Contest 11
Picture by Videogamerpat

Lord Wilco: Bob-omb: Nooo! Rocky Wrench, Chomp, and even me are now listed as Pokemon! Oh the horror!  **GOOD PRIZE**

Wooster: Just when Goomba thought his game couldn't get any worse, Rob-omb drew the Bowser Card.
Wooster: Once BooJangles played the Bingo card, Goomba tried to eat his chips.
Wooster: The true masterminds behind Bowser's evil schemes.
Wooster: Chips and Dips

Ludwig 222: Goomba: Rob-omb, should I open Goomba's Greedy Gala again?
Ludwig 222: Goomba: Mmm... This stuff tastes good!

Krystal Koopa: Little did Goomba know that the Bob-omb was really a Pokemon Card Game Fan in disguise.

Blue Boo: Goomba: Are you sure those cards tell me to eat all the chips? ***FIRST PRIZE***

luigi-fan: Goomba: Yum yum... These chips are good!
luigi-fan: Bob-omb: I put my Chain Chomp in defense mode!
luigi-fan: Bob-omb: GO! BOB-OMB!

Ara: Goomba: Um, we are going to get zapped.
Ara: Person not seen: And that is how you play Pokemon with Mario badguy pictures and learn a code at the
Ara: same time!
Ara: Goomba: You told me these were cheese!
Ara: Bob-omb: You know, you have a droopy eye.
Ara: Mario is hidden in the closet behind the enemies, waiting to attack, though right now he's eating cheese
Ara: and fixing his overall button.
Ara: Announcer: What does Goomba see? Is that really a Bob-omb? Find out next time on Goomba's Great
Ara: adventures!
Ara: Goomba: You cursed my eyebrows?!

Lil Miss Game & Watch: Goomba: These chips don't taste very good.
Lil Miss Game & Watch: Rob-omb: King me!
Lil Miss Game & Watch: Rob-omb: Hey, what's that thing up there about to fall on us?
Lil Miss Game & Watch: Goomba: You didn't have to punch me!

Mark P: No wonder the Goomba's tongue was so green...
Mark P: Goomba: Play another Minion, and I'll bet all my gumdrops on this!
Mark P: Boo on left side: Is THIS supposed to be a pixie stick, or what?
Mark P: While the two clerks weren't watching and were fiddling around with gumdrops, soda, and pixie
Mark P: sticks, Rob-omb stole the rest of the clerk's deck cards and ran away unscathed.
Mark P: Goomba: Since you're new to this game, Rob-omb, I'll go easy on you so you don't explode when you
Mark P: lose, okay?
Mark P: Bigger Boo on left side: GUMDROPS AS TOKENS? Oh, come on! The winner would actually eat
Mark P: them all anyway!
Mark P: And the bomb ran away with the cards...
Mark P: Goomba: I'm watchin' ya, Rob-omb, I'm watching ya...
Mark P: Roy watching security camera: So that's where my Pog Caps went!
Mark P: Lemmy viewing monitor: If Rob-omb wins this match, I'll take my deck back for sure...

Robb: Ugh, don't eat these so-called "chips"!
Robb: You KNOW I don't have pockets!!!
Robb: If you think this is gross, wait til you see where I keep my cards!**GOOD PRIZE**

Bobbie: Well, they WEREN'T green when I swallowed them!
Bobbie: Bob-omb: You lost, pal, cough it up!
Bobbie: Bob-omb: Take three and call me in the morning. NEXT!

Kooshi: Nintendo's running out of ideas for new Pokémon.

Bombette: Bob-omb: Goomba, just because they're called chips does not mean you're supposed to eat them.

Terry: Goomba: Ooh, I feel sick, that's the tenth time I've lost.

Crazykoopa: Goomba: Eh... got any 3s?

Introbulus: Goomba: Mmm, lemon-flavored chips...


Todd: A Goomba and Bob-omb playing the new game, "Mariomon".
Todd: Goomba: Are you sure those are real cards?
Todd: Bob-omb: Sorry, they are worthless, counterfeit cards are unacceptable.


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