The Grand Adventure of Mario and Kazooie

By Spiker Koopa

Chapter 7: Rise of Bowser’s Plan...

Mario: Where to next?

Lemmy: I see a door over by a big pot, should we go there?

Ludwig: Yeah, I think we need 346 Notes to go through, and besides, there is something suspicious about that vase...

Kazooie: Wait, I’ll check it...

Kazooie flies into the pot and comes out with another Jiggy.

Mario: Good job, Kazooie!

Lemmy: Cool, let’s go to the next world!

The gang walk to the door, giving all of the Notes needed to go to the Jigsaw puzzle, which needs 5 Jiggies. Mario puts them in and a door to Mad Monster Mansion appears, which the gang walks through.


Bowser: (walking to Grunty) Hey Witch! I gots an idea for you!

Grunty: Now while your kids go? Better be good, or I will kick you to and fro!

Bowser: Well, I was wondering, since I have to help Roy and Junior, can I instead help you with Mario when you fight him? I know you will, ‘cause usually there is a final boss battle.

Grunty: Hmm, be my guest. But what if Mario loses to your pests?

Bowser: Then that’s okay! We will just go home!

Grunty walks out of her throne room and Larry, Wendy, Iggy, and Morton come in to talk to Bowser.

Larry: Hey Dad, I thought you hate that witch thing?

Wendy: Yeah! I mean, come on! Help her?

Bowser: Hehehe... Well guys, if you must know... when the time comes, I will overthrow her kingdom here and takeover!

Iggy: How?

Bowser: When she battles Mario, I will- um, I haven’t got that far yet, but I do know I will plan something nasty for her!

Larry: I want to help!

Bowser: Can’t, it’s a one Koopa job. ‘Til then, let’s see how our other kids are doing.

Morton: What about the two of our own brothers who betrayed us?! I mean, they joined Mario, and if that isn’t hard enough to believe-

Bowser: Well, they will come back to us. I bet you that they will come back, along with a certain prize...

Iggy: Yep, I have no clue what Dad is saying...


The gang warp in front of a big mansion.

Mario: This place creeps me out...

Kazooie: Yea, this place has ten Jiggies, and currently 99 Notes. It says so on the billboard over by the exit.

Ludwig: Well I see 6 Notes on the front steps of the mansion. Let’s get them and see what else is around here!

Mario and Kazooie grab the 6 Notes and walk into the mansion and see a huge table with a Jiggy on the center.

Mario: Hey, there is a Jiggy! Let’s get it!

Mario and Kazooie fly up onto the table, but they are stopped by a huge ghost goblin laying on the Jiggy.

George: Zzzz…

Mario: Um, excuse me, Ghost, but we need you to move off the Jiggy!

George: Zzzz...

Kazooie: Well, he will be there for a while. Say, where are Ludwig and Lemmy?

Mario: I told them to split up and find some Jiggies.


Ludwig: Okay Lemmy, I mapped out the whole world. We have to go through many windows, a church, and a maze to a small shed and a well.

Lemmy: Okay, which should we go to-

???: Hey Bros, you guys are coming with me!

Lemmy and Ludwig: HUH?

Bowser Jr. comes out of a shadow and uses his brush to a warp pipe for to a secret room in the mansion.

Ludwig: Where are we?

Bowser Jr: Wait for just a second, we are in the bathroom. I’ve got to remember the secret warp pipe...

Lemmy: I see a cool shower! Is that-

Jr. takes Lemmy and Ludwig into the toilet and flushes them down into some odd room where everything is brown.

Bowser Jr: Okay, here we are! One cruddy room about the size of Dad and Wart put together!

Lemmy: EW, this place is disgusting!

???: Well, don’t worry, I will transform this place!

Roy comes out of nowhere with a slightly bigger pair of shades and a vampire cape.

Roy: VlaaHaa! I am a vampire!

Lemmy: Well, that’s great, what with your magic marker vampire hair and that phony cape...

Roy: Grr, shut up, weakling, and this small little lair of mine will turn into a new battle stage for Mario when he comes! I got two Jiggies and four Notes just for him!

Ludwig: Well, we will battle you guys!

Bowser Jr: Well, Dad said to come back and destroy Mario!

Ludwig and Lemmy: Well tough luck, we don’t want to!

Roy: Well, Dad did say that if you give him the Jiggies that Mario entrusted you with, he will give you guys a bigger allowance and a bigger Koopa room!

Ludwig: Hmm, well, I joined so I could get stronger, so I will come back!

Lemmy: I won’t! Mario trusted me...

Bowser Jr: Sappy...

Lemmy: Fine, real reason is ‘cause if I join you guys, Grunty will try to takeover Lemmy’s Land, and my tourists would leave if it was called Grunty’s Grotto or something with two of the same letters.

Roy: Hehehe... GG... Anyway, sorry Lemmy. But it’s time for the beatdown!!!

Ludwig: Let me help! I want a cool cape like yours, Roy!

Roy takes out from his shell a vampire cape and a Jiggy.

Ludwig: Thanks!

Lemmy: It’s a good thing I am holding half of the Jiggies while Mario has the rest!

Roy, Bowser Jr, and Ludwig try to steal Lemmy’s Jiggies, but Lemmy uses his wand to warp out of the room and to Mario and Kazooie.


Mario: Move, darn it!

George: Zzzz...

Lemmy: Mario! I have some bad news!

Kazooie: What is it? Worse than this thing? And where is Ludwig?

Lemmy: Ludwig and I got captured by Roy, and worse, Junior got Ludwig to join their side again!

Mario: What?! So we lost half of our Jiggies?

Lemmy: No, I have them still, I want to be on the good side until Lemmy’s Land is safe!

Kazooie: Well let’s get to the boss battle and beat Ludwig until he coughs out Jiggies!

George: Zzz- Jiggies?! Me guard! GRRAGGH!

Lemmy: Oh boy...

Miniboss Battle!: George the Ghost Goblin

George: Me must destroy you fools!

George tries to hit Lemmy, but misses and Lemmy uses his wand to throw a rubber ball with one spike on it at George, hitting him.

Mario: I wonder if he likes the taste of shoe?

Mario tries to ground pound him, but misses since he is a ghost.

Lemmy: I made my ball with Magic Boo powder, I will sprinkle some on you if you want some!

Mario: Sounds pixyish, but whatever. As long as we can hurt the miniboss!

Lemmy does so and Mario tries to beak-smash the ghost, and successfully hurts him a lot.

George: YEOW!!!

George gets angry and tries to throw goblin spit at the gang and hits Kazooie, who now can’t do anything. Lemmy throws another spiked rubber ball at George, hurting him again.

George: Must put small turtle thing into DAGROUND!

Lemmy: Aw shoot!

George super sizes his fist and pounds Lemmy into the ground, stopping him from moving.

Mario: I guess it’s up to me!

George tries to hit Mario many times, but misses each time and hits the ground again and again. Mario pulls out a Star from his pocket and touches the evil ghost and KOs him, thus getting a Jiggy.

Mario: Yahoo!

Lemmy: Good for you, Mario! Now can you get us out of here?

Mario: Yeah, I can do that also.

Mario takes Kazooie from the spit pile and Lemmy from the ground.

Kazooie: Thanks, now let’s get out of this part of the house!

The gang walk out of the house and walk to a cellar. On the way to the cellar they find one Jinjo and 14 Notes..

Mario: See anything in here, guys?

Kazooie: Nope.

Lemmy: Nothing but barrels. Should we check the barrels?

Mario: Yeah, let’s see what’s inside of these things.

Mario checks 5 barrels and finds 5 Notes in one, a Jinjo in another, and 5 more Notes in yet another. The other two are full of Grunty stew that spills out on the floor.

Lemmy: Our turn!

Lemmy and Kazooie walk around opening every barrel. They find a Jiggy, another Jinjo, and 20 more Notes.

Mario: Okay, nothing in here now. Let’s move on to the church!

Mario, Kazooie, and Lemmy walk out of the cellar and open a gate to a church. They walk to the church door.

Church Door: Boo... You cannot pass unless you have paid your respects to the dead...

Lemmy: Oh ho... I get it. Here, a 5-cent Koopa Koin, buy yourself something nice.

Church Door: That isn’t what I meant...

Kazooie flies to all of the graves near the church.

Kazooie: To Mr. Ratgoogtar, I pity da foo who dies by ticking off Grunty! Come on, guys, help me out!

Mario and Lemmy: Fine...

Mario goes to a grave.

Mario: To Mrs. Gamegal, I pity da foo who dies by being sucked into a videogame and losing all of her lives...

Lemmy: *sigh...* To Mr. LarryLover and Mrs. Royhater, I pity da foo who loves Larry and hates Roy...

Church Door: -_-’ Close enough.

The door opens. They look inside and see a big organ and a Jiggy on top.

Kazooie: This should be easy! With my flying abi-

A ghost hand comes out of nowhere. If I may point out, the hand looks like Roy’s hand.

Roy Ghost Hand: Halt! Thy must not fly in the holy house!

Mario: No problem, we will climb it!

R.G.H: Thy must not climb the organ of DAD!

Lemmy: Walk upon it?

R.G.H: Thy must not walk inside of the holy house! Don’t even move! Or breathe! Plumbers must be kill- er, baptized...

Mario: Kazooie, fly up there and go get the Jiggy and Notes that I see...

Kazooie sees 15 Notes, 30 feathers, and one Jiggy, and picks them up. The hand tries to slap her, but misses and Kazooie comes down safely.

Mario: Good job!

Kazooie: Yeah, now that there is nothing left here, let’s get out of here!

Mario, Lemmy, and Kazooie run out and climb onto the same house they were in before.

Lemmy: Say, there are a lot of windows around this house. Let’s check and see what’s inside of these things!

Mario: Good idea! How many windows should we check?

Kazooie: Since I have been in this world before in Banjo-Kazooie, there is some unbreakable glass. So let’s go through some of the glass that looks like it has a room!

The gang walk on the roof and find one room with a bed, a Jinjo, and a Jiggy. They grab them and leave. For some reason they look back and see that the window is now closed off again. They enter another room and find yet another Jiggy and 15 more Notes. They have to dig through a pile of trash to get through, but they do it and exit out of the room and into another room, This time a bomb is in there. Kazooie tries to diffuse it while Lemmy and Mario grab 15 more Notes, yet another Jiggy, and another Jinjo, making all five Jinjos give a Jiggy to Mario and friends. They leave that room and climb into a bathroom...


Kazooie: You and the other 5,000 ghosts around this place-

Lemmy: This is where Bowser Jr. took me and Ludwig-

???: Heheheh! Come on into the vampire realm!

Ludwig pulls Mario and Lemmy in and shoots a net at Kazooie so she won’t butt in on the fight.

Mario: Oh... Where are we...?

Lemmy: I think we are in Roy and Ludwig’s room- Wow, they really meant it when they said they were going to make a boss stage...

A huge battle arena is all around the heroes.

Mario: I wonder where those Koopa Kids are?

Ludwig: Right here! Bwahahaha!!!

Ludwig appears in front of Mario and Kazooie as a vampire lord.

Bowser Jr: Don’t forget about me!

Junior also appears as a Boo.

Lemmy: Wow... Jr, really scary... Where is Roy?

Ludwig: He is a little busy right now... Hehehe...

Kazooie gets out of her net and goes into the toilet. She enters the same arena, but there is a huge glass wall in front of her separating her from Mario and Lemmy.

Kazooie: Hey guys! I am over here!

Roy: They won’t be able to hear you, bird!

Kazooie: Huh? What do you want, Roy Koopa, bully of little innocent Koopa Kids?

Roy: Hey... I like that title. Anyway, I came here to destroy you here and now, bird! Ludwig gave me and Jr. the idea!

Kazooie: So wait, Ludwig is the main boss here now?

Roy: Hey, his big words were way too complicated for my head! I had to say yes to his leadership!

Kazooie: Well, let’s go then, right here, right now, Roy!

On the other side of the glass...

Ludwig: Junior, be my guest and annihilate these pesky traitors of the Koopa Klan, will you? I’ve got something, important, to do...

Ludwig runs out of the arena and into a huge Koopa throne watching the battle from in the air.

Ludwig: Oh, this is going to be good! Hey Boo! I need you to go get me a Koopa Kola and a Popple Popcorn, large on both of those orders!

Boo: Yes... my Lord...

DOUBLE KOOPALING BOSS BATTLE!!!: Roy the Vampire Koopa and Bowser Jr the Ghost Koopa thingy, Ludwig Koopa possibly?

Mario’s side…

Bowser Jr: Washaa!

Mario: Huh? What was that?

Bowser Jr: My war cry!

Lemmy: *roars fiercely* How’s that for a cry!

Bowser Jr. ignores Lemmy’s cry and turns invisible due to Boo powers and tries to hit Mario with his shell. He only hits him once and misses the other 3 times hr tries, so he turns visible again and takes a 3-second breather. Mario rushes in and throws Lemmy, who turns into a Koopa shell, at Jr, who gets hit for a lot of damage.

Kazooie’s side…

Roy turns into a bat version of himself and tries to hit Kazooie out of the air, but only hits her one time. Kazooie shoots some eggs at Roy and hits every time, partly blinding Roy due to his new vampire shades.

Roy: Gah! I need my old shades!

Roy puts on his old shades.

Roy: That’s much better! For Narnia!!!

Kazooie: Enough with the battle cries!

Roy swoops at Kazooie and turns back to his Koopa vampire self and uses his wand to stun Kazooie for a little while, and succeeds.

Mario’s side…

Bowser Jr. is trying to hit Mario with his brush, but is missing every time, but then Jr. does a nasty move and rushes towards Mario, who steps to the side so Jr. hits Lemmy.

Lemmy: Yeow! That was a cheap shot...

Mario: You okay, Lemmy?

Lemmy: Not really... That was a harsh move he pulled...

Mario: Grr, time for a special power-up!

Mario pulls out a Shine and puts it on the floor. For some odd reason light shines where the Shine is, and since Jr. is a Boo and light is directly surrounding the stage, Jr. faints and turns back to his normal old self, thus giving up one Jiggy and 2 Notes.

Kazooie’s side…

Kazooie: It looks like Mario destroyed your brother!

Roy: Jr? Bah, I really don’t care!

Roy throws a huge bomb at Kazooie, but Kazooie has recovered from being stunned and flies away. She beak-smashes the wall, which breaks, and she runs into Mario’s backpack.

Roy: HEY! I wasn’t done with her!

Mario: Take this, then!

Roy flies toward Mario, but gets too close and Mario mega punches Roy in the chest, turning him back to his normal evil self. He also gives up a Jiggy and 2 more Notes.

Roy and Jr: Ugggh...

Mario: We did it! But we need one more Note and one more Jiggy!

Kazooie: I think I know who has them...

Ludwig comes down from his flying throne.

Ludwig: Grr... How dare you defeat my servants?

Mario: So wait, you are the leader in this world now? I thought Roy was!

Ludwig: Please, all I wanted to do was get tougher, and since I already trained with you, Mario, I am the strongest Koopaling there is!

Lemmy: Grr, I beat you in the ice world though!

Ludwig: By a cheap shot! Heheheh! Here, let’s be nice now, I will give you the last Note and the last Jiggy-

Ludwig hands over the last two things in this world.

Ludwig: But I am taking my brother back!!!

Ludwig takes Lemmy and runs out of the arena and to a exit pipe.

Mario: Aw man! He had all my Notes and Jiggies!

Kazooie: Which is why I took his belongings while you were talking to Ludwig, I knew there was a catch...

Mario: Well, it’s just us two again for now, ‘cause I know Lemmy will come back in the next world!

???: Not so fast!

Luigi comes running into your house and goes through your computer.

Luigi: If all the Koopalings seem to be gone, can I join then?

Mario: Sure! Lemmy got kidnapped, so we will get him back. And Ludwig betrayed us.


Luigi: All right! Let’s get out of this world and to the next!

Mario: Okay! Kazooie, next world, please?

Kazooie: The next world is a big ship world named Rusty Bucket Bay. I think, judging from the last Koopalings, Wendy will be there!

Mario: Then it’s settled! To Rusty Bucket Bay!

Mario, Kazooie, and their new partner Luigi finally leave the haunted world and exit to the next level.


Roy: Man, we failed! And I can’t believe it! Ludwig is back for once!

Ludwig; Yep, this time, when the final level comes, I have a foolproof plan to destroy Mario! Isn’t that right, Lemmy!

Lemmy is seen in a bag and can’t talk.

Lemmy: MPH!!!

Ludwig: Yes, I know, I hate Mario Party, you don’t need to call me that!

Lemmy: MPH!!!

Ludwig: We are walking to Grunty’s room at three miles per hour.

Bowser Jr: GAH!!! That’s annoying, Ludwig, shut up!

Ludwig: Say, you two go up to Grunty’s room, I’ve got a plan with Lemmy...

Roy: Okay?

Roy and Jr. walk to the stairs of Grunty’s room while Lemmy and Ludwig talk.

Ludwig: Listen bro, I hate to be the mean Koopa, but I will be giving you to Wendy. You’d better not join those plumber and their bird!

Lemmy: MPHMPH!!!

Ludwig: I know, you don’t want to go with Wendy. I would put you with Larry, but I have a plan there, so yeah, go help Wendy...

Ludwig teleports Lemmy into a crake somewhere in the ship world. Ludwig runs to the main room.

Roy: Where were you, Ludwig? We were having a Koopaling meeting without Grunty for once!

Iggy: Well, what’s the plan for Mario?

Ludwig: Okay, here it is. After Wendy fails-

Wendy: I might not!!!

Ludwig: Well, if Wendy fails, all eight of us Koopalings will go with Larry and help him out.

Larry: Wait, eight bosses?

Ludwig: No, the start of that world, a forest world, has 4 doors leading to a summer, a winter, a fall, and a spring world, so we will organize four groups of two for each season. Deal?

Larry: Okay, I got dibs with Ludwig, but what if Lemmy joins with Mario?

Ludwig: Okay, count him out, and replace him with Dad. Kay?

Bowser Jr: I got dibs with my daddy!

Roy: Daddy’s little girl...

Bowser Jr: Boy!

Morton: I will go with Wendy.

Iggy: I guess I will go with Roy then.

Roy: Feel like taking chances, aren’t we, Iggy?

Iggy: Hey, I want this to be the one time when we work as a team and don’t beat each other up!

Roy: You mean I beat you up?

Iggy: Whatever!!!

Ludwig: Okay, then it is settled. Junior, you go tell Dad about this plan. And Wendy, you can go to your world now. And as for Larry, I want him to go to his world early and collect all the Notes and Jiggies and Jinjo things for us, okay guys?

Everyone: Okay! This will be the best plan ever!!!

Another chapter has been finished. It is about time Luigi helped out in the story! And as for the next world, well, I think Mario might have a hard time in this world due to a certain enemy they will face again... As for Lemmy, well, let’s hope that Mario and Kazooie find him! Until next chapter, "Let’s-a get out of here!”

Read on!

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