Shy Guys vs Goombas

By Yosh 3000

Chapter 1: The War Begins

The leaders of the Mushroom World were at a meeting table. The people there were Princess Peach, General Guy, Ambassador Petey Piranha, Webmaster Lemmy, King Bowser, the Goomba King, and Lord Gooper Blooper.

General Guy: Who agrees that we should bring chips to the next meeting?

Everyone but him and the Goomba King: Aye!

Goomba King: Nay!

General Guy: Are you contradicting me, Sir Gets Squashed A Lot?!

Goomba King: Yes I am, lame excuse for a villain!


Lemmy: Yeah, King Dad's right. You shouldn't fight here. You should fight behind the-

Peach: Don't encourage them.

General Guy: Well guess what?! Your Goombas are the weakest monsters on the face of Plit!

Goomba King: Don't start with me! At least us Goombas are better than you Shy Guys!

The two glare at each other before being pulled apart by Gooper.

Gooper: Guys! Break it up! You've been doing this for the last two months!

Petey: Yeah! You guys should take action!

Goomba King: He's right! General Guy... I AM DECLARING WAR ON YOU GOOMBA-HATING SHREWS!


The two exit the room. The others hear the sounds of a tank and a plane departing. Everyone glares at Petey.

Petey: ... What? I was just trying to be productive!

At Shy Guy's Toybox...

Fly Guy: Sir, are you really serious about declaring war on the Goombas?

General Guy: You darn booting tootin! They want us to quit! They want us to act as cowards! Well I'm not!

Fly Guy: Sir... I think you're going insane.


Two burly Shy Guys grabs hold of Fly Guy and drag him off.

At the entrance to Goomba Road...

Goomba King: That foolish Shy Guy. Little do they know... I HAVE A WALkIE TALKIE! Take that, General Guy!

Paragoomba: Sir! There is a group of people blocking the way into the valley.

Goomba King: What?! Who are they?!

Paragoomba: It's Mario, Luigi, and their Bro Brigade.

The Goomba King takes out a pair of binoculars to see his Goombas getting pummeled to pulps. Special monsters in armor are assisting them in the fight.

Mario (from far away): If you can hear me, Goomba King, we're here to prevent you and the Shy Guys from warring!

Luigi (also far away): But Bowser and Peach do that!

Mario: That's because Bowser isn't a nice person.

Then a Koopa crouches down in his shell and Mario kicks him through a row of Goombas.

Goomba King: Darn it! We won't accomplish anything with the Mario Bros. and their Bro Brigade here! We have to go back to base and get something.

Paragoomba: Get what?

Goomba King: (darkly) A weapon.

Meanwhile, at Shy Guy's Toy Box....

Knocked out Koopas are scattered around the area along with a few Shy Guys. Bowser Jr, who is heavily bruised, looks at General Guy angrily.

General Guy: So, your dad thought he could stop this war, did he?

Bowser Jr: Actually, he thought we were doomed, so I took matters into my own hands...

General Guy: Pleasant story. Just pleasant. Lock him away.

Two Shy Guys grab Bowser Jr. and open a cell door. Inside is Fly Guy. Bowser Jr. is thrown in with him.

Fly Guy: Look who's here. The son of the great King Bowser.

Bowser Jr: Aw shaddap, propeller boy.

Back at the Goomba base…

King Goomba: Hurry up with that weapon! Those guys will get in any second now!

Professor Frankly: Well sorry! I'm still working on the paint job!

King Goomba: I don't give a flying fladoodle about the paint job! Just give me that weapon!

He goes behind the curtains the professor is working behind. Soon enough, the door bursts open and Mario, Luigi, and the Bro Brigade arrive.

Mario: Goomba King! Come on out!

Goomba King: So be it.

The small army gasps at the Goomba King as he comes out. He is on top of a throne with spider legs attached.

Luigi: A-A-A-A-AAHHHH!!!

Hammer Brother: Stop wetting your pants, Luigi. We can take him from down here!

A few Hammer Brothers throw some hammers at the Goomba King. One of the spider legs rises up and knocks back the hammers, taking out some of the members of the Bro Brigade.


Mario: Wait Luigi!

But the wimpy plumber runs away screaming. Mario looks at a column and gets an idea.

Goomba King: Pathetic fools. You'll never defeat me.

But then when he looks up, he sees Mario falling toward him. Mario's foot almost strikes him when an energy field appears and protects him. The shocked Mario is grabbed by one of the spider legs.

Goomba King: Did you actually believe that you could take me down that easy?

Mario: ... Guys, retreat.

Koopa: But sir!

Mario: I said retreat!

The Bro Brigade storm out of the place, glancing back at Mario. The Goomba King then throws Mario over the horizon.

Meanwhile, in Forever Forest...

A huge group of Shy Guys are advancing toward Goomba Road. General Guy himself is in a tank. A blockade of Toads stand in the way.

Toad: S-Stop! You cannot go any further!

???: Move aside.

The Toad is kicked away by a Grand Goomba. He is leading the entire Goomba army, who are in tiny spider mechs without shields. The Goomba King sits on his mech.

General Guy: Goomba King.

Goomba King: General Guy.

Both of them stare at each other. The Toad blockade begin to walk away, hoping not to get caught in the mess that's going to happen.


The armies run at each other, clashing weapons and screaming in pain. A Shy Guy puts a bomb in the tank.

General Guy: FIRE!

The tank shoots the bomb, which takes out a group of Goombas. Some trees catches on fire. The people living in the forest begin running around, trying to avoid what's happening.

Goomba King: FIGHT! FIGHT!

One of the Goombas slashes at a Shy Guy, knocking him out. The Grand Goomba begins to stomp around squishing people, including his own troops. The forest fire begins to spread everywhere, some enemies suscumbing to the major heat and fainting from exhaustion.

Pyro Guy: Ha! This is having no effect on me whatsoever!

But then a Shy Guy chucks him into General Guy's cannon. The cannon fires the screaming Pyro Guy through some Paragoombas and he hits the Goomba King's shield. The shield looks as if it is going to break.

Goomba King: Air troops, come with me. Ground troops, keep fighting. This forest isn't of strategic value to us any longer.

General Guy: COWARD! COWARD!

He shoots another bomb, which misses the Goomba King by a margin. The bomb blows up a few burning trees, which fall down, blocking the exit.

Shy Guy: Sir! Sir! Guards from Peach's Castle are coming this way.

General Guy: Very well. We must hide in that cave and block the entrance.


General Guy: Do you want to be thrown in prison?

Shy Guy: Fair enough.

Most of the Shy Guys escape into a nearby cave and they shoot another bomb, creating a cave-in, leaving the Goombas to face Peach's forces.

Read on!

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