starts blowing backwards and starts burning on the rest of his army.

X-Naut: Ouch!

Lord Crump: Yo, this ain't good. I think we got to retreat!

Lord Crump and the X-Naut army races out of Dark Land.

Sgt. Koop: Excellent work, men, let's head back.

Kamek: Ludwig, you are aware that our army lost a lot of members, and a lot of land was destroyed, right?

Ludwig: I'm sorry.

Kamek: Let that be a wake up call to you.

Ludwig and Kamek return to the castle, where there are several angry Koopas out in front.

Ludwig: Crud.

Koopa: What's the deal, dude? Thanks to you and your poor leadership not only was my farm destroyed, but my son died in that fight. What's the matter with you?

Ludwig: It's not my fault, it was my first fight.

Koopa: This wouldn't have happened if Bowser was still leader.

Group of Koopas: Yeah!

Kamek: Quick Ludwig, let's use the secret entrance!

Ludwig: There's a secret entrance?

Kamek: Ogle!

Voice: Password accepted.

A door opens under Ludwig and Kamek and they fall through and get deposited inside the kitchen.

Kamek: Now that that is over, feel free to go, Ludwig. We got a lot of teaching to do tomorrow.

Ludwig: Yes, I will do better.

Ludwig walks off towards his room and lies down in bed, trying to sleep.

Ludwig: I feel like this was my entire fault. There's got to be something I can do now. I just can't get to bed. Maybe I'll go upstairs and fix myself a little snack; hopefully the food will help me concentrate.

Ludwig starts walking up the stairs, when he hears a voice coming from a closet on his way up.

Ludwig: I wonder who is in there.

Ludwig pokes his head inside the door and recognizes the voice.

Ludwig: It's Kamek.

Ludwig looks upon Kamek, who is facing away from Ludwig and has a telephone in his hand toward his ear.

Kamek: (speaking into the phone) Great job out there, guys. I'll be sure to give you guys power once I become ruler of Dark Land. Now I just got to wait until Princess Shroob comes and kills Ludwig, then I can get all the power. Heh-heh!

Ludwig makes a quiet sneeze, but it is heard by Kamek. He turns around to see Ludwig.

Kamek: You fool; I see you have found out now.

Ludwig: Kamek, what do you mean by "kill Ludwig"?

Kamek: Well, I'll let you in on a little secret, pal. You see, after Bowser's death, I was expecting to be the leader in his will. But no, he had to give it to you. By that happening, that made me mad, as I've done everything for that pathetic excuse for a leader my whole life. So, I decided to use force to take the power. You see, the X-Nauts were working for me; I had planned that attack out to weaken you and make everyone start to lose trust. Then I was going to have the Shroobs attack and kill you, and then I would take control.

Ludwig: I won't let you get away with this.

Kamek: Oh, but Ludwig, by coming down here you only made it easier for me.

Kamek pulls out a remote and presses a switch on it. A door opens below Ludwig and he falls into a cannon.

Ludwig: Since when did we get all these trapdoors?

Kamek: It's a secret.  Now I wish a farewell to you, it's time for you to go.

Kamek presses another button, and Ludwig gets launched out of the cannon. A loud sound is made as Ludwig gets shot through the roof and blasted into the distance.

Kamek: So long, loser! Now it's my turn to be ruler!

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