Snifit X Season 4: Booster & Snifit Super Snifitdum Saga

By Red Shy Guy

Red Shy Guy: Oh, hello. It’s me, your favorite Shyster. If you forgot what happened last season then you don’t deserve to be a fan - although it is understandable. But anyway, let’s review. Last season the Snifits traveled to Rogueport. They soon found out that Booster and Valentina had been kidnapped. As they set out on their adventure they met enemies and partners. Punchinello followed them again, but in the end he died. The Snifits defeated the evil Shadow King, rescued Booster and Valentina, and even found a treasure chest. Gasp. Now this takes place a week ago. Now starts Season 4!

Prologue: A New Adventure

In Booster’s Tower…

Snifit 1:  !  Hey! I just remembered something.

Snifit 2: What, Bro?

Snifit 1: We haven’t opened the treasure chest!

Snifit 3: Really? I thought we did?

Booster: Hey guys, have you seen Valentina?

Grate Guy: Huh? Oh yeah, she went to Peach’s Castle

Booster: Why?

Knife Guy: She wanted to talk to her about you guys and your courageous efforts. She wants you to be protectors.

Snifits: Us?!

Grate Guy: The reason is Mario and Luigi are taking a vacation. They are doing this because they know you can fight off evil.

Booster: We should go too so she can meet you in person.

Snifit 1: Well, let’s go!

At Peach’s Castle…

Peach: So, they have defeated opponents.

Valentina: Yes, they are stupid but very powerful and even sometimes smart.

Bean: Hello.

Peach and Valentina: !

Peach: Um, hello. Why are you doing here?

Bean: Lady Lima wishes to give a present to the Snifits.

Lady Lima appears.

Lady Lima: Here, take it.

Both Peach and Valentina open it and look. Headgear appears and hits them both with some gas. The headgear sucks the gas back in.


The Bean turns into Fawful. Lady Lima turns into Cackletta.

Cackletta: Piece of cake! Let’s go!

Fawful: I have chortles!

Cackletta: You’re not supposed to say that yet!

Both leave.

Meanwhile, the Snifit squad walk toward Peach’s castle and open the door. They hear explosions. They run in and see Bowser. Booster keeps running and rams into Bowser.

Bowser:  !  HEY! Buzz off!

Bowser breathes out fire.

Booster: Here I go!

Booster 15/15
Bowser ?

Booster jumps on Bowser. Bowser breathes out fire. Booster jumps over it and lands on Bowser.

Snifit 1: Booster, do you know how to use Act-

Grate Guy: This isn’t freaking RPG!

Snifit 2: It’s RPG-like.

When they turn back they see Bowser is already on the floor.

Battle terminated.

Bowser: Hey look, something is wrong with Peach and this lady!

Snifit Squad:  !

Toad: Fawful and the crazy witch took Peach’s voice. AND Valentina’s by accident.

Mushroomer: AND they put this explosive vocabulary!

Peach and Valentina: #@$&*^#~+_

The words fall from a bubble and explode.

Bowser: Great, I came to kidnap, and now look! YOU!

He points at the Snifits.

Bowser: You’re powerhouses, so get to my ship and let’s set sail!

Peach and Valentina: @%$^&$#*&%$*+_><~!@$^#%&%.

Everyone except the ones that just talked:  !  OH @-



Snifit 1: Well, looks like another adventure.

Snifit 2: Have you noticed our adventure games are based off RPG games?

Snifit 3: I know, it’s weird.

Booster: Let’s go!

Snifits:  !  You’re coming?

Booster: I just can’t sit back. I’m coming this time!

Booster joins the party. The Snifits walk toward the ship and see Grate Guy and Knife Guy.

Snifits: Are you coming?

Grate Guy: No.

Knife Guy: We’re tired after what happened last time.

Grate Guy: Best of luck!

Knife Guy: And do not cause the same trouble you did in Rogueport!

The Snifits go on ahead and see Bowser’s ship.

Bowser: Good, you came. Now Koopas, come.

Grate Guy: BYE!

Knife Guy: SEE YA!

Bowser:  !  You just volunteerd to come along!

Grate Guy and Knife Guy: WHAT?!

They try to leave but Bowser’s minions appear.


Kamek: Sir! Those two are running away. Well, at least one of them is.

Bowser: After them!

We see Knife Guy running and Grate Guy rolling. The ship grabs them and takes them inside.


Speaker: Snifit Team, come to the top of the ship!

Snifit 1: Well, let’s go!

They walk around and Kamek spots them.

Kamek: !  Hey, you got your passports?

Snifit Team:  ?

Kamek: Here, I’ll take them. 1... 2... 3!

Snifit 1:  0_0


Snifit 2:  0_o


Snifit 3:  @_@


Grate Guy:  -_-


Knife Guy:  T_T


Booster  >_<


Kamek: Okay, all done. Hey, don’t worry, I’ll teleport you to his royal flabbiness.

Kamek teleports them up.

On deck…

Bowser: Hmm. We’ll be there soon.

Grate Guy:  !  0_0  Look out!

Bowser: Huh? AGH!


Booster: You, stop here!

Cackletta: I think not! Fawful!

Fawful: Yes.

Cackletta: Take care of these pests.

Fawful: Yessness. I have fury!

Snifit 1: Let’s go!

Snifit 2: Here we go!

Snifit 1 12/10
Snifit 2 10/10
Fawful 40/40

Fawful starts throwing powerballs from his headgear but the Snifits dodge. Snifit 1 shoots him.

Fawful: Finkrat!

Fawful hits Snifit 1. Snifit 2 shoots Fawful back. Fawful starts shooting the place like the madman he is. Snifit 1 shoots the headgear so it gets clogged up and explodes and Fawful falls down. Fawful starts slapping Snifit 1 but Snifit 2 jumps on him. Fawful does a cartwheel but Snifit 1 easily hits Fawful. Fawful jumps up high and starts dropping Fawful Bombs. Snifit 1 hits one back and it hits Fawful. Fawful falls on the ground. Snifit 1 and 2 start beating Fawful up. Fawful hits them back and gets his headgear back.

Battle terminated.

Snifit 1: Had enough, Fawful?

Fawful: I have fury! Now you will taste Fawful’s furyness and you will also taste your deathness!

Snifit Group:  !  WHAAAAAAAT?!

Fawful takes out a huge Fawful Bomb.

Fawful: I HAVE FURY!

He throws it and flees.


The Koopa Cruiser explodes and the Snifit group falls…

Did they survive? Stay tuned for the next part of Season 4.

Read on!

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