Shy Guys vs Goombas

By Yosh 3000

Chapter 3: Battle Over Isle Delfino

Pianta Governor: Thank you for employing your Bloopers into defending Isle Delfino.

Gooper Blooper: It's my pleasure, Governor. Just remember, stop eating squid, or I will eat your guts!

Then a large shadow floats above them.

Pianta Governor: What in the world is that?!

He points into the sky. Floating over them was the Koopa Cruiser. The Goomba King walks over to a tied up Bowser Jr.

Goomba King: So, if I capture this resort, the Shy Guys will get jealous?

Bowser Jr: Yeah. Untie me.

Goomba King: Unfortunately, I won't!

Then an explosion is heard and the mechanical claw on the Koopa Cruiser is blown apart. A slightly charred Goomba falls from the sky, having being the operator of the claw.

Goomba: Sir... Look!

The Goomba somehow points into the distance. Heading toward them was the airship, Kabula. On top of a command platform was General Guy.

Goomba King: Heh. So the Shy Guys finally decide to show up. Fire spike cannon!

In response, the Koopa Cruiser shoots a spiked ball at Kabula. The spiked ball makes a hole in the great blimp, but Fly Guys quickly repairs it.

General Guy: Make sure that there are no openings in the blimp!

Another spiked ball is shot at them. However, it misses this time and crashes into a building on Isle Delfino. Piantas looked into the sky to see what was going on. Gooper Blooper took out a walkie talkie.

Gooper Blooper: All Bloopers to Corona Mountain! Prepare the Blooper Beam!

Another explosion sounds and another building is blasted apart. General Guy glares at the Koopa Cruiser.

General Guy: Want to play hard ball eh? Fire the Bullet Bills!

Then the cannon suddenly grows into three and they begin shooting Bullet Bills at the Koopa Cruiser. Most of the Bullet Bills miss, but some of them hit true. Pieces of metal landed onto the island, destroying various stuff. One of the Bullet Bill hits the pole Bowser Jr, the Fly Guy, and the Koopa Bros. were tied to, destroying it.

Koopa Red: Sweet!

Fly Guy: I am excited to be a part of this.

Bowser: C'mon! There is an escape pod somewhere here!

Seconds later, a pod is launched out of the Koopa Cruiser.

Goomba King: Well, there go my hostages. I could have really used the money too...

Goomba: Sir! Engine Two, the cargo, and the statue of you has been destroyed in the assault!

Goomba King: Those monsters! How could they destroy my statue!?

Across the sky, General Guy stared at them using a telescope. He looked angry.

General Guy: Darn it! We didn't shoot it down! We have to use Maneuver Omega!

Shy Guy: Gasp! You don't mean?

General Guy: Yes. So you’d better hold on.

Back down at Isle Delfino, Bloopers are spitting sludge into a cannon.

Gooper Blooper: We're almost fully charged! Keep at it boys!

Back at the Koopa Cruiser, the Goomba King was having Goombas repair his statue.

Goomba: Sir! We can't repair this! We don't have arms!

Goomba King: You guys can hold baseball bats, but can't repair my glorious statue?

Then a Spiked Goomba runs in.

Spiked Goomba: Look out the window! They're coming right at us!

He somehow (while continuing to prove the Goomba King's point) points outside the window. Kabula was spinning around like a drill, and heading at them.

Shy GUy: AHHHHH!!!

General Guy: WHEEE!!!

Goomba King: Gah! Slow them down!

Spiked Goomba: ... We're out of ammo.

Goomba King: ... You're fired.

Then Kabula bursts through the Koopa Cruiser, completely destroying it. Luckily, escape pods are shown coming from the wreckage. Goombas who weren't lucky enough to make it to the escape pods are seen falling out of the sky (although, Paragoombas were luckier). The blimp stops spinning and General Guy begins laughing.

General Guy: HAHAHAHA!!! That was so fun! And we destroyed the Koopa Cruiser!

Shy Guy: I think I'm gonna be sick.

He is seen going to the side of the command platform. Down back at Isle Delfino, the Blooper Beam has finished loading.

Gooper Blooper: Everyone! Aim at the blimp! Steady... Lock on... FIRE!

Then a large beam made of sludge fires out of the cannon. The Shy Guy that recently threw up takes sight of the sludge.

Shy Guy: I think I'm going to be sicker....

General Guys: Shy Guys! Full retreat!

Then Fly Guys grabs General Guy and the other Shy Guys and flies away. The sludge then pierces through Kabula, destroying it as have done the Koopa Cruiser. Neither side has won, but Isle Delfino has emerged victorious.

Blooper: Yeah! We did it!

Gooper Blooper: Yeah! Now let's all go and eat some Cheep Cheep guts!

Read on!

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