Lemmy’s Mario Cartoons

This is a list of character bios from the Mario 3 Cartoons. If you have any bios of your own, please Email me!

Ludwig: Called "Kooky" in the TV series. The oldest, possibly smartest, darn most inventive of the seven kids. Has wild blue hair and one tooth.

Roy: Called "Bully" on TV. The strongest and most headstrong. Has no hair and wears dark sunglasses.

Morton: Called "Big Mouth" on TV. Has a star over his left eye, has very little hair, and one big mouth!

Larry: Called "Cheatsy" on TV. Has a full head of blue hair like Ludwig's, only combed (or whatever he does to it) in one direction. He has squinty eyes and, as some have guessed, likes to cheat.

Wendy O.: Called "Kootie Pie" on TV. She has no hair, but has a huge pink polka-dotted bow. She's VERY spoiled and likes to be better than everyone else. She's a little bossy brat.

Lemmy: Called "Hip" on TV. He has three strands of hair, colored pink, blue and yellow. He is twin to Iggy. He likes ice.

Iggy: Called "Hop" on TV. Has three strands of hair, the same color as Lemmy, and he wears glasses.

Bowser: Called "Koopa" or "King Koopa" on the TV show back then. Koopa is a Greenish Koopa who wants nothing but to defeat those Mario Bros. In the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, he worked alone, until Super Mario Bros. 3, he has his seven Koopalings. They had each Koopaling use a different name. However, he was still the same in Mario World. King Koopa wears a crown on his head. Submitted by Extreme.

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