I Hate Mario

By Waffle

It was late July and the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom as well as Bowser and all the Koopas were having their day of piece. Why do they even have a day of peace? Because 100 years ago in the Mushroom Kingdom there was a constant battle between Mario’s great great great great great grandpa and Bowser’s mother, similar to how Bowser and Mario are today.

However one day a new villain named Yumfo came for the first time to takeover the Mushroom Kingdom and all the Koopas. So the two unlikely duos teamed up, and together they saved both the Mushroom Kingdom and the Koopas. They became friends that day. However they both knew that this friendship would never last with everyone.

But the feeling of being friends instead of enemies was wonderful, so they made a day that only came once a year on which the Mushroom Kingdom and the Koopas would at least TRY to be friends for one day. It had never worked. Everyone hated the day more than they hated each other. But Bowser hated it the most...

“Attention! Attention everyone!” said Princess Peach. “I would like to take this special day to tell you all a story. Yesterday I was almost MURDERED!”

Everyone gasped. Bowser just rolled his eyes. Oh, big whoop! Mario almost kills me all the time and do I get any sympathy? NO! Why should an annoying, spoiled little pink princess get any? Bowser thought.

“A monster I had never seen invaded my kingdom. I kind of assume it was from Bowser. Anyways none of my guards could stop it but then Mario managed to destroy it and we were victorious! The reason why I am saying this is I want you all to know what a wonderful person Mario is and how I think all of you, even you Koopas, should give him some respect on this glorious day!”

Some unenthusiastic cheers came but Bowser booed. “Forget Mario! He’s just some fat Italian man that gets lucky in videogames!” said Bowser.

“Oh Bowser!” said Peach with a smile. “You are just jealous because you know that the Mushroom Kingdom will always beat your stupid Koopas and whatever else you have as long as we have Mario on our side!”

“Whatever…“ Bowser sighed.  Then he turned to Lemmy and whispered, Listen Lemmy…”

“What?” he said, confused.

“I am going to do a surprise attack against these stupid Mushrooms.”

“SURPRISE ATTACK!!!” Lemmy screamed very loudly. Then Bowser quickly closed his mouth and everyone stared at them.

“Ugh yeh... He he he... I’m... gonna do...  a surprise attack... Tomorrow!!!”

Everyone then went back to what they were doing.

“YES! A surprise attack!” Bowser whispered to Lemmy again.

“Ok, well tell me tomorrow.” Lemmy then started to walk away but Bowser stopped him.



“Because I am going to do tomorrow’s surprise attack today!”

Lemmy’s eyes widened.

“B-b-but Grandma told us never to do that on this day.”

“And how is Grandma doing now?” Bowser asked.


“Ugh, no, SHE’S DEAD!”

“WHAT?!” Lemmy screamed and Bowser closed his mouth again.

“I never told you guys she died?” Bowser asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

Lemmy shook his head.

“Oh. Well, she died... ANYWAYS, if we do a surprise attack TODAY they will never expect it and victory has a 99 percent chance!”

“So what are you gonna-”

“Ok, everyone, it is all over!” Peach announced. And everyone except Bowser, Lemmy, Mario, and Peach left within the first fifteen minutes.


“I will get everyone to hate Mario’s guts and then they will kick him out of the Mushroom Kingdom. With him out of the picture, taking over the Kingdom will be a cinch!”

“But how are you gonna get everyone to hate Mario?” Lemmy asked.

“By doing this!” Bowser then grabbed some pasta from his bowl and threw it on the ground without Mario or Peach noticing. Then Bowser and Lemmy ducked.

“Well Mario-” Peach was interrupted by the pasta when she tripped and fell down.

“Peach! Are you ok?” Mario asked alarmed.

“Am I okay? No I am NOT okay! I think I sprained something! That is it! Our date is off! Don’t call me! Don’t text me EVER!!!” And with that Peach walked away.

“Ever?! That’s a long time! No one has even hated me before!” Mario said sadly.

“Ha ha ha! But soon everyone WILL!” Bowser said later.

Hours later Mario was just sitting at the dock, depressed. Bowser saw this and came to “comfort” him. “Mario what is wrong?”

“That day of trust is over, Bowser...You can leave now…” Mario just sighed after that.

“Hey, the PARTY is over, not the day. So tell me… what is wrong?”

“Peach DUMPED me.”

“Oh NO!”

“Yeh, it stinks! And it was just because of some dropped pasta! And I probably didn’t even drop it!”

“Well you DID have a lot of pasta...” Bowser smirked.

“Yeah. Ok, so I probably DID do it. I really want her back.”

“You know what you gotta do?” Bowser said.


“Get your mind off of her! I know for a fact that she will come around!”


“Yeah! And you should go surfing! Trust me, it can get your mind off of anything!”

“You know what? Yeah! It has been a long time since I had some fun! Thank you, Bowser!” Mario said as he ran off.

Bowser then had an evil smile of his face. This is TOO easy! he thought.

Meanwhile at the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario was talking to Luigi. “Please, Luigi! I really wanna go surfing!”

“Sorry, but I’ve had this board since I was 13! I worked so hard to get it! There is only one of these surfboards in the world!”

“I know, but can I please use it?”

“Why can’t you use some other board?”

“Because you said that this board can bring good luck to anyone, and even though I have never tried surfing before I KNOW I will need good luck.”


“PLEASE!” Mario’s eyes then got very wide.

“OH!!! Don’t you give me that puppy dog look!” Luigi tried to resist but he couldn’t. “Ugh, fine! But remember that is my soulmate! We have bonded! So you’d better bring it back!”

And so Mario used Luigi’s special board and enjoyed 3 nice hours of surfing. “Woo! That was fun! But these waters are too good not to swim in! I’ll just leave the board for a second…”

“Quick!” shouted Bowser, who had been watching the whole time. “He left the surfing board there! Go get it! GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! GET IT!!!” Bowser demanded.

Lemmy then ran as fast as he could. He grabbed the board and took it back to his dad.

Mario swam for a good hour without noticing the board was gone until he got out of the water...

“OH NO! Luigi’s SOULMATE!!!”

Read on!

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