The Grand Adventure of Mario and Kazooie

By Spiker Koopa

Chapter 4: BubbleGloop Swamp Save

Mario: Kazooie, see any Note Doors out of here and into the next part of this maze?

Kazooie: Yep, but we haven’t found the picture puzzle for BubbleGloop Swamp

Ludwig: Well I see a puzzle that needs six pieces, I am assuming that it is the swamp puzzle!

Mario: Let’s go to it, then!

Mario walks toward the puzzle and puts the pieces on, and it makes an odd sound somewhere...

Mario: Cool, now let’s see that Note Door!

Mario, Kazooie, and Ludwig walk to the door

Joe-Teh-Note-Gate: I will be needing 80 Notes, please!

Mario: Okay, here you go!

Joe disappears and a new path is unlocked.

Mario: Yes! Let’s-a go!

Mario and the gang run into the next part of Grunty’s lair, where a big statue of Grunty is pointing to two separate paths

Mario: There is one path leading to an odd swamp portal and another to a high cliff...

Ludwig: Let’s try out the portal!

Mario: Okay, let’s-

Ludwig: A-

Kazooie: (grumbling) Go...

Mario: Nice team effort!

Mario and the gang run into the portal.

Meanwhile in Grunty’s main room...

Grunty: Grunty hates Koopa traitors! Who will be the next Mario hater?

Roy: Well, what is the next level?

Grunty: A swamp that is very damp.

Iggy: If there is no giant world, then sure, I’ll go.

Grunty teleports Iggy to BubbleGloop Swamp

Lemmy: I’ll go with him too!

Grunty: Next world is an ice level! And there is no metal...

Wendy: Really? That hard?

Grunty: Rhyming is not a joke for me, it is a talking fee!

Larry: Can you say at least one non rhyming sentence?

Grunty: Sure, you ask a lot of questions, you annoying Koopa.

Roy: Wow, first thing she says that isn’t rhyming, and it is wasted on Larry!

Roy beats up Larry.

Larry: Ouch...


Mario, Kazooie, and Ludwig warp onto a big mushroom in BubbleGloop Swamp and collect 5 Notes that are around it

Mario: Okay, so here we are!

Ludwig: This place seems like a really big maze! Perhaps we should split up and each find five Jiggies!

Mario: Okay, me and Kazooie will go on the log bridge and go left, and you will go right.

Mario goes on to the log bridge and goes left, while Ludwig goes left, collecting 5 more Notes.

Mario: It seems nice that Ludwig can help us out!

Kazooie: Yea, the Koopaling isn’t half bad...

Mario: Anyway, look over there! A gold statue of a crocodile!

Goldy: Mr. Plumber... do you perhaps have any eggs you can feed me?

Mario: Sure! Kazooie, can you help him out?

Kazooie: Nope! I am not giving up my babies to a crocodile!

Mario: He might give us a Jiggy-

Kazooie: He might not! How do you know?

Mario: Well I’m using them anyway.

Mario throws one egg to the crocodile

Goldy: Mmmm... Thanks, now go over there and run, run, run to my other two brothers!

Conkey: And I’ll be keeping time for you guys!

Kazooie: I hate you, Conkey and Mario!


Mario: We’ve got to run on the small bridge to the other crocodile!

Mario runs to the other Goldy and feeds it an egg in 1:04.

Goldy: Great... Now go to the final brother!

Mario runs to the last Goldy and feeds it an egg in 45 seconds.

Goldy: Thanks...Here is a Jiggy to show our appreciation!

Goldy spits out a Jiggy.

Conkey: Curse you!

Conkey disappears.

Mario: We got it! I wonder how Ludwig is doing?


Ludwig: This road is getting boring, all I have done is collect 25 Notes and two odd little dudes who say they have 1/5 of a Jiggy!

Ludwig stops at 5 tree trunks and sees frogs sticking their heads out.

Ludwig: Umm... Who are you guys and what are you whispering about?

5 frogs come out of the trees and are holding gigantic spears



Froggy: Well then, stupid little Tip-Tupling, you shall fork over those gold god statues to us! We only have one...

Ludwig: I’ve got to hold onto half of the Jiggies that Mario collected! Well then, losing is not an option!

Mini Boss Battle!: Frogs of Doom

Froggy: We must take those gods away from you!

Froggy tries to stab Ludwig with his lance, but misses as Ludwig ninja flips into the air and throws a shell at Froggy.

Froggy: Ouch! I did not like that, weakling! Take this!

Froggy gets all buff and red, and tries to ram Ludwig, but only hits him on the shell and flies off into the odd swamp...

Froggy: Grr... I don’t like the water! Got to get out!

Ludwig: I’ll help you if you fork over the Jiggy-

Some odd, creepy pile of water dives out of the swamp and eats the frog.

Morphia: Blarrg! I consume all that is flesh! Blaarrrrgh!!!

Morphia eats all the frogs, spits out their Jiggy, and dives back into the swamp. Then a little baby frog comes out of a tree trunk.

Froggy Jr: What happened to everybody?

Ludwig: They were eaten by some odd swamp monster and then it spit out a Jiggy, so my work here is done-

Froggy Jr: But, my dad was eaten by Morphia!

Ludwig: Umm... Ew?

Froggy Jr: *sniffle* B-but I want my daddy!!!

Ludwig: Um, wait! I’ll help you. If you stop crying, I’ll get you your dad back!

Froggy Jr: R-really? O-O-O-O-Okay...

Ludwig: All you have to do is be a big boy and guard your tree trunks for now... Okay?

Froggy Jr: I’ll do it!

Ludwig: Great! I’ve got to go find some more Jiggies. I will be back when I can .


Mario: See anything, Kazooie? All I see is a large amount of swamp mud-

Kazooie: Actually yes, a big crocodile head! Over by some odd big turtle!

Mario: Let’s see the big turtle first.

Mario and Kazooie run over to the turtle and collect 5 Notes.

Big Turtle: Hello... travelers... *cough-cough!*

Mario: You seem sick, Mr...

Big Turtle: Call me Bill... My feet are really cold and they feel like they are stuck to the ground...

Mario: Well how about I ground pound them?

Mario goes to one of Bill’s feet and ground pounds it, making him scream and put his foot back in his shell.

Bill: Thanks... It hurts when you ground pound my feet, but it’s worth it for the warmth!

Kazooie: Great! Let’s drill them into his shell-

Mario: And here I thought you were being a little nicer here in Chapter 3...

Kazooie: Teehee!

Mario ground pounds the other 3 feet and they all go back in the shell.

Bill: Thanks! I feel much better! Here you go! A gold toy thing! And entrance to my boss’ lair!

Bill spits out a Jiggy and opens his mouth and lets Mario and Kazooie into his boss’ lair.

Mario: It’s odd in here! But I see an odd Koop- err... turtle!

Tip Tup: On three, we will compose a new song, my Turtlings! One, two, three!

The turtles all sing an odd new song that changes the theme of the world.

Mario: Wow, nice change to this world!

Tip Tup: What? Invaders of the other worlds? We must outsing them! ‘Cause we are the Turtles Who Sing Ni!

Mario: Ni?

Kazooie: I think it’s Knee!

Tip Tup: No, it’s Ni! The Power of Ni is in our voices!

Mario: So, if we out sing you, you will give us a Jiggy?

Tip Tup: Sure, but that’s a big no-no, so try to beat a classic like Mario Bros. 2!

Kazooie tries to sing "Do the Mario" but fails.

Tip Tup: Anyone else?

Mario sings "Mario Galaxy Nemesis Bowser Koopa", and succeeds!

Tip Tup: He has the power of Ni on his side... He must be worshipped!

Tip Tup hands over the Jiggy to Mario and starts bowing down to him.

Mario: Yes!

Kazooie: Odd, veeeeeery odd...

Mario: Well, I hope Ludwig has more Jiggies than us right now.


Ludwig: Okay... So far, I have one Jiggy, two creatures called Jinjos, and 25 Notes. I must win another challenge!

Ludwig stops at a big tree and sees 10 huts all on certain branches.

Ludwig: Looks like I will have to jump high and ground pound all those huts!

Ludwig smashes one and gets 5 Notes. He hits another hut and gets a Jinjo. After that he hits 3 more and gets 10 Notes, one odd Grunty switch that makes an odd noise somewhere... and nothing in the third. After that he smashes all of them and finds nothing but one Jiggy in the last one.

Ludwig: I suppose that went well! I guess this is the end of this road for me. I’ll be heading back to Mario!


Mario: Hey Kazooie, how many Notes and Jiggies do we have?

Kazooie: 10 Notes and 3 Jiggies, Next stop, crocodile head cave!

Mario and Kazooie head inside to another cave and see an angry red crocodile.

Mario: Hi there-


Mario: Oh yeah, mean guy? Kazooie, take all the Notes here.

Kazooie hops out of the backpack and takes the rest of the Notes in this world.


Mario: How did you know about Ludwig?


Mario: Well, I’ll go beat him, and get all the Jiggies in this world!


Mini Boss Battle!: Mr. Vile The Crocodile


Mr. Vile runs towards Mario and bites him on the buttocks.

Mario: Owie! That hurt! Take this!

Mario jumps up in the air and ground pounds Mr. Vile.

Mr. Vile: OUCH!

Kazooie: Hey look! He has two more weak spots to ground pound!

Mario: I’ll ground pound them all then!

Mario runs around Mr. Vile in a circle and then ground pounds another weak spot.


Mr. Vile bites Mario on the nose.

Mario: Ouch! My turn!!!

Mario beak-smashes Mr. Vile on his nose, somehow knocking a Jiggy out of him.

Mario: Yahoo! I-

Ludwig enters.

Ludwig: Got it!

Kazooie: Is everyone here saying quotes?!

Ludwig: I was going to say I got my Jiggies. But that works too!

Mario: So, we beat Mr. Vile, got 6 Jiggies, 55 Notes, and two Jinjos.

Kazooie: Let’s search around for some more!

Mario finds a small maze full of swamp water.

Mario: How do we get in there?

Kazooie: I’ve got an idea! See any huge boots around?

Mario: They are over by the start of the swamp maze, but why?

Kazooie: ‘Cause if I wear those, we can get through the maze!

Mario grabs the boots and then Kazooie gets out of the backpack. She wears the boots and, with Mario and Ludwig on her back, walks through the maze. On the way to the end she finds a Jiggy, 20 more Notes, and the last 3 Jinjos, resulting in another Jiggy.

Kazooie: I don’t see anything here to find at the end!

Mario: But it is shaped like a big circle! There must be something important here!

Ludwig: Look at that! Iggy-type hair is sticking out of the middle of the water!

???: Surprised to see me?

Kazooie: It’s-

Mario: Iggy Koopa!

Ludwig: Expected...

Iggy: Buhahaha! It’s time to fight today, Mario! And I have a Jiggy for my special creature!

Mario: Special?

Kazooie: Creature?

Iggy starts to rise out of the swamp water and Morphia is right underneath him.

Iggy: Meet Morphia!


KOOPALING/BOSS BATTLE!!!: Iggy and Morphia

Iggy: Had enough of this? You need a "Water Break"!

Mario: I don’t take water breaks!

Iggy waves his wand, making a ball of fire, and throws it at Mario.

Mario: Yeow!

Iggy: I may be mad about you, Mario, but Ludwig! How dare you join the enemy?

Ludwig: Well I decided to become good to save Peach and see the other side of the shoe!

Iggy: That side stinks!

Morphia throws sludge at Mario and hits him on the shoe, disabling him from moving a little bit.

Kazooie: Shoot! I’m stuck with a plumber who can’t move! Hey Ludwig! Take me for a little bit.

Ludwig takes Kazooie out of the backpack and uses her as a rifle.

Kazooie: Of course, even if I can shoot eggs out of my mouth... couldn’t you use your wand?

Ludwig: And even out the score? Using you as a gun gets more ratings!

Ludwig shoots 10 eggs from Kazooie at the great beast, but it doesn’t do anything.

Iggy: Man, I need to use the John, perhaps I will destroy you with something stupid!

Iggy waves his wand again and throws a huge roll of toilet paper at Ludwig. It misses and turns into 5 regular rolls of toilet paper.

Ludwig: I’ve got a better idea on how to destroy him! Kazooie, you get Mario out here while I take action on this plan!

Kazooie starts pushing the sludge away from Mario while Ludwig takes one of the paper rolls and throws it into the Morphia’s mouth, hurting him since he is being absorbed.

Iggy: Hey, no fair!!!

Ludwig: Yes fair!

Mario: I am here, what is the plan?

Ludwig: We take the toilet paper around us and throw it into Morphia, killing him so we can mess with Iggy!

Mario: That’s okay with me!

Ludwig takes 2 of the paper rolls and throws them right into Morphia’s mouth.

Morphia: Blarrgh! Must kill and then let my anger "FLOW!!!"

Ludwig: Okay, we really need to kill this water thing.

Kazooie: Agreed.

Mario and Kazooie take the last three paper rolls and throw them into Morphia.


Ludwig: I am going to end this with Bounty Paper Towels!

Ludwig pulls out his wand and makes a big roll of toilet paper and throws it into Morphia, absorbing him as Iggy falls back down.

Iggy: No! My beautiful creation, destroyed!

Ludwig: Hope you made him with your wand!

Kazooie: Iggy, prepare for a beating!

Iggy: No, wait! What if I-

Mario: Help us out?

Iggy: Simply run away in terror! I WILL BE BACK!!! So here, you can have the two Jiggies me and Morphia were guarding!

Iggy runs away and disappears into a pipe nearby as he gives up the last two Jiggies, and the last Notes as well.

Mario: We completed this world!

Ludwig: Great! Now let’s get out of here!

Mario and the Gang walk together into the pipe out of the world.

Meanwhile... at the top of Grunty’s lair...

Grunty: Graaaggh! Another has failed! Who will soon be bailed?!

Iggy: It wasn’t my fault, haggy! I had Mario in my hands but then my brother helped him out!

Roy: Nice try though, Wimp, shame Luddy joined the good guys. Why did you throw toilet paper at them, you idiot?

Iggy: Wait! What if we take Ludwig away from the gang and then destroy Mario? It’s genius!

Morton: How will we inevitably stop Ludwig from the saving of Peach, the princess of-

Larry: With Karma! Duh, if Ludwig can’t hurt her and we make her take Ludwig back from the good side, we can destroy Mario!

Lemmy: Yeah, but one problem, I get to go next to destroy Mario!

Grunty: These plans are genius and good, but Lemmy gets to go next he should.

Lemmy: Oh boy, Mario is going to love my newest icy powers!

Larry: And after that, is a desert world, I know ‘cause I played, so I say Morton and Karma will go there.

And so, yet another chapter has been completed. Iggy did not join the party, but it wasn’t like I could put all the Koopalings together with Mario. Anyway, prepare yourselves for the cold shoulder! Or is that just Lemmy’s newest attack? Well anyway, get excited for the next "Cool" chapter!

Read on!

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